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08-06-2015, 10:00 AM
I'm tellin' ya' folks, this eBay thing has really been a shot in the arm for me. It allows us to get out of the house once in a while and live simi-normal lives. We can scrape by on my SSI, but it only pays the bills and provides the basics. It doesn't leave much room for fun or recreation. I wish I'd had an opportunity like this as a kid, heck ... playing on the computer and making $$$ would have been a LOT more fun than paper routes and cutting grass!

Don't get me wrong, I ain't gettin' rich, but it's FUN and keeps me off the streets and out of the bars. Plus, I ain't in NOVA so the COL down here is pretty low comparatively. If I were a h/s kid tryin' to make a few bucks to take my girl to the movies or make a car payment, I'd be hitting garage/yard sales every frigging weekend! Buy it for a quarter, take a pic, post it, slap a price on it and forget about it until PayPal sends a message that "you've got cash"! I just checked my 24-month accounting. Remember, I don't want to do over $20,000/year or I could end up in a bit of a tax pickle, so I try to stay as close UNDER that as possible. Not bad for extra pocket change and still holding under that magic $20K/yr. limit. I'm just a hair under my average so far this year, but I still have 4+ months to kick it up a notch or two to get a bit closer to the mark. I should be able to do that during the Christmas rush. ;)

Total sales 08/01/2013 - 07/31/2015:
Total sales amount:$38,822.48
Total transactions:1412

08-06-2015, 10:07 AM
Sometimes I want to knock your head off of your shoulders, but mercy me...........you are the poster child for "there's a silver lining in every cloud".

Let me ask a question. If you want to answer via email, I understand.

If you WANTED TO, do you think you could double, triple that??

Big Muddy
08-06-2015, 10:16 AM
Dumb quershun....why not get Lynn an ebay acct., and roll some of those earnings into her name....or maybe even into your Mom's name???

08-06-2015, 10:17 AM
You might just have to take the rest of the year off!


08-06-2015, 10:27 AM
I don't know Bucky. I suppose if you wanted to make it a full-time job, sure. Remember, I only spend a few hours/week procuring stuff, so if you wanted to dig up suppliers and buy stuff on a wholesale level for resale ... or spend all week hitting thrift stores, Goodwill, Salvation Army, yard sales, Craig's List, etc. ... I guess anything's possible. It's like anything else, it all depends on how hard you want to work at it. My buddy retired last year and lives off of his SSI which is only something like $750/mo! He has an OLD singlewide trailer out in the woods on a paid for piece of property (5-10 acres?), so he doesn't need much. He has a garden and some chickens and lives a pretty basic life.

When he retired, he asked if he could tag along with me hitting the sales and after the first weekend, he was hooked. I taught him the ropes, got him set up with an eBay account and he's never missed a weekend since. He even goes out by himself if I'm out of town. Anyway, a MONTH after he retired, the engine in his old van blew up. I loaned him the cash to buy a used truck (Chevy S10) and he had me paid back in 3 months ... ALL from his eBay profits! He's pretty redneck ... he pulled the wheels off his old van, set it on the ground and it's now his "storage shed"! He's talking about converting it into a chicken coop. ;)

08-06-2015, 10:30 AM
Dumb quershun....why not get Lynn an ebay acct., and roll some of those earnings into her name....or maybe even into your Mom's name???

That's the plan if I ever need to Eddie. To be honest, I just kind of work at my own pace and it just so happened, at the end of December last year, I was at some crazy total like $19,947.68! That's cutting it close! My plan at that time was to simply pull the plug and relist everything the 1st of January, but I didn't need to.

My average is a tad lower this year ... maybe I've gotten lazy. Or it could be that I've goofed off with weekends out of town, trips out of state and that 11-day cruise a few months ago. :D

Big Muddy
08-06-2015, 10:31 AM
You're a good man, Thump....I'm sure the guy appreciated your help. ;)

08-06-2015, 10:33 AM
Jimbo, you may think this is something easy that you just stumbled onto........ but I'm telling you that I'd NEVER be able to figure all this out and be any good at it. Not ever. You've done well.

08-06-2015, 10:43 AM
Like anything else, there's a learning curve ... but it's pretty basic really and doesn't take a rocket scientist. The biggest thing is to have fun at it ... and I have a lot of fun. As a bonus, it's pretty darned educational. I find stuff and have no clue what it is, after a bit of research, I learn sumpin' new. On the business end, you have to learn what sells, but thanks to my iPhone, I can get an instant education while standing in some strangers livingroom looking at something I'm clueless about.

08-06-2015, 11:47 AM
Nice job, hope you're sending in your quarterly taxes. :thumbsup

08-06-2015, 11:53 AM
Nice job, hope you're sending in your quarterly taxes. :thumbsup

Shhhhhh!! That's why I limit myself to <20K ... if I cross that threshold, they tell on me! ;)

Chicken Dinner
08-06-2015, 12:12 PM
I wouldn't worry about "them". You've just told on yourself...

08-06-2015, 12:13 PM
Shhhhhh!! That's why I limit myself to <20K ... if I cross that threshold, they tell on me! ;)

DUDE! You need to delete that thread!!!! :) :) :)

08-06-2015, 12:32 PM
I really doubt those boys have time to monitor the i-net hunting this petty crap. They have bigger fish to fry. That is, unless NSA turns me in ... i'm sure they're watching this crew. ;)

08-06-2015, 12:36 PM

08-06-2015, 12:41 PM
Persactly! I ain't askeered! I have a connection! :D

08-06-2015, 12:42 PM
Well.......... I'm pretty sure insanity is not a valid defense to the IRS!!!! :)

08-06-2015, 01:04 PM

Old Poopy Pants hisownself checked in on the Facebook Goodhunting page the other day. I was hoping he'd check in here since Nandy pried the old girl's knees apart a little to let the outside world back in.


08-06-2015, 03:15 PM
That is, unless NSA turns me in ... i'm sure they're watching this crew. ;)

Prank call! Prank call!

Seriously though Thumpy, Dayum! Good job.. As 'rub said, I bet you could turn that into a serious business.

08-06-2015, 03:20 PM
But, but, but ..... I'm retired!! ;)

08-06-2015, 03:35 PM
You're a good man, Thump....I'm sure the guy appreciated your help. ;)

I didn't even have to think about it Eddie. We've known each other since we were 7 years old and were best friends and basically inseparable when we were kids. (we lived a block apart and his mom was even our Cub Scout leader) The weird part, we lost track of each other for 40 years and through the magic of Al Gore's internet, found each other a few years back. The REALLY weird part, we both live here just a few minutes from each other, in the same part of town, and we grew up 60 miles from here! (Orlando) I've been here 26 years, he's been here 18 years and we've neighbors all that time, but never knew it! What are the chances?