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View Full Version : How many of these are out there?

08-12-2015, 05:16 PM

Blytheville is a "nothing" town in NE Arkansas, pop about 15,000 or so.

How many towns in America have 15,000? In how many of those could this same thing have happened? How long before it's back just like it was?

The War on Drugs has been fought..........and lost. I wonder what this cost (why is there not a past tense of cost?)?

BaseballCoach (Rev A)
08-12-2015, 09:13 PM
Either the AR cops are slow or your criminals are smarter than ours here in VA. I live in a county of 20,000 and they have 3-4 such round ups every year. The list of names and charges goes for pages in the local paper, at least 75 busted every time. We have some coke and crack here but the vast majority of our drug problem is prescription painkillers and meth. The meth heads are easy to pick out. Most of them walk around the Walmart parking lot on 90 degree days wearing jeans and hooded sweatshirts with the hoods up. The ones on painkillers are harder to find. They are neighbors, coworkers, fellow church members and show no real signs of 'addiction'. Most of them are good folks who need the mess for a short time but get hooked. Two a day turns into four then eight...no clue how the function day to day. When the prescriptions run out, these otherwise law abiding folks become criminals to keep the pills coming. They are eventually done in by the financial strain, typically ruining their entire family.