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View Full Version : Thump You've created me a problem

07-22-2015, 11:29 AM
I've always told the wife about you picker threads on here. To be honest I find them fascinating the cool stuff that you find. Well she decides she's going to start going to estate sales and pick up things. First sale she finds some really neat stuff and old silver Jewish bible, and some other stuff that quite honestly will probably resell and make a few bucks.

All sounds good right? Here's the rub. She also found a LOT of stuff she likes and wants to keep. Instead of being profitable pickers I'm thinking we'll just be poor hoarders. Thanks to you I'll have no money living like a crazy cat lady by this time next year.


07-22-2015, 11:34 AM
Ha ha ha ha! Don't feel alone. For the first few months my buddy started tagging along with me, that's exactly what he did. Every weekend he'd buy a truck load of stuff for himself! BUT ... it soon hit him ... it was driving him into the poorhouse. Then he got involved with eBay and now sells half his stuff so he can afford to keep the other half! :D

07-22-2015, 12:17 PM
Here ya' go Hombre. Pass these sites on to your wife so she can plan her weekends!




Also don't forget to check Craig's List for estate sales under the "Garage Sale" heading. Warning ... SOME buttheads list garage/yard sales as "estate sales", so you have to wade through the fluff sometimes.

You don't need to thank me ... I'm always willing to help. :D

07-22-2015, 01:18 PM
I'll pass them along. i'm sure we'll sell some stuff eventually. Maybe someday I'll be able to have a Thump post of something we bought for $.05 and sold for a bazillion dollars.

07-22-2015, 01:23 PM
Well, I sure hope so ... that way I'll for sure know what to look for at any future sales! ;)

No-till Boss
07-22-2015, 01:26 PM
You've inspired me too Thump , working on getting started ......

07-22-2015, 02:10 PM
Ha! Maybe we need an eBay/estate sale forum. We could share ideas, suggestions and exciting discoveries, then get together for tea and crumpets every third Wednesday of the month! :D

Seriously, I started this endeavor simply as an attempt to raise a little extra cash so we could afford to get out of the house from time to time. When my income went from "very comfortable" to almost poverty level, I had to come up with something. Due to health limitations, it wasn't easy, so I started selling off my own personal stuff that I really didn't need. Then one day I was driving down the street and saw a sign that said, "Estate Sale". Out of curiosity I followed the signs and the rest is history. Now I sell OTHER people's stuff that THEY don't need! All my life I've wanted to find a "job" that I actually enjoyed ... it's just ironic I didn't find one until I retired!

07-22-2015, 02:52 PM
would and estate sale forum be like a "fishing forum" were we'd have a placeholder but still post everything here?

07-22-2015, 03:25 PM
I'd have to say yeah ... most likely. :D