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08-14-2015, 06:41 AM
I picked up my new computer yesterday and am still f'ing with it to figure out where everything is and to get it "set up". I got up this morning and used my laptop to prep some eBay packages for shipping, left the room for about 5 mins. and when I returned, my screen was blank! No lights on the lap top, no nuttin'! It appears to be as dead as a doornail. I mean it won't do NUTTIN'! Zilch, zip, nada. What sucks is ... I was going to get this new one up and running, then transfer a bunch of stuff from the other one onto here. Bummer ... it appears all is lost. :(

I know, I know ... external hard drive ... I ain't gots one, obviously. And don't even mention "The Cloud" ... I have no clue where that thing is floating. This kinda sucks, but it could'a been worse if it'd gone out a couple days ago! I guess there's always some sort of silver lining if you look hard enough.

08-14-2015, 06:55 AM
With Apple everything would have been on the cloud automatically. And anything on your computer you could open on your iPhone from the cloud. Plus I keep a 2 terabyte external HD at home with auto backup.
To be so old you sure act like a rookie. :D
Did you say not to mention the cloud? I'm not good at following directions. 

08-14-2015, 05:27 PM
With Apple everything would have been on the cloud automatically. And anything on your computer you could open on your iPhone from the cloud. Plus I keep a 2 terabyte external HD at home with auto backup.
To be so old you sure act like a rookie. :D
Did you say not to mention the cloud? I'm not good at following directions. 

And for the first time ever I like to present to the membership our latest smilie, the "GoodHunting Shit Disturber Award" and award it to Mr Larke Captain (Cappy) for his non relentless effort of SD'ing to anyone that does not use apple products.

:GH Shit Disturber

Well done sir! You followed the steps of Barry and Thumper itself but today you become the master!!!! lol!!!!

The smilie can be located by clicking on the smilie icon, then select more. I never thought I had so much fun administering a board!

08-14-2015, 05:28 PM
Tump, did you disconnect the laptop from power and removed the battery?

08-14-2015, 05:37 PM
Which laptop went blank the old one or the new?

08-14-2015, 05:38 PM
I think is the old one, new one is a desk top.

08-14-2015, 05:57 PM
I worked hard for this award, and not so humbly accept. But of course I must thank and cannot forget all the little people that leave themselves open for jabs. Without them this award would not be possible. :D

08-14-2015, 05:59 PM
You're welcome.

08-14-2015, 06:12 PM
With Apple everything would have been on the cloud automatically. And anything on your computer you could open on your iPhone from the cloud. Plus I keep a 2 terabyte external HD at home with auto backup.
To be so old you sure act like a rookie. :D
Did you say not to mention the cloud? I'm not good at following directions. 



08-14-2015, 06:15 PM
I worked hard for this award, and not so humbly accept. But of course I must thank and cannot forget all the little people that leave themselves open for jabs. Without them this award would not be possible. :D


08-14-2015, 06:18 PM
"the cloud".

I remember the first cloud. It was a room full of hard drives and whirring tape drives. A 3270 dumb terminal, connected to a 15-drop multi-drop analog circuit, MIGHT be the only way to view things that you had.

Then came 'distributed computing'. Putting the power at your fingertips.

Turns out now, there isn't enough power at your fingertips. Well, there probably is, but it can't store all your tunes and photos, so they invented a name to go back to square one.......the "cloud", which is what we drew when we were addressing a meeting about how to do something, and we didn't want to get too technical on the actual network. So we drew a cloud, and made lines into and out of it.

Back to the Future.

08-14-2015, 06:19 PM
I worked hard for this award, and not so humbly accept. But of course I must thank and cannot forget all the little people that leave themselves open for jabs. Without them this award would not be possible. :D



08-15-2015, 07:43 AM
Well, I see Mr. SD has an apple as an avatar now. ;)

Ok, the latest, there is NO problem with the laptop after all. When I brought in my new desktop, I moved the laptop to a spare bedroom that I've basically converted to my eBay warehouse/shipping center. :D

It seems the plug (wall receptacle) I plugged into is a bit worn and what had happened is the battery had completely drained since the charger was not working. I mean it was DEAD! I discovered it when I went to unplug the laptop and store it until I decided what to do with it. I simply squeezed the prongs on the plug together a bit to tighten it up, plugged it in, it immediately started charging and the laptop still works like a charm. I'm tellin' ya', that little TOSHIBA laptop has been a real workhorse.

That said, I was at an estate sale yesterday and they had a HUGE Mac there. They had it listed at $500 and I asked the lady how old it was. She told me 2012 and asked if I was interested. I joked that I didn't have $500 and she told me she takes credit cards and to make her an offer. Now realize, this was ONE day after buying my new desktop! I didn't pay a lot of attention, but this Apple had a bazillion accessories ... not sure what all of them were, but it looks like someone had spent a small fortune on all the toys, including a huge, emergency power supply. Heck, I "should" go back today and if it's still there, see if I can get it for $250! ;)

08-15-2015, 08:02 AM
You should RUN back and get it. You should have never left it there to start with.

08-15-2015, 11:10 AM
Well, I see Mr. SD has an apple as an avatar now. ;)

I can fix his avatar, but he would never forgive me! lol!

It seems the plug (wall receptacle) I plugged into is a bit worn and what had happened is the battery had completely drained since the charger was not working.

NTF (OE), I was waiting for you to reply, I would have told you to send it my way and I would have fix it, glad you double checked.

08-15-2015, 11:18 AM
I can fix his avatar, but he would never forgive me! lol!


08-15-2015, 11:32 AM
Look, I have a new avatar too!!! lol!

08-15-2015, 11:51 AM
Here ya' go Nandy. ;)

<iframe width="854" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/r1hK3_UxYvk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

08-15-2015, 01:42 PM
You should RUN back and get it. You should have never left it there to start with.

Agree^...@$250 today.....

Just make sure the specs are at least a Core i5/i7.....

08-15-2015, 04:14 PM
Called 'em this morning and it's been sold. I have no clue what it was ... but the screen was as big as a danged drive-in movie!