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06-19-2015, 01:32 PM
Man. We gots a ton of folks that know so much more about GPS and GIS and maps and such than I do. Course, that ain't saying much, I'm pretty ignorant of it all. But some great help with my GPS problem. Thanks guys.

I am a bit ticked because when I typed that post, I had THREE coordinates and was going to walk to the 4th coordinate of that 80 rectangle, but thought "Hey, maybe someone can extrapolate this correctly and help me out a little, first". That was it. Then, my dang GPS hiccuped, and burped, and I lost most of 'em! Hard to trust that thing again! Anyway, I had ONE point in the middle of ONE boundary line, and folks all over have figured out the others. At least 4 of you have figured it out, and I appreciate it. It's why I ask stuff around here.

Just this morning, my good buddy.......CPA, Plumber, Electrician, HVAC Expert, Tile Layer, carpenter, atv mechanic, and crack shot........called me. When GPS' first came out, he figured 'em out. So simultaneous to asking y'all, I asked him too.

Taking all that into consideration, here's what I THINK are the four corners of that 80. I'll be there tomorrow, Sunday, Monday, not sure what day.........and I will get two of them for 100% sure, and SE for 99% sure, and I'll be walking SOMEWHERE to the NE corner where white men have seldom been. But before that, if you are bored, check these out and see if this chimes with your realm of reality (I converted some digital to degrees, etc):

NW (the gate)
34 23 50.0
-91 18 42.1

34 23 37.0
-91 18 42.0

34 23' 38.1"

91 18' 16.41"

34 23 50.06

-91 18 11.14

If those appear correct, I'm going to use that NE coordinate to start trying to walk to.

06-19-2015, 08:08 PM
There are all so close that there not much else than do the actual walk.... You need to watch the "Hillbilly blood" episode where they put 3 mowers in front of a truck to bush hog part of a property... To say that hillbillies from all countries think alike is an understatement. This Caribbean hillbilly have been collecting free broken mowers ( i think I have all I need) for 3 years now, way before their episode, to do the same danged thing, but I will use my atv with just 2 mowers... I think I am going to start selling those!!! lol! lot cheaper than a real gasoline powered bush hog (which I have been hunting down in craigslist for years).

Let us know, I like to see how far us we are.

06-19-2015, 08:56 PM
If you saw the show where they sold the old mans, fathers moonshine recipe to a fellow that collected them, (Mark). He is a friend of mine. He makes some might find likker. Looks like he is trying to go legal.

06-19-2015, 09:13 PM
Typical GH post:

Starts out about GPS and moves to bush hog, then moonshine!!! :D lol

Somehow it all works. Lol

06-19-2015, 10:01 PM
I can spin any post to Moonshine or Boiled Peanuts.... :D

06-19-2015, 10:17 PM
Yeah, I saw that one too. I like the show even when I know it is not real. When I started watching the show on the first season I told DW, "as much time as I had spent in Appalachia chasing trout I have never, ever come accross guys with such diction". Well, it turns out 2 dogs Bolejack went to college and it is actually a teacher. He is also a survivalist and had/have a youtube channel on that. Eugene is from Michigan I think, also a youtube survivalist.... There is not such thing as a city named Cold Mountain in nc. Could mountain in NC is in federal land, Pisgah National forest, and no human inhabitants are allowed to build houses. Most of the show is shot I assume close to Canton where Cheyenne Corner/ Bethel Grocery are located. None of this, at least in my opinion, takes away from the show. I have actually learn a few interesting things.... Oh yeah, you have to love Cowboy hav'n them boys arunning around doing his bidding...
I am not implying that folks from that area are not smart, to the contrary, they are pretty sharp BUT these 2 are not the average joe. Sometimes you can tell that they shoot the show in multiple days instead of one and of course, these are situations that the producers probably arrange, some of them might even be anecdotes from earlier situations they have lived (just like duck Dynasty). Love the show.

buckaroo, I apologize for the hijack!