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View Full Version : What this cluster-f**k all boils down to is this ... (a history lesson):

08-04-2015, 02:03 PM
18-20 years ago there was a motley crew who hung around a joint called All Outdoors. A/O was a highly regulated site with big-buck corporate sponsors who wanted to maintain a squeaky clean "family style" image for their customers and stock holders. There were 1837 pages of various rules and regulations that were expected to be followed by it's members. When one of these rules were broken (such as talking about anything that was NOT about hunting, fishing or related sporting equipment) the perps would have to face the wrath of Lord (Alison) Widmer, the A/O Moderator. A stern warning would be issued and the offending posts would be immediately deleted from the thread. Flame wars? Don't even think about it ... if you had opposing views, they were to be discussed like a bunch of English gentlemen over a cup of tea. OR ... another warning was in order from the "Powers Above". X-amount of warnings, and you were banned for a set probationary period. Once let back in, you'd already been warned, mind your P's & Q's or you'll be bannished for life.

Well, there was a certain rag-tag group of renegade ne'er-do-wells who hated rules and regulations and they seemed to always be getting in trouble for discussing things like ... well the weather for example! (or maybe sex, drugs or rock & roll? ;) ) Anyway, this group didn't really appreciate the highly structured atmosphere of "The Kingdom of All Outdoors" and after a few of us were sternly reprimanded (I'll admit, I started it) for discussing the varying properties of ... ummm, well ... POOP ... we were kindly asked to leave the premises and not come back. Shortly after that incident, one of their South Dakota members started a post discussing the best caliber and bullet weight for ... ummm, "house cat control" ... and was also sent to join the leper colony with a dufe who goes by the name of Thump these days.

This caused a bit of a stir within the troops and back alley emails started flying back and forth until somebody finally said, "F" A/O, and came up with the bright idea to start our own site. Problem is, TWO people decided to start their own outlaw sites. This is one of them and there was also the (now defunct) "Mauserman" site. Since we social outcasts were all friends (and accomplices), we were torn as to where our loyalty should be directed. In a way, a compromise formed on it's own, most hung out at G/H during the day and at Mauserman's at night. This continued until the demise (or sale?) of MM's site and G/H became the place to be. What was the big draw? We left A/O (or actually were "asked" to leave A/O) because we did not care one iota for all their rules and regulations. We made a pact, "OUR" site would have no rules! AND ... there would be no deletion of posts for any infractions or banning of members (unless absolutely necessary). Well duh! How can there be any infraction of rules on a site that HAS NO rules?

In the meantime, as mentioned previously, this business model has held up for 18 years (so far) while A/O and MM have both fallen by the wayside. Now, the question is, should a regular member all of a sudden be issued the power to start making rules on a site that has a long-standing and successful track record of operating with ZERO rules? I'm sorry, but I just don't see that happening.

08-04-2015, 02:14 PM
is this part of the RepubIcan rewrite of AP History?


08-04-2015, 02:16 PM
No, he's a Democrat.


08-04-2015, 02:19 PM
It's actually a short history lesson for some who were not around for the initial ground-breaking for this site. ;)

08-04-2015, 02:22 PM
and then Thump called Big Sky a no good, low-life, scum-sucking road hunter..(he told me he still thinks so) :fishing.. and the site doubled in size.

08-04-2015, 02:22 PM
And me and Archer don't even get mentioned.....

08-04-2015, 02:27 PM
Ummm, that would be "Archer and I". ;)

Neither did Jim (MM's site). That wasn't the gist of the history lesson ... but I'll add it if it'll make you feel better.


Archer was the brains behind the G/H technical hurdles needed for the development of the site and had it up and running within a matter minutes ... while charging the start-up fees to Buckrub's credit card.

Feel better now? ;)

Big Skyz
08-04-2015, 02:34 PM
Well if Sunshine wants to come back that's her decision. With that said it is not her right to dictate rules in any way, shape, or form. Personally I just completely quit replying to anything she would post after she pitched her first fit about being quoted. For me it was just easier to ignore her posts. However with her recent outburst lets just say I stand with Captain all the way. So Sunny you are welcome to come back, but I will not honor your request to never be quoted.

08-04-2015, 02:36 PM
Ummm, that would be "Archer and I". ;)

Neither did Jim (MM's site). That wasn't the gist of the history lesson ... but I'll add it if it'll make you feel better.


Archer was the brains behind the G/H technical hurdles needed for the development of the site and had it up and running within a matter minutes ... while charging the start-up fees to Buckrub's credit card.

Feel better now. ;)
Nah. I shouldn't have said that. I did nothing. Just wanted Archer to get credit.

08-04-2015, 02:41 PM
Don't forget Willie calling me a bottom feeding trumpet monkey. That one hurt my feelings! But it also got me to realize I didn't need to be such a dick when I disagreed with someone.

Chicken Dinner
08-04-2015, 02:45 PM
Who was it that called the French "cheese eating surrender monkey's"? Or, am I getting things mixed up?

Mrs. Niner
08-04-2015, 02:54 PM
Don't forget Willie calling me a bottom feeding trumpet monkey. That one hurt my feelings! But it also got me to realize I didn't need to be such a dick when I disagreed with someone.


