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View Full Version : English.........

08-11-2015, 03:35 PM
I commented on this before, but it's a head scratcher.

Two teams, both from Spain, have emerged as the European Super Cup finalists.........they are playing right now, around midnight, in Tsibili, Georgia.

Every sign ringing the stadium is in English. Every ad (Mastercard, Gatorade, etc) is for American products. The words on the players' uniforms is in English.

Can't be a sufficient percentage of TV viewers in America to command that kind of respect. Makes no sense. But there it is........and almost every foreign soccer match, even the obscure ones, are same way.

Watching Lionel Messi work is amazing. Barcelona is dismantling Sevilla.......and Messi is pure magic. Just amazing. The skill that Barcelona is showing is staggering. If you like soccer even 2%, you ought to go watch the 2nd half just to watch Messi while you can.

08-11-2015, 05:45 PM
I don't watch soccer, but most international sporting events these days contain virtual advertising. It's usually superimposed on the signs and banners surrounding the playing field or stadium, etc. Not sure about the jerseys, but English is VERY commonly used around the world.

Chicken Dinner
08-12-2015, 07:38 AM
I guess they don't believe in defense in Spain.