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View Full Version : Why I discuss and care about Politics and Current Events

07-22-2015, 10:01 AM
Some of you hate politics. Some of you hate 'discussions'. Some of you try to differentiate between discussions where folks disagree, and arguments. Some of you tire of reading comments about current events.

I sort of do too! BUT...........here's why I care. I found this today, and it's actually the reason I have opinions. I know, I know.......some of you will tell me of all the BAD things that were around in these times, and I get that. I don't want the bad part, either!!! But still........this is important to me.

__________________________________________________ ___

There is a natural tendency as one gets older to become nostalgic about the past. In reality, things were usually not as bad or as good as we imagine them. Even with that understanding, I maintain that America is only a shadow of its former self and my grandchildren will live and die without knowing the nation that once was.

My grandchildren will never know the America I knew as a boy in a small West Virginia town, and they are poorer because of that.

Realizing that America was and is a multicultural nation and there have always been good guys and bad guys in our midst, there were some things generally true. Innocence is one of the first things that comes to mind. We had confidence in our leaders and were shocked when a crook was revealed. We trusted and respected anyone in uniform, even the mailman.

I remember an America where our teachers were obeyed, respected, and maybe feared. We knew that if we received a paddling at school, we would get one at home. That was before the graduates of Columbia took control of the educational system. My three most respected and loved teachers were the ones who were the most demanding.

I remember when the Bible was read and prayers said each morning in the public schools. Today, the schools are nut factories often filled with uneducated, unprincipled, and uncaring teachers and rebellious, resentful, and raucous students. Some kids go on to college but only 55% receive a degree within six years. One reason 45% drop out is that most college freshmen read on a seventh grade level.

I remember an America when every high school graduate had basic knowledge about America, the world, and their obligations to work hard to make a good life. I remember when every student in elementary school learned basic math, facts about government, memorized the Preamble to the Constitution, the Gettysburg Address, the Bill of Rights, the Wreck of the Hesperus, Inchcape Rock, and was familiar with Poe, Hawthorne, Coolidge, Irving, etc. And a weekly book report, written and read, was the norm.

I remember an America when men stood when a woman entered the room; when you tipped your hat to a lady; when you removed your hat when entering a building and would not even think of eating while wearing a hat; and when a gentleman always asked a lady, “Do you mind if I smoke?” Moreover, if a crude man carelessly cursed in a woman’s presence, he would blush and ask to be forgiven. How quaint. And smoking and cursing women were as scarce as white dinosaurs in Manhattan.

I remember an America when we walked quietly and respectfully by a home with a gold star hanging in the window. We knew that some father, brother, or son had been slaughtered on faraway battlefields with strange names such as Iwo Jima, Corregidor, Coral Sea, Battle of the Bulge, Anzio, Heartbreak Ridge, Inchon, Pusan, and many others.

I remember an America when we never locked our doors day or night, when the iceman had access to our icebox for deliveries.

I remember an America when neighbors bossed anyone’s kid around if needed. Even a swat on the rear. This was before the fanatics at Child Protection Agency, trying to do good, took control and destroyed a vast number of families.

I remember an America when families could watch any television show together and never be embarrassed. The most risqué show was when Milton Berle, dressed as a woman, hit other stars with his purse.

I remember an America when men would shake hands on a $50,000 business deal and both kept their word.

I remember when no man suggested he had a woman in his body. It never happened. And if anyone had suggested the possibility of same-sex “marriage,” he would have been certified insane.

I remember an America when a girl got pregnant (a very seldom occurrence) she was a shame (but not rejected) to her family and visited grandma for a few months. The child was often reared as a sibling or cousin or was adopted by a deserving family.

I remember an America when every life was sacred and it was a major shame, scandal, and sin if a woman had her own child butchered within her womb.

I remember an America when a politician who disgraced himself, his family, and his party, quickly apologized, resigned and took the next plane or train to his back water town to live in obscurity until his death.

