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08-23-2015, 04:54 PM
... and after a huge meal of Dim Sum in Tampa, I already have the munchies.

Had an order of chicken feet for lunch (along with 20-bazillion other dishes) ....


... And I brought the left-overs home ... only two of 'em, but they'll be the perfect snack! YUM!


08-23-2015, 04:57 PM
So many camels now have so much pain.............

08-23-2015, 05:26 PM
That one went over my head. :confused:

08-23-2015, 05:39 PM
That one went over my head. :confused:

Don't feel alone. It's beyond me too.

Big Muddy
08-23-2015, 05:41 PM
Good Lord, Thump, you better not EVER say anything the next time I post a pic of a pot of my boilt chittlin's !!! ;)

08-23-2015, 05:53 PM
Good Lord, Thump, you better not EVER say anything the next time I post a pic of a pot of my boilt chittlin's !!! ;)

Oh, I can eat 'em, I just can't handle the smell of 'em cookin' and that turns me off. Just call me after they're on the table! ;)

One of my favorite Mexican dishes (especially if I have a hangover) is Menudo (especially with hominy) ... same deal ... I'll order it AFTER it's cooked.

08-23-2015, 06:09 PM
That one went over my head. :confused:

Looks amazingly like a certain camel part................

08-23-2015, 06:26 PM
Hmmm, guess I just ain't seein' it.

You did remind me though, we LOVE to hit our favorite Persian restaurant at least twice a month and I think we're overdue. My favorite all-time Persian dish and my almost standard item to order? Basmati rice with a grilled tomato and a coupl'a camel dicks! Ummmmmm! ;)


08-23-2015, 06:30 PM
that's exactly what I wanted to see before dinner, some fried chicken feet with green stiff between theor toes and fricaseed camel johnsons.

thanks a lot!bKb

No-till Boss
08-23-2015, 06:32 PM

08-23-2015, 06:38 PM

BTW ... chicken feet ain't fried you dufus ... they're "braised". ;)

08-23-2015, 06:43 PM
I'd have to be starving and on deaths door. I don't even care that much for the "good" parts of a chicken much less the feet! And forget about the camel parts. I'll just drop the hammer and see what's next!

08-23-2015, 06:54 PM
Ha! The chicken feet are great, I just call the Persian dish "camel dicks". The one's pictured are actually kabobs. My favorite (pictured above) is "Kabab koobideh" which is minced beef (or can be lamb) "usually" mixed with parsley, onions, and a bazillion spices ... marinated overnight, then grilled over charcoal (or hot "coals" anyway). Have it with a platter of sangak (Persian flatbread) and it's to die for!

'Course there are a bazillion different kabobs, it's just that the Koobideh is my favorite.

Youse dufes really need to get out more. ;)

08-23-2015, 07:04 PM
If getting out means eating shit that should be in the gut bucket, I'll stay in.

08-23-2015, 07:06 PM
Confusious say: "Man can not live by Denny's alone". :D

08-23-2015, 07:09 PM
Ha! The chicken feet are great, I just call the Persian dish "camel dicks". The one's pictured are actually kabobs. My favorite (pictured above) is "Kabab koobideh" which is minced beef (or can be lamb) "usually" mixed with parsley, onions, and a bazillion spices ... marinated overnight, then grilled over charcoal (or hot "coals" anyway). Have it with a platter of sangak (Persian flatbread) and it's to die for!

'Course there are a bazillion different kabobs, it's just that the Koobideh is my favorite.

Youse dufes really need to get out more. ;)

sure you love kabobs. and kabills and kakens and.....


08-23-2015, 07:13 PM
... and you can kakiss THIS! ;)

08-23-2015, 07:48 PM
I've BEEN out.


That's why I do NOT eat dog snot like you do.

And yes, I've seen you eat. I spy with my little eye......... my own little eye. Not hearsay. Not 2nd hand evidence. Eye witness stuff.

Go read up on "Super Tasters". Whatever they are (my wife is one), you ain't!! You got NO taste buds, trust me.

Big Skyz
08-23-2015, 11:27 PM
I'd let Denny's kill me before I would eat a chicken foot. I've been around enough chicken coops to know there is no way they can clean those feet enough to be edible.

quercus alba
08-23-2015, 11:28 PM
Jimbo I'm glad to see that I'm not the only true gourmand here on the board. Bunch of culinary heathens on here. Next thing you'll hear is " I wouldn't eat a steak unless it's well done."

08-24-2015, 04:41 AM
I'd let Denny's kill me before I would eat a chicken foot. I've been around enough chicken coops to know there is no way they can clean those feet enough to be edible.