08-04-2015, 02:55 PM
Don't forget Willie calling me a bottom feeding trumpet monkey. That one hurt my feelings! But it also got me to realize I didn't need to be such a dick when I disagreed with someone.

Ha ha ha ha! Yep, I remember that one well. I miss ol' Chilly Willie.

No-till Boss
08-04-2015, 05:31 PM
I'm here because of a life time ban from a so called family hunting site ...... I know that's hard to believe ! LOL

08-04-2015, 05:39 PM

Now that's funny.

you need to watch that potty mouth.


08-04-2015, 06:05 PM
I'm here because of a life time ban from a so called family hunting site ...... I know that's hard to believe ! LOL

No wonder you fit in here so well.

No-till Boss
08-04-2015, 06:07 PM

Now that's funny.

you need to watch that potty mouth.


It wasn't my language because it wasn't allowed in the first place. It was me defending farming to about 10k people. One thing you'll lean real quick on ANY site is how many people hate farmers/farming .

08-04-2015, 06:31 PM
Well, I sure as hell hope you don't think I hate farmers or farming. It the whole damn process I think that is gonna bite us in the ass some day, farmers included.

But thats a topic for another day! (In a galaxy far, far away)

Chicken Dinner
08-04-2015, 06:43 PM
It wasn't my language because it wasn't allowed in the first place. It was me defending farming to about 10k people. One thing you'll lean real quick on ANY site is how many people hate farmers/farming .

Really? I'm not doubting you. I'm just surprised to hear that. Maybe it's just because I have family and friends who farm and from what I can see they're some of the hardest working folks I know.

08-04-2015, 06:49 PM
Why will anyone hate farmers/farming? I hope they don't say shit like that with their mouth full....

08-04-2015, 06:57 PM
People do it all the time. Take Baltimore for an example, first they complain they were being "over policed", now they aren't being policed enough after the cops did what they wanted and pulled back some and the crime rate shot up.

No-till Boss
08-04-2015, 07:01 PM
Well, I sure as hell hope you don't think I hate farmers or farming. It the whole damn process I think that is gonna bite us in the ass some day, farmers included.

But thats a topic for another day! (In a galaxy far, far away)

Barry, (and it's okay because i believe its your true feelings) you alluded to farmers getting checks. Remember the TWO mailbox commit ? and how you would like to have fixing payments ?

I promise you, and everyone on this board, y'all are not gonna make me mad, or hurt my feelings by the way my occupation is perceived

And Barry I would rather you hammer me on things you believe than to sugar coat it. Honestly is good to hear all the negativity sometimes, because when I'm in committee meetings, I can draw from these reflections and use them to better improve our perception.

08-04-2015, 07:28 PM
I'm here because of a life time ban from a so called family hunting site ...... I know that's hard to believe ! LOL

Yeah, I'm aware of his antics there!

Hey, dude. I'm here because of a lifetime (self imposed) ban on another hunting site!! Welcome!

08-04-2015, 07:32 PM
I can gurandamnTEE you BBP doesn't have a dim view of farmers.

Neither do I for that matter!

I think farming is one of the best and most important jobs there is to be had. I respect and admire farmers. You fuckers work HARD.

08-04-2015, 07:41 PM
there was a time people could joke about stuff like that. Why do farmers roll the bill of their caps? So they can look in the mailbox. How does a farmer double his income? Puts up another mailbox. Those are jokes told to me by farmers up in the midwest (minnesota) by the way.


08-04-2015, 08:23 PM
ok, Barry, will you care to explain those jokes? I have no idea whatchatalkingaboutwillis....
And will someone answer me why people does hate farmers? I really cant get around that one...

08-04-2015, 08:27 PM
No-till.. is very right on this one. Hear it everywhere.. I belong to a "sportsman's" site here in Iowa - Iowa for christ's sake.. where a huge amount of our economy is based on agriculture. Hear it all the time.. All farmers are rich.. and of course, only work three weeks a year.. spend the rest of the time playing with their neat toys, collecting government checks, kissing up to the governor and chasing hard-working people off their land. and it was better when "My Grandpa made a good living on 135 acres and half that was in fence rows and brush patches.. and he let *everybody* hunt".. No wonder people are pissed..

08-04-2015, 09:54 PM
Remember when Orion stormed off? That was some drama.. I wish we had a "classic thread" forum.

Another classic thread I recall is the thread where we were all pulling for Thumpy when he was in bad shape. That was a good representation of what this rag-tag group is all about.


08-04-2015, 10:01 PM
Remember when Orion stormed off? That was some drama.. I wish we had a "classic thread" forum.

Another classic thread I recall is the thread where we were all pulling for Thumpy when he was in bad shape. That was a good representation of what this rag-tag group is all about.


I actually have Orion's "goodbye" post.. Can't remember why I copied it.. think I was going to quote something.. anyway, just ran across it on a "Notebook" the other day.. whew.

08-04-2015, 10:06 PM
What I remember from that thread is that Orion tweaked. I get that he was miffed he couldn't advertise on the site, but it escalated *real quick*. Came out of left field, really! And the things that were said? Whew.. Poor guy, he must have in a bad way to get that upset over something so trivial.