I remember an America when you could discuss serious issues with people who believed the opposite yet both would remain friends.

I remember an America when we loved our dogs, always stray mongrels, but when they got old or sick, we shot them and lamented it for a few days but realized that they were just animals.

I remember an America when parents were loved, respected, if not feared, and the thought of talking back was never a possibility.

I remember when your family name was almost sacred and the thought of bringing disgrace to it was anathema.

No, my America was not perfect, but it was pleasant, peaceful, and proper, and my grandchildren will only see some glimpse of it from their own principled family but not from the nation as a whole.

07-22-2015, 10:29 AM
Much of it true ... some a bit exaggerated, but it is what it is ... a "feel good" article. Not that there's anything wrong with that. ;)

07-22-2015, 10:39 AM
You really hit home with that post Bill!!! It gave me quite a flashback! I cringe when I watch the nitely news. I wonder if we can ever have a leader who isn't afraid of political correctness too do the right things too make our country great again.

07-22-2015, 10:51 AM
I wonder if we can ever have a leader who isn't afraid of political correctness ...

Well, that may not always be a good thing either unless you're wearing rose-colored glasses. Trump would fill that bill perfectly ... but I'm not so sure he'd make a good President! :D

No-till Boss
07-22-2015, 10:53 AM
Much of it true ... some a bit exaggerated, but it is what it is ... a "feel good" article. Not that there's anything wrong with that. ;)

Exactly, 70 years ago here, things might have looked proper but that wasn't always the case. A lot of stuff was just kept quiet and some of it was even more barbaric than what we have today. It seems to me, as people get older, they tend to block out the stuff they don't wanna remember ......

07-22-2015, 10:58 AM
A bit romanticized but I get the point. I seem to frequently find myself in the middle. I can't long for times past and want things to be as they were. I can't say the past is unimportant, only current times are.

The balance to be struck is to tip my hat to the past, raise my kids to be respectful and self reliant regardless of what anyone else says. It can be done. Things will not go back to how they were but that doesn't mean important things can't be carried forward.

07-22-2015, 11:25 AM
Don't get me wrong ... I'm a car nut and LOVE the classics. But when I see some dufe drooling over a '55 Chevy and make a statement like, "They just don't make 'em like the used to!" I usually mumble, "Thank God!" under my breath! When's the last time you cleaned an oil bath air cleaner? How often have you heard of anyone having a "blow-out" these days? Ain't it nice not to have to carry 27 gallons of water in canvas bags hanging from your front bumper to refill the radiator if you attempt a drive from New Orleans to Phoenix? Remember when 100,000 miles (IF it lasted that long) on an engine meant it was WAY overdue for the scrap yard? The list is endless ... but yes, they DON'T make 'em like they used to!

We all sat around the tv because there was nothing else to do at night. Of course there was only one channel so there were no arguments over what to watch. And of course the black & white picture was a bit snowy and the station would go off the air no later than midnight. I grew up in Florida with no air-conditioning and had to wipe the mildew off my shoes before I could put them on.

I remember hearing things like “what would the neighbors think?” and believe it was the reason many nasty things stayed hidden from non-family members. My buddy's dad was an abusive alcoholic and beat the hell out of his wife on a regular basis. Even though I knew it was wrong, I was told (by her) “we keep our family business to ourselves.” I have no doubt child abuse and incest existed "back in the day" ... it just wasn't made public.

There's really no end to it IF you want to go down that path.

I think our family was pretty normal and I have no complaints. I realize now we were a tad on the "poor" side, but I never knew it ... I just thought others I knew were rich. BUT ... I don't want to be a Debbie Downer and that post does bring back pleasant memories of my childhood years. As long as I keep those rose-colored glasses on that is! ;)

07-22-2015, 11:45 AM
There's a lot of bullshit in that article, like the good old days when neighbors could swat any neighborhood kid until the Child Protection Agency, whoever that is, came in and destroyed a lot of families. WTF does that mean? And girls seldom got pregnant? (Teen pregnancies are actually WAY down from then) and of course theres the obligatory ode to the winsome days when no abortions were performed. Unless it was by some backroom hack with a clothes hangar.