Glad to see you BigSky. Been missing you!

08-24-2015, 06:54 AM
Jimbo I'm glad to see that I'm not the only true gourmand here on the board. Bunch of culinary heathens on here. Next thing you'll hear is " I wouldn't eat a steak unless it's well done."

Now THAT should be a crime punishable by imprisonment! My mom won't eat a steak unless it gray inside! Arrrggghhh! Ha! On my first date with Lynn some 30+ years ago, we went to Bono's (Sonny Bono's restaurant in L.A.) for dinner and I ordered Carpaccio as an appetizer. I found out later, she knew we were compatible after that! ;)

One of my favorite dishes in Thailand is "Larb Leut" (the authentic stuff ... it's cooked in the restaurants here).

This dish is made with minced raw pork or beef, raw blood, kidney, fat and bile, and mixed with spices, crispy fried onions, fresh herbs and other ingredients. Larb and its other variations are served with an assortment of fresh vegetables and herbs, and eaten with glutinous rice. This version of larb is viewed as having originated in the town of Phrae, in northern Thailand and can also be found in parts of northern Laos.

Oh, and given the reason for not trying chicken feet, I suppose Big Sky wouldn't even consider pig's feet, so I won't ask. ;)

08-24-2015, 07:02 AM
You must search the Internet to find the nastiest crap out there that folks try on a dare and post it....
You are a sick puppy.

08-24-2015, 08:01 AM
Actually, my willingness to try something new has served me well over the years. I lived in a small village with the locals in Northern Thailand for 3 years (which was basically Thailand/Laos). In those days there was a $10,000 bounty on our heads (according to the military anyway). In 1970 dollars, that was about a bazillion years income for a villager! The fact I got along so well with the locals was a HUGE advantage and if ANYONE fucked with me, they had the Village Chief and the elders to deal with. Their culture is tied VERY closely with food and the fact I'd sit and eat with them was a huge plus. They called me the Thai Farang (Thai Foreigner) in the village.

Here in the states, it continued. You've heard me mention my Toyota mechanic here in town. He takes VERY good care of me at the dealer. ;)

He happens to be Laotian and ended up here when he was a young kid (as a refuge). Years later, he brought his dad over here. Dad was an old school villager who spent his life living in the jungle basically and the adjustment was a little rough at his age (he's dead now). One weekend I went out to my buddy's place for the first time and I could have sworn I was in a small Laotian village. They had property waaaay out in the sticks and dad had the place looking just like the old home country! Gardens, farm animals, banana trees, mango trees, papaya trees, you name it. The fact I spoke Thai/Laotian tickled dad and my buddy said he'd never seen his dad have so much fun since he's lived here. When I arrived, he had just killed a duck for a later meal and drained the blood into a bowl for some cold (raw) blood soup (called leuat paeng). Of course he asked if I'd like to join him and I jumped at the chance! After that day, my buddy told me his dad asked him probably once per week when I was coming back out to visit. That also made our bond a lot tighter and he takes care of anything I ever need done to our vehicles at the dealership (gratis). Prob is, he's now opening up his own shop and it's a bit far to drive since the dealer is only a couple miles from my house. :(

Anyway, here's what the leuat paeng looks like and I will say, it's ... what's that word? Larrupin? (don't knock it 'til you've tried it!) :D


08-24-2015, 08:39 AM
When I was in Manila, I tried an appetizer someone had ordered in a bar that was some sort of stir fry type mixture and was actually pretty good. When I asked what it was they told me it was 'pig face', or 'sisig' in Tagalog.

pretty good stuff, Maynard.


08-24-2015, 08:45 AM
It's true that sometimes it's better to try something BEFORE you know what it is. A lot of what people say they "don't like" is purely psychological.

Big Muddy
08-24-2015, 09:27 AM
Looks like a turkey neck to me, but I bet Thump would prolly try it, anyway. ;)


08-24-2015, 09:44 AM
Looks like a turkey neck to me too. Prolly was. I honestly don't go out of my way to eat weird shit or to prove to anybody I can do it, but I have an open mind when it comes to "cultural foods". I "thought" I'd like that show Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern, but I just didn't care for that guy (or the show really). I'm more of an Anthony Bourdain guy. I'd give ANYTHING just to accompany him on his trips ... even if just to carry his luggage. Zimmern's a goofball but I think I'd really get along with Bourdain.

Odd, but if you want to see me try to gag up my toenails, try to get me to eat raw oysters. See? People have different ideas on what's gross.