Heck, he could have advertised on facebook for a few bucks and gotten better return..

08-04-2015, 10:08 PM
We could put those posts in the HOF forum.


08-04-2015, 10:13 PM
That's a grand idea. If somebody wants to nominate a post for "best of" we should consider keeping them there. There are so many moments captured in some database somewhere. We should make them prominent.

No-till Boss
08-04-2015, 10:52 PM
Yeah, I'm aware of his antics there!

Hey, dude. I'm here because of a lifetime (self imposed) ban on another hunting site!! Welcome!

I do appreciate you taken care of me Bucky .

08-05-2015, 04:58 AM
and then Thump called Big Sky a no good, low-life, scum-sucking road hunter..(he told me he still thinks so) :fishing.. and the site doubled in size.

Ha ha ha! Your emoticon is perfect for that post because that was persactly what I was doing ... "trolling"! When we set this site up, I slipped over to A/O and made a post advertising this site and posted the url. Ha ha ha, I thought ol' Alison was gonna have me thrown in jail over that one! That's when I found out "banned" meant not to drop in ... I thought it meant they'd block my ISP! Duh. BUT ... the post was up just long enough for a few other A/O members to check in out of curiosity. A small handful stayed, some bounced back and forth, but for many, this just wasn't the kind of site they were looking for and migrated back to A/O. Time went on and our membership growth was mostly just based on word of mouth and the url simply got passed around via email, etc. BUT ... we later decided we needed another "membership drive". What better way than to go over to A/O and start some sort of "flame war"? Those always drew lots of attention over there! I was the patsy, went "trolling" for a victim and B/S was the perfect target! The rest is history. :D

I'd have to say it was our most successful "membership drive" ever, because all his "cronies" followed him over here to help rip me a new asshole! Ha! I didn't think I'd EVER get B/S calmed down! I apologized profusely, explained the whole scheme to him, the whole nine yards ... but he was totally steamed! He finally calmed down, we shook hands (virtually) and he's been here ever since ... along with many of his followers!

I will say since that time, I consider B/S a true friend and have all the respect in the world for him (AND his skills as a road hunter!) ;) Ha! I've met him in person, I have a piece of his art hanging in my ofice and he personally reached out to me when I was in the hospital. PLUS, as an added bonus, he's a fan of Toyota! (even though he now drives a Phord). :D

08-05-2015, 05:11 AM
Another classic thread I recall is the thread where we were all pulling for Thumpy when he was in bad shape. That was a good representation of what this rag-tag group is all about. --Foo

Dang! I missed that one. :(

You have no idea how much all of that meant to me though. I'd get spotty reports as to what was going on, usually via Cappy through Lynn or sometimes my mom ... as he was the official spokesperson I believe. Cards, letters, gifts ... man, when tied down to a hospital bed for two months, little things like that take on a whole new meaning. It reminded me of what mail call was like in the military ... something so seemingly simple, that was actually a highlight of your life at the time. Man, I think back to those times and it's almost surreal. It's a weird feeling to go through a period in your life when everytime you close your eyes, your main thought is that there's a good chance you're never going to open them again. You guys were the salt of the earth throught that difficult time. This place really is special. *sniff*

08-05-2015, 03:06 PM
We were mostly divvying up your estate amongst ourselves. I had dibs on your pink pants.

08-05-2015, 03:33 PM
Sorry, I've already requested to be burried in those! ;)

08-05-2015, 04:24 PM
We were mostly divvying up your estate amongst ourselves. I had dibs on your pink pants.

Sorry, I've already requested to be burried in those! ;)

You guys are sick.... notworthy

Orion, that name rings the bell but I cant put my finger on his online persona...

Big Skyz
08-05-2015, 04:28 PM
Nandy I really want to describe his persona but I will refrain...

08-05-2015, 05:20 PM
Bless you Sky, Bless you.

Man, he lambasted me on the way out the door............

08-05-2015, 05:58 PM
I almost donated to his Christmas Family Fund, but the Captain talked me out of it.

08-05-2015, 09:12 PM
oh, I see..... good riddance!!!

quercus alba
08-05-2015, 09:55 PM
I never knew why Orion left, I knew he left a scathing post on his way out the door and I remember some of it was aimed at bucky but not why. I thought maybe he was mad because mulewriter sent Bucky some nude pics and not him

08-05-2015, 09:56 PM
Im with QA. remember him leaving, and in a big huff, but I couldn't say why. I don't have a clue

08-06-2015, 01:44 AM
If I recall, he wanted Bucky to advertise his family tree website business on the site, which I think applied only to a specific native american tribe in Canada. He was hurt because he did a some work for the site (and I think there was one of Tony's gator hunting ads already here), but he overreacted in a really bad way. He said some of the worst things one could imagine.

Really, it came out of left field and was no where near justified, IMHO.

08-06-2015, 08:26 AM
Well, there was a loooong story involved ... but I ain't gonna drag up bad memories here. Let's just say he turned out to be a dirtbag.

08-10-2015, 03:31 PM
and the plot thickens......