I'm gonna be a curmudgeon about this one. This is like 99% of the shot you see on Facebook. Its pretty good until you start thinking about the details.


07-22-2015, 12:19 PM
I figured every one of those responses.

And, if you read what I said, I said at the beginning that it'd be nice to go back to the GOOD stuff we had, and NOT to bring forth the bad that was there.

Still, things have changed and saying "Well, that's got some b/s in it" doesn't change my view. All of life has some b/s in it. I still liked those good parts back then, and I still hate where we've gotten to..........not technology wise, that's great! But culturally, there was a lot of good back then I'd like to get back, and which I hate that my grandkids won't see.

It does tickle me when I am called a Curmudgeon around here, though.

07-22-2015, 12:19 PM
Ha ha! Sheesh, and to think I felt a little guilty for throwing a slightly negative spin on this! :D

07-22-2015, 12:22 PM
Nothing bad about fond memories Buckster. It is a lot more pleasant to block the negatives and only remember the positives. It may not be reality, but it does "feel" better.

07-22-2015, 12:36 PM
I think my response wins the chicken dinner. You fuckers are curmudgeons!

07-22-2015, 01:27 PM
No, THEY are. And your posts always win the dinners.

I don't care what y'all all say.........I liked those times, and I don't think this is THAT much romanticized. I was there, my opinions aren't based on reading some stuff some guy wrote. That's what I think, and I just stumbled onto some guy who said it outloud. STILL, there were some bad things happening, but not that many. And my point is still valid......I care about my grandkids and life and this country and my culture, and so I do what little I can to help it along. If you don't want to do that, or if you like every single thing better today than back then, then fine........you should be a happy little dude.

quercus alba
07-22-2015, 01:57 PM
I don't discuss politics because I have a deep loathing for all politicians and politics in general. The most conservative tea party member would have been considered a screaming liberal 30 years ago. John Wayne is dead and gone and so is the true conservative movement and it ain't coming back.

I don't discuss current events because it inevitably leads back to politics. Did I mention I loathe politics?

I vote for the candidate I think will benefit our nation most, yeah I judge by my own criteria like everybody else.

I'm sick of hearing about gay rights, Hispanic rights, black rights animal rights this right that right everybody wants their own special right. You have the right to abide by the laws and statutes of the United States of American. You don't deserve preferential rights. You don't like it, there lots of other countries. Try one. And don't come back.

I really loathe every aspect of politics, I'm about to vomit just typing this.

You want to talk politics, current events, baseball, nascar or Buckeye footbal, you're on you own. Anything else, I'm all in

I really really loathe politics, that's why I'd love to have an ignore option, that and Eddies ice chests full of white perch

07-22-2015, 01:59 PM
I had a great childhood IMHO ... but looking back as an adult, I can see things that weren't really how I thought they were. That's simply being realistic. BUT ... being a Junior SD'er and still working for my badge, I have to mention the opposing side to anything mentioned here ... just to keep everyone on their toes. Besides, Cappy is too busy drowning bait to take care of his responsibilities around here.


07-22-2015, 02:01 PM
Well, QA hates politics.

I happen to hate SD'ing.

Life is like a box of chocolates, I guess.

07-22-2015, 02:04 PM
And other sites that I visit that use this software do have an 'ignore' feature. Ask Nandy if he knows how to implement it if you want it.

I happen to hate Nascar. But I never complain to those that like it, or whine about it. I just don't read those threads.

quercus alba
07-22-2015, 02:11 PM
I'm a little anal about things Bucky, I can't stand to see an unread thread

07-22-2015, 02:12 PM
Well..........seems you have a conundrum. Or an enigma. I never can keep those separate.