Talk about eating balls of pig snot! http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/sick/puke-smiley-emoticon.gif

Big Skyz
08-24-2015, 11:48 AM
Not eating weird stuff has served me well...and NO feet of any kind are on the menu. I'd rather eat fish than half the crap you post, and for me, that's saying something. Only things I've ever tried that were far beyond my comfort meter was raw fish in Korea. It tasted awful and I suspect it was carp. I tried to eat it with an open mind, but after gagging down the first, and only bite, I realized it didn't taste any different than if I would have just taken a bite out of a carp I had just caught. Unfortunately during the same meal I was served live octopus. The waitress took a baby octopus, held it over my plate, and cut the legs off with a pair of scissors. The legs were wriggling around on my plate like a bunch of earth worms. Then my hosts all looked at me with great anticipation, as if it were an honor to be served such a special meal. I wrapped the legs in a huge piece of lettuce, threw it in my mouth, and chewed it just enough to swallow it. It tasted like nasty fishy rubber. Never tried octopus since, and never will. I did however try some sushi in Hawaii made out of salmon. It was better than the crap I had in Korea, but still nothing I would eat again unless I was on the brink of starvation. Oh I guess there was one other super nasty thing I was once tricked into eating. While I was in South Africa one night for dinner they served hors d'oeuvres prior to the main meal. It was a cracker with what looked like some kind of cheese spread on it. I popped one in my mouth and immediately started to gag and dry heave. My host/professional hunter was sitting right next to me and thought I was being a baby. So he tosses one in his mouth and then sprinted for the trash can to spit it out. It turned out to be some kind of liver pate. He then called the cook over and made explicit instructions that it was to NEVER be served again. It might be the nastiest tasting stuff I have ever had cross my tongue. Even the smell of liver causes me to have bad flash backs. When I gut an animal the liver gets tossed as far away from me as I can fling it.

08-24-2015, 12:19 PM
Funny thing about liver ... I'm all over the map with it. I can do the pate or foie gras, but don't go out of my way to chase it down. I love chicken gizzards, but hate chicken liver ... UNLESS Lynn makes roumaki with them, then I'll eat 'em 'til they come out my ears!!

Now, (calves) liver & onions ... man-o-man, I can put that stuff away big time. Go figure.

Funny you should mention the octopus. I absolutely LOVE calamari (squid) and in fact, had some just yesterday. I also mentioned to Lynn that it's been a while since we went over to Tarpon Springs to the Greek sponge docks area for Greek food. Our favorite appetizer is octopus. So, this morning she said she'd try to get reservations at the Hyatt Regency over on the coast for this coming weekend so we wouldn't have so far to drive. (it's like 65 miles ... a bit far for dinner only) So, hopefully, I'll be chomping on some octopus this weekend! (it'll be dead though) :D

In fact, I have a couple'a pics from my last meal over there. I had already eaten half the octopus before I thought to take a pic. :(



Big Skyz
08-24-2015, 12:54 PM
Methinks what you call food would be called "bait" by the Captain and I.

Big Muddy
08-24-2015, 01:04 PM
I only starting eating calamari about 10 years ago....I absolutely love it, when it's lightly battered and fried!!!....I ordered it for an appetizer, nearly every evening meal, while in Savannah, last week.

08-24-2015, 01:10 PM
I started eating calamari back in the early 80's when I worked in Beverly Hills. My favorite after-work hang-out put it out on the bar during happy hour. Ha! Normal bars put out frigging peanuts or pretzels ... in Beverly Hills ya' gets calamari! :D

I absolutely love the stuff and some of the best I've ever had is at the Chinese restaurant where we ate dim sum yesterday.

08-24-2015, 02:24 PM
Dim Sum? Isn't that what Republicans call Common Core math?


Big Muddy
08-24-2015, 02:54 PM
Dim Sum? Isn't that what Republicans call Common Core math?


Nah, that's what a redneck says when he's giving a gal a compliment...."dim sum" real nice hooters, ya got there!!! ;)

08-24-2015, 03:18 PM
Gawd! I try so hard to introduce a bit of class to this joint, but it's all in vain! ('Course I ordered a full serving of calamari off the menu) ;)

Dim sum /ˈdɪmˈsʌm/ (simplified Chinese: 点心; traditional Chinese: 點心; pinyin: Diǎnxīn) is a style of Cantonese cuisine prepared as small bite-sized portions of food traditionally served in small steamer baskets or on small plates. Dim sum is also well known for the unique way it is served in some restaurants, whereby fully cooked and ready-to-serve dim sum dishes are carted around the restaurant for customers to choose their orders while seated at their tables.

