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View Full Version : I'm beginning to think..........

07-02-2015, 09:02 AM
.......that the Liberal Left Wing Commie Pinko Liberal Media Vast Conspiracy is buying guns and giving them to nutbags to go shoot people just to keep the gun control agenda at the top of the heap. I mean, they've won most all other concessions, this has to be next, doesn't it? '

Heck, seems like today they might just can make up a story if there's no one with a real gun.

At least the Bomb Squad is not wearing Rainbow Uniforms.


07-02-2015, 09:11 AM

Now, apparently no shots. No shooter. Just chaos. Just 'news' that shooting is a bad thing.


07-02-2015, 09:18 AM
And FURTHER.........Swami here now predicts that this is the first of a big ole pile of such incidents, some real and some not, during this coming weekend.

07-02-2015, 09:19 AM
Talking to ones self might be considered a form of dementia in folks of a certain age.


07-02-2015, 09:21 AM
I preach to the whole congregation. If they sleep through it, they will pay in the end. That's just how it is.

Chicken Dinner
07-02-2015, 09:30 AM
I've talked to a couple of folks in Federal law enforcement and they've suggested avoiding crowds/parades this weekend.

07-02-2015, 09:34 AM
If the Navy Yard is not real, here's my first thoughts:

1) A diversion. Get all law enforcement in one area, hit another.

2) A trial run. Do nothing, but prepare for next time. Maybe same place, maybe not.

07-02-2015, 09:47 AM
Who are we afraid of this time? I'm wondering who our 'national leaders' are telling Americans to fucking cower in fear from, on our own fucking nation's fucking birthday? These fear mngering fools need to be fired by the American people.

And you can fucking quote me on that.


07-02-2015, 09:48 AM
I didn't hear my leaders talk about this. I heard the media.

And I ain't afeared, and I ain't skeered, I'm just talking about today's current events.

And you can quote me on that.

07-02-2015, 09:51 AM
I think the problem is if they don't put out warnings and something happens, everyone will be shouting that they should have known and done something about it. The flip side is if they keep putting out warnings and nothing happens, then people will ignore them when the warnings come out. Plus, maybe putting out the warning may cause the people that are planning something to put it off thinking they've been found out.

Chicken Dinner
07-02-2015, 09:54 AM
I'm just saying that those in the "know" seem to think there is heightened security threat.Come Independence Day, I will be at both a parade and a fireworks display as I refuse to back down. If ISIS or some other terrorists gets me, I just ask that your guys avenge me.

Who are we afraid of this time? I'm wondering who our 'national leaders' are telling Americans to fucking cower in fear from, on our own fucking nation's fucking birthday? These fear mngering fools need to be fired by the American people.

And you can fucking quote me on that.


07-02-2015, 09:55 AM
But Peter King said it was so on the Kelly File. Ain't he a leader?


07-02-2015, 10:01 AM

Don't know him. Didn't vote for him. I guess that was a dig, but you lost me. Easy to do.

07-02-2015, 10:13 AM
He is the former chairman of the house dommittee on all things security. He says we're fucked. Doomed. Kiss it goodbye.

HE's one of the ONES whom I'm talking about. And every former employee of the federal govern,ent who had a title and who now is a frigging media expert on everything. The White House could have a toilet clog up and CNN would have the former assisant Director of the House Oversight Committee on Plumbing on the air in five seconds.

Its stupid.

We're stupid.


07-02-2015, 10:14 AM
Well no, you are.

I don't watch it! I had no idea who he is. Or what he said. Or who aired it. Or why.

I'm researching lp gas smokers. Important stuff.

07-02-2015, 10:17 AM
I think the problem is if they don't put out warnings and something happens, everyone will be shouting that they should have known and done something about it. The flip side is if they keep putting out warnings and nothing happens, then people will ignore them when the warnings come out. Plus, maybe putting out the warning may cause the people that are planning something to put it off thinking they've been found out.

I'd say this is 100% correct.

And you can quote me on that

07-02-2015, 11:02 AM
You're just sucking up after that Catholic comment. ;)

07-02-2015, 11:34 AM
You're just sucking up after that Catholic comment. ;)

See reply on other thread, dipwad. :)