07-22-2015, 02:21 PM
Well, I hate EVERYTHING ... makes SD'ing a much easier job! ;)

07-22-2015, 02:25 PM
I simply believe SD'ing might be ok around a campfire where I can read facial expressions. But here, I find it mostly dishonest.

Just my view.

07-22-2015, 03:02 PM
I'm a little anal about things Bucky, I can't stand to see an unread thread

Apparently our exalted taser master is identifying as an OCD curmudgeon today :)

I say we created a protected class of citizen just for him!

07-22-2015, 03:19 PM
I'll be honest with you Buckster. When I approach a subject, I have a habit of looking at both sides of the issue instead of proceeding on with tunnel vision. Maybe that's a bad thing, maybe it's a good thing. Some people are just narrow-minded ... some are downright stupid and others are very intelligent, but simply firm, unwavering believers in THEIR thoughts or opinions. The old "my way or the highway" scenario.

There are many, many issues where I can see both sides. Now sure, I many times lean more toward one than the other ... but that doesn't mean I can never see where the other side is coming from. That's why we have a two-party (for the most part) political system in this counry. I'm a registered Republican and generally vote a party ticket ... BUT I'm not a member of the God Squad, I believe in Free Choice and I have no problem with gays and gay rights. So what does that make me? A hypocrite? Or simply a person who doesn't mind standing back and looking at the broad picture instead of digging in?

It's probably why I consider myself Agnostic. When I'm TOLD this is how it is and there is no other way to look at it ... I naturally make an attempt to FIND another way to look at it. You remind me of my old Sunday school teacher. She did not want to hear an opposing view. She told me how Jonah was thrown into the sea, swallowed by a big ol' fish, lived in his belly for three days, then was spit out on shore saving his life. I called bullshit even though I was only about 7 years old. I questioned about space for the animals, feeding them and cleaning all the shit on the ark, yet I was expected to simply nod my head in agreement along with all the other little robots in the classroom. Nope ... ain't gonna happen ... it didn't then, and it won't now. I suppose that early age was when I decided to lump the Bible into the same category as any other "book of fables". IMHO, Little Red Riding Hood or the Three Little Pigs was just as believable. So, I guess I've been a shit-disturber all my life. I'm too old to change now.

The point is, we joke about SD'ing ... but most times with me I'm actually taking in both sides. For the sake of discussion (or you may call it argument), I'll pursue the side that tends to go against the majority. Sure, we could always take the good ol' boy route, sit around patting each other on the back, nodding our collective heads and agreeing with everything anybody says ... but I really do think that would get boring after a while.

07-22-2015, 03:25 PM
Well that's ok. That's not what I meant. Taking both sides, or SEEING the good in both sides........that's fine.

What I meant is when folks (and you have done this.........heck, I probably have too).......simply ask a question of A and B for no reason other than to sit back and get A and B both agitated, and then gleefully watch A and B go at it. To me, that's dishonest. It's not making a point that you believe in, it's faking a question, or a point, just to start a fight. That bothers me...........a lot.

And again, if it were done in person, where I can 'read' your face, that's probably ok. But not here.

Just a quirk I have.

07-22-2015, 03:40 PM
There are times I (and anyone here) may post something ... then be away from my computer the rest of the day. That's not the same as sitting back and watching. In fact, I'm leaving right now to go drop off some eBay packages at the Post Office ... so if I've stirred anything up, I'm not sitting back and watching from the sidelines ... I'm actually unavailable. Later ... I'm running late.

quercus alba
07-22-2015, 04:02 PM
Apparently our exalted taser master is identifying as an OCD curmudgeon today :)

I say we created a protected class of citizen just for him!

