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View Full Version : Ha ha ha! And THIS is our future?

07-01-2015, 08:18 AM
Yesterday Lynn and I went to a new place in town for lunch. Evidently they've been passing out coupons to promote the new business as we'd both received a coupon good for 50% off TWO entrees. It was a bit far for her to drive from work and we weren't really all that impressed with the food, so I seriously doubted we'd be using the extra coupon. Anyway, as we were eating, two young gals (only one was blonde, but they BOTH acted blonde) sat at the table next to us and I overheard their conversation as they chatted about the great lunch deal they'd received. They both dug a coupon out of their purses and they were good for 25% off ONE entree. I pulled the extra coupon I had in my shirt pocket and offered it to them, explaining we probably wouldn't be returning, so they were welcome to it.

They both gave me a blank look and said thanks, but they don't need it as they both have a 25% off coupon themselves! Ummmm, ok ... I tried to explain to them that one coupon for 50% off two entrees was better than two coupons for 25% off one entree. They looked at me like I was from Mars and repeated the fact they BOTH had a coupon and BOTH of them are ordering one entree, so it comes out to the same 50% either way. I made a feeble attempt to explain ... then backed off as I noticed one was rolling her eyes. We finished our lunch and I tossed the extra coupon. ;)

07-01-2015, 08:22 AM
Were they hot?

Geeze Thumper, you must be getting old! Not one mention!


07-01-2015, 08:46 AM
Ehhhh, one no, the other, kinda, but she was such a dingbat, it voided any hotness. (I must be getting old ... I can remember when it didn't matter!) ;)

Big Muddy
07-01-2015, 08:51 AM
HA!!!....sorta like the blonde, selling watermelons for $1 on the side of the road....a guy stops to buy one, and asks how she can sell them so cheaply....she said, "Oh that's no problem, I bought them for $3, but I'll make it up in volume." ;)

07-01-2015, 09:18 AM
See why I stopped teaching Math?

07-01-2015, 09:55 AM
I went to a little thrift store a few weeks back and my tab came out to $4.28. I had some loose pennies in my pocket, so handed the gal a $5.00 bill and three pennies. I swear you'd have thought it required rocket science to figure out. I finally told her to just give me three quarters and we'd call it even. She just laughed like I was joking and trying to pull one over on her ... then continued trying to figure out how much change to give me!

07-01-2015, 09:59 AM
I went to Panda last night for take out and had ordered on line. Well, I got there and their printer hadn't puked out my order so A very pretty young asian gal with a really purty smile said she'd get right on it. And she gave me a free big icy lemonade while I was waiting. Didn't take but a jiffy and I got a big smile and a thank you and walked out of there with a huge smile on my face. Good customer service is a wonderful thing.

And there's hope still, Thumper!


07-01-2015, 10:18 AM
Dammit!! No cell phone pics? ;)

Chicken Dinner
07-01-2015, 10:21 AM
Barry's so old he didn't even realize he was being hit on by a transgen Asian guy.

07-01-2015, 10:23 AM
Who wanted to marry him.

07-01-2015, 10:45 AM
Who wanted to marry him.

Prob. there is that transgens aren't gay. ;)

Chicken Dinner
07-01-2015, 11:07 AM
I thought they could be gay. But, they didn't necessarily have to be. For example, I think Bruce Jenner still likes women. He just wants to be one. I have a former colleague who is a lesbian and also transgen. Heck, maybe she's just a cross-dresser. I've never asked...

07-01-2015, 11:39 AM
Prob. there is that transgens aren't gay. ;)

Didn't say he was. I think he wanted to marry him for his money.

07-01-2015, 11:46 AM
I went to a little thrift store a few weeks back and my tab came out to $4.28. I had some loose pennies in my pocket, so handed the gal a $5.00 bill and three pennies. I swear you'd have thought it required rocket science to figure out. I finally told her to just give me three quarters and we'd call it even. She just laughed like I was joking and trying to pull one over on her ... then continued trying to figure out how much change to give me!

I had this exact same thing happen at a grocery store. The girl kept saying sliding the change back and saying, "You're giving me too much money". Hell. I was giving her "too much money" in bills - discounting the change. I finally said, "Just ring up what I gave you and hit 'amount tendered' and see what happens." She said "No, that will mess up the register." She won - I stuck all the change in my pocket and I'm sure we both walked away shaking our heads at how dumb the other was. ;)

07-01-2015, 11:57 AM
I'm sure we both walked away shaking our heads at how dumb the other was.

So, who was right? :D

07-01-2015, 04:09 PM
I went to a little thrift store a few weeks back and my tab came out to $4.28. I had some loose pennies in my pocket, so handed the gal a $5.00 bill and three pennies. I swear you'd have thought it required rocket science to figure out. I finally told her to just give me three quarters and we'd call it even. She just laughed like I was joking and trying to pull one over on her ... then continued trying to figure out how much change to give me!

worst part is all she needed to do was punch in what you gave her and the cash register will do the math for her but you cant help stupid... I have had a similar experience, in fast foods, where I would do the same to try to get a bill instead of coins and they will just give the me my coins back (as I had paid too much) then proceed to give the change in coins from the cash register.... I dont even try....

07-01-2015, 04:23 PM

Fast food!

(I love this image for some reason. Reminds me of Sky's drawings he did from Africa)

07-01-2015, 04:29 PM
They're on my wall.