View Full Version : First trip with new truck

07-10-2015, 04:11 PM
We towed the trailer up to the north Island last week for a week at our favourite rv resort (Cluxewe) and the new truck worked like a champ plus averaged about 16.6 mpusg which pleased me a great deal. The old GMC 8.1 would average around 6 mpusg for the same trip. Power of the diesel is great but not as much difference as I expected from the old gasser. Just a lot less frantic.

Anyway, spent a great week laying around enjoying the cooler temps (been stupid hot in Campbell River), doing a little crabbing (got lots) and a little fishing off the beach, drinking the odd cocktail and having a good time. Nothing too exciting but nice.

Supposed to be heading east in a week or so to visit the various relatives and families in Alberta and Manitoba so need to keep track of where all the forest fires are. A lot of norther BC, Ab, Sask and Man are on fire right now. We NEED rain! Supposed to get some here over the weekend so bring it on. I'll remember I said that in Jan when it's been raining steady for a month.


07-10-2015, 04:42 PM
Stupid hot. What is that, like 89F?? haha.

Going camping next Wed for a few days, family reunion. Temps will be 100+.........ugh.

Glad you got what you need. The diesel is just........'easier'........I guess is the answer. Just hook up and haul butt. No straining, no worrying. I like it a lot better, and I'm SO glad I got this truck. Course, now Mama wants a bigger camper!! ha.

I bet that's pretty country to camp in. If it wasn't 5,000 miles, I'd come join ya! :)

07-10-2015, 07:01 PM
Stupid hot. What is that, like 89F?? haha.

Uh yeah, maybe not that hot but way to hot for me. Seems the older I get the less tolerance I have for weather extremes, hot and cold. Perfect temps for me are in the low 70's with low humidity. Temps over 100 would simply kill me.

It is pretty country up there. Our campsite is right on the beach with a large island across the channel. Lots of boat traffic from tugs and barges to mega yachts and cruise ships on their way to and from Alaska so always something to look at. Watched a pod of orca with 3-4 females and one huge old bull cruise by just off shore. Pretty cool.

That's a good description of towing with the diesel. It's just effortless. No strain, no high revs just lots of torque when you want it.

07-10-2015, 07:16 PM
5,000 miles.......


07-10-2015, 09:42 PM
Johnboy quote;

Perfect temps for me are in the low 70's with low humidity.

Well DUH! ;)