I don't want any special rights Len, just a good taser and access to several hundred thousand volts of electricity

07-22-2015, 04:12 PM
There are times I (and anyone here) may post something ... then be away from my computer the rest of the day. That's not the same as sitting back and watching. In fact, I'm leaving right now to go drop off some eBay packages at the Post Office ... so if I've stirred anything up, I'm not sitting back and watching from the sidelines ... I'm actually unavailable. Later ... I'm running late.

Yep. And that's one of the major things that make this different than face to face. There are times I read something that Z wrote and get torqued at Z when Z didn't mean that at all. He (me, any of us) write fast, say something, leave..........and don't proof read. That's a major reason I expect that when folks give an opinion, it's their honest opinion, and not the opposite of their honest opinion just to stir up stinky stuff. I get in enough trouble on my own! Again, that's not to say we don't sometimes know exactly how we feel on a subject so we try a little this or a little that. I get that part.

The Post Office delivered a lot of stuff to me today..........that I ordered. Sitting on the front porch. They do great work.

(The packages I ordered just can't be accurately tracked, that's all! ) HOW'S THAT FOR SD'ING ON YOUR HEAD!!!??????

07-22-2015, 04:52 PM
k, I bite, what is SD'er?

07-22-2015, 04:55 PM
Shit Disturber. If you look it up in the dictionary, Captains picture is right by it.


07-22-2015, 05:15 PM
I should have known...

07-22-2015, 05:24 PM
It's really, REALLY difficult to become worthy of an official SD'er badge Nandy. Lord knows I've been trying ... but I'm still considered a Jr. SD'er. Heck, I'm still working on my "Noticer Badge" even! Someday .... someday ... sigh. :(

quercus alba
07-22-2015, 05:28 PM
Cap musta been a proctologist in another life

07-22-2015, 05:34 PM
Cap musta been a proctologist in another life

OK, that one made me spit coke up my nose...............

07-22-2015, 05:35 PM
Cap musta been a proctologist in another life

Ha! I don't think so ... related yes, but I'd say more like a turd! :D

07-22-2015, 06:01 PM
Nandy, have you ever walked with someone through a cow pasture and they just can't stand to pass up a cow pie without kicking it over just to make it smell?

That's a shit disturber. Just stirs it up to make it smell more.


07-22-2015, 06:10 PM
ahh, ok guys, i get the "picture"...

Is this correct?


Y'all let me know if I go the gist....

07-22-2015, 06:14 PM
Hey! Talk about a teller when he's busy bush hogging all day! I take my SD'ing VERY serious.

07-22-2015, 06:35 PM
Hey! Talk about a teller when he's busy bush hogging all day! I take my SD'ing VERY serious.

Are you working part-time at the bank as well as BPS? ;)

07-22-2015, 06:38 PM
bush hogging? I guess the weeds grow better than hay in this dry weather....

No-till Boss
07-22-2015, 07:20 PM
Us newbie's need a sticky page with the definitions of these terms y'all throw out there so frequently. It's like another language to me !

07-22-2015, 07:27 PM
Bush hogging?

It's like dragging a big cutting thingy behind a tractor and knocking weeds down.

You're welcome.


07-22-2015, 07:33 PM
In his air-conditioned, power-steering and stereo equipped tractor with a shock mounted easy-chair for a seat! Work! Waaaaah! :D

07-22-2015, 07:44 PM
Think of the singing that the inside of that cab has heard. Makes one shudder.


07-22-2015, 07:56 PM
Think of the farts in that little enclosed cab! :hair

No-till Boss
07-22-2015, 08:36 PM
Bush hogging?

It's like dragging a big cutting thingy behind a tractor and knocking weeds down.

You're welcome.

And y'all wonder why no-one new ever shows up..........Ha !

07-22-2015, 08:57 PM
Bush hogging sounds a lot like something I loved to do back in the seventies!


07-22-2015, 08:59 PM
Back in the 70's is when they still had bushes! I'm kinda partial to Brazilian these days. ;)

07-22-2015, 09:08 PM

quercus alba
07-22-2015, 10:04 PM
I don't get it:toothy