Big Skyz
08-24-2015, 03:51 PM
The bar must be set awfully low in your mind if eating chicken feet adds class to anything...

08-24-2015, 03:59 PM
Eating soup of a dead birds uncooked blood. What could go wrong?

08-24-2015, 04:03 PM
Dim Sum nasty crap you be eatin

08-24-2015, 05:52 PM
Dim Sum? Isn't that what Republicans call Common Core math?


Now that was good.

08-24-2015, 08:07 PM
Chicken feet used to come in a box in Korea. We'd eat them like pretzels as snacks. I cannot, for the life of me, remember why!

Oh yeah! We ate these too:

If you guessed silkworm larvae, you win a prize (more silkworm larvae)!

These things are BBQ'ed on street corners and smell heavenly. The taste? It tastes like you would expect crispy a bug to taste.

08-24-2015, 08:30 PM
I eat all sorts of bugs in Thailand and they're available on most any street corner. I took my son one year and as we sat in a bar listening to a band over some cold beer, he asked if they had any peanuts or anything to munch on. I sent our waitress out for a bag-o-bugs and she brought a big bowl of fried grasshoppers and set them down in front of us. My boy kinda gave me "that look" and I proceeded to show him how to eat them. Dang! Once he got started, I had to fight him for the last one! He LOVED 'em. To be honest, they're better than popcorn. He still talks about those things. The street stalls have every bug known to man, but grasshoppers/crickets are my second favorite ... the big beetles are my all-time favorite and a real delicacy over there.

Here are the grasshoppers on the lower left and the beetles on the lower right. Dang! I'd give my left nut for some right now!


08-24-2015, 08:44 PM
The chicken feet are great

I vouch for that!

I'd let Denny's kill me before I would eat a chicken foot. I've been around enough chicken coops to know there is no way they can clean those feet enough to be edible.

they dont cut the feet and throw it on the fire, at least not the one I ate. they will be boiled then outside layer of skin pulled sort like what you do with a hog, the tips where the talons resides are cut as well.. The part that you eat has never been exposed. Texture is similar to a thin wing, so if you like wings you would have no problems eating chicken feet. However, I do understand where you coming from.

Not eating weird stuff has served me well...and NO feet of any kind are on the menu. I'd rather eat fish than half the crap you post, and for me, that's saying something.

Not picking on you man, but you remind me this American production crew filming a movie in China with Jackie Chan. Jackie is trying to take them to eat something different but all they care is to find where the closest McDonald is, Really, you go to China and all you eat is McDonald... to each it's own I guess....

I need to add a face palm smiley....

Jim, im with you brother!!!! lol!!!!

Chicken Dinner
08-24-2015, 08:45 PM
It can't be worse than the first couple of notes of a boiled peanut. After the first couple, they get kind of good to you.

08-24-2015, 09:13 PM
No. Actually they don't. They gag me. I have tried and tried. I can't get it.

Just awful.

They're like someone decided they'd take a great food product, and try to ruin it..........and they succeeded, only those with no taste buds and little couth found out they liked it. And then the rest of us real humans have to listen to it.

Like that.

08-24-2015, 09:23 PM
Buckaroo, I think you missed quoting someone.

08-24-2015, 09:28 PM
Nope. My post was in reference to Hank's post, which is immediately above it.

quercus alba
08-24-2015, 09:48 PM
I'd try just about anything once.

just about

08-24-2015, 10:00 PM
I have a very few general rules in my diet and aside from the aforementioned attempt at eating healthier, I do kind of draw a line at innards I guess. I like some chicken gizzards from a gas station In Pine Bluff (best ones in the land), but that's about the only innard I thnk I can get down.

Feet are likely in that category. i can't think of a single foot of any creature I eat, including chickens. i like pickled pigs feet but refer back to the healthy eating part so those don't get et neither.

no brains, no testicles.

so those are simple rules, right?


08-24-2015, 10:17 PM
bucky, I wasnt sure you were referring to Hank.

I have my limitations too. I could not eat balut for example however, i can eat squid...
Jimmy, have you eat balut? I would be very surprised to hear a no but still asking.

08-25-2015, 07:22 AM
Jimmy, have you eat balut? I would be very surprised to hear a no but still asking.

Yep, my Chinese buddy (the Subway owner) loves it ... me, not so much. Well, actually ... not at all. I tried it once and that was it. I do have my limitations. ;)

There have actually been a few things I would not even try, which is rare, but I can't even think of what they were now. I "almost" didn't try the balut ... and prolly would'a been better off if I hadn't.