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07-13-2015, 07:34 PM
Couldn't resist.

07-13-2015, 07:38 PM
That's pretty pitiful, Arty. Geeze.

Do you fish! Sure doesn't look like it!


07-13-2015, 07:45 PM
Oh I think I do... And I just got a bite! :)

07-13-2015, 07:51 PM
Hahaha...no. That wasn't a bite, that was a driveby.


Big Muddy
07-14-2015, 09:26 AM
"Summing Up Obama's Role on Race"
by J.S. Roberts
July 12, 2015

"""Most of us understand that racism still exists in America (as it does in every country around the globe). Though, the Left and the mainstream media will lead you to believe that it’s solely white-on-minority racism.

Entirely false, and minorities prove that daily as they target white people.

The Obama administration has been arguably the most divisive in history, and the deaths of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Freddie Gray, and Kate Steinle prove that.

For Martin, a black teen who was attempting to cause serious harm to George Zimmerman, the administration sent representatives to his funeral. The same went for Brown (who robbed a corner store and attempted to steal Officer Darren Wilson’s gun in Ferguson, MO) and Freddie Gray, whose death led to millions of dollars in damage thanks to Baltimore rioters and looters.

Though, Steinle, who was murdered by an illegal immigrant in the sanctuary city of San Francisco, gets left behind, as if her life didn’t matter.

Fanning the flames: The legacy of Barack Obama.

It's a sad day......"""


07-14-2015, 11:15 AM
I see a huge difference in racist and racial.

07-14-2015, 11:21 AM
AND, we just gave Iran (Remember them from Carter and Reagan?) One Hunnert BILLION bucks to help 'em build a nuke to kill us with. Course, Israel will be first. And folks will claim it's a wonderful thing, just cause he did it!

Isn't it great to make new friends??

07-14-2015, 11:58 AM
At least it was their own "frozen" assets that were freed up. ;).

The situation with Cuba is no different. We are restoring regular relations with them without them making any concessions. They are not changing any of their human rights policies, or anything else about the way they do business.

So riddle me this, Batman, was the past 50+ years of a trade embargo and other sanctions just because Castro embarrassed us, or was there a legitimate concern over their policies?

Who's next, North Korea? Can we also restore normal relations with them without them conceding anything? We've got a year and a half left to get that done.

07-14-2015, 11:59 AM
Just to be clear, they will get access to $100 billion of their own assets AFTER certification by inspectors that they've curbed their nuclear program per the rules of the agreement.

And DD, what exactly is it that Cuba is doing that you'd have them do differently before we restore relations?


07-14-2015, 12:12 PM
When you say "restore relations" do you mean it in the Clintonesque sense?

07-14-2015, 12:37 PM
I'm sure someone will feel like they got fucked by these deals. :biggrin

07-14-2015, 12:39 PM
If Cuba hasn't been doing anything that was supposedly "wrong" then why has there been the trade embargo for the past 50 years? What was the reason for it?

07-14-2015, 01:23 PM
That's why I asked the question I did. If they're so insidious of a regime then how does what they do affect you and me? I can't think of a single way. Sure they've been on the opposite side as us in a lot of latin American issues over the years but that political hostility is on both sides.


07-14-2015, 01:38 PM
Part that really pisses me off is, if the government had access to 100 billion of my money - they would have spent it.

Chicken Dinner
07-14-2015, 01:38 PM
I read something this morning that gas will go back to $2/gallon. I'm sure there wasn't any sort of quid pro quo.

07-14-2015, 01:45 PM
Part that really pisses me off is, if the government had access to 100 billion of my money - they would have spent it.


Big Muddy
07-14-2015, 02:51 PM
What I don't understand, and I'm not complaining, but the nuke deal is less than 24 hours old, and gas fell 10-12 cents, instantly, at every gas station around here.

07-14-2015, 03:12 PM
Wow. I'll have to see what is happening locally.


07-14-2015, 03:15 PM
No change here. Still hanging in at 2.49. It was 2.45 when I filled up last Friday. I could deal with some two dollar gas.


Big Muddy
07-14-2015, 03:53 PM
Yeah, I'd like to see it at $2, also....and, unfortunately, the reverse is true....if so much as a windstorm enters the gulf around the rigs, or somebody pisses off an arab oil sheik, the prices go up, instantly, at the pumps.

07-14-2015, 04:25 PM
The embargo was a cold war tactic that should have died back then after all the nukes were removed.

07-14-2015, 06:09 PM
What my senator said today on Iran. Lots of folks hate him. Course, I ain't one of those.

Washington, D.C.— Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) today released the following statement on the announcement of an agreement with Iran regarding its nuclear weapons program:
“The deal announced by President Obama today is a grievous, dangerous mistake. It will give Iran tens of billions of dollars to finance its sponsorship of terrorism against the United States and our allies. It will lift embargoes on conventional weapons and ballistic-missile sales to Iran. And, ultimately, it will pave the way for Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon. If this deal is approved, it will represent a historic defeat for the United States.

“When I was a platoon leader in Iraq, my soldiers and I faced deadly roadside bombs, made and supplied by Iran. I tried to reassure them, but I could only tell them to hope it wasn’t our day to die by Iran’s roadside bombs. If Iran obtains a nuclear weapon, I fear the United States will only be able to hope it isn’t our day to die by an Iranian nuclear bomb.

"If President Obama wants to liken this deal to the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty or the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty then he should have followed our constitutional process and negotiated it as a treaty. Instead, he went at it alone and is now threatening to veto any attempts by Congress to conduct oversight. Over the coming weeks, I will work tirelessly to protect America from this deal and to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear-weapons capability. I am confident that the American people will repudiate this dangerous deal and Congress will kill the deal.”