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Big Muddy
09-02-2015, 01:40 PM
Monday afternoon, I was finishing up a new walkway to our boat dock at Chicot....the screws for the last few boards were easier to install, by me standing in about knee-deep water, off to one side....I was only wearing a pair of old tennis shoes and socks....after completing the job, I had to walk thru a maze of submerged cypress knees to reach the bank, and hit my ankle pretty hard on one of the pointed ends of one of them....after getting out onto the bank, I looked at my ankle, and saw nothing more than a couple of scratches, so it never crossed mind, again....at least, not until 9 pm, that night.

I was eating supper, when suddenly my ankle started hurting like it was on fire, and started turning red, right before my eyes....WTF was going on???....then, the swelling started setting in....at 10 pm, I got the worst case of cold chills imaginable, but I was burning up....by morning, the bed sheets were wringing wet with sweat, but I was still having cold chills....late yesterday afternoon, I felt just a tad better, so wifey called the doctor, and he worked me in about 7 am, this morning....until then, I actually hadn't had enough energy to even go to the emergency room....all I wanted to do was sleep and sweat.

Doc said he sees this all the time, and called it a "Superbug" from the mud I had stirred up, while in the water, and said the least little scratch can let those bad little bastages enter your bloodstream, and cause all sorts of problems from quickly spreading....he scolded me for not coming in sooner.

Anyhow, I got two antibiotic shots in my azz cheeks, and a prescript. for another by mouth....he wants to see me again in the morning, and may have to give me some more follow-up butt shots.

You can bet your sweet azz that I will be more conscious about getting a scratch or minor cut, when I'm in an infectious environment!!!

Looks pretty innocent, right now....pic is from this morning....imagine 100% more red and 3 X times more swollen.


09-02-2015, 01:54 PM
My gosh!! Wow

Big Muddy
09-02-2015, 02:03 PM
My son just called to check on me, and said he has a friend who had the same thing happen to him, while he was swimming at one of our state park lakes in south MS....he ignored it, and did not go to the doctor....it developed into full-blown cellulitis, and he had to be put on IV antibiotics.

Several cases of that new "flesh-eating bacteria" have already been reported on the coasts of Ala., GA, and Fla....Doc told me I wouldn't even be here, right now, if I had caught that sheeit!!!....only way to stop it is by amputation, usually within the first 24 hours.

It's dang sure nothing to play around with!!!

09-02-2015, 02:18 PM
Is that like a flesh eating bacteria? We just had someone die in Oklahoma from it. caught it in a lake swimming supposedly.


Big Muddy
09-02-2015, 02:22 PM
Is that like a flesh eating bacteria? We just had someone die in Oklahoma from it. caught it in a lake swimming supposedly.


No kidding!!!!....I've only heard of it in the coastal waters....that is some bad sheeit!!!

Big Muddy
09-02-2015, 02:28 PM
Just a couple of examples:




09-02-2015, 02:33 PM
Probably 10 years ago I got my foot swollen to about 3x the size and had to do the same. Started me with IV antibiotics and it went down, but I was worried I might be without a foot. It all started at BBPs where I had a concrete wrestling match and managed to scrape the top layer of skin off my foot. It wasn't really bad just a little road burn on the top of my foot. That was on a Saturday. On Sunday I had a softball game but my foot would bleed when running and stick to my sock.....so in my wisdom I took the sock off and played softball all day. The sweat and dirt caused the worst infection I've ever had.

09-02-2015, 02:35 PM
Well dang! Sounds nasty. I'll admit, it took me a while to finish reading your post as the mental image kinda grossed me out. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't get past this point. ;)

I was only wearing a pair of old tennis shoes and socks.

Big Muddy
09-02-2015, 02:42 PM
Well dang! Sounds nasty. I'll admit, it took me a while to finish reading your post as the mental image kinda grossed me out. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't get past this point. ;)

Thump, the central phrase here shoulda been, "My DUMBAZZ SELF was only wearing old tennis shoes and socks"....yeah, I know, and I guarantee you that I'll be more safety conscious, next time!!!....we ALL do dumb sheeit!!! ;)

09-02-2015, 02:46 PM
Ha ha ha! I think you missed my point. I HOPE you were wearing pants of some sort! (shorts maybe?) :D

09-02-2015, 03:48 PM
^^^^^^^ Ha, ha!
Classic thumper!!!

glad you are better, those bugs are nasty, you are getting off easy.

09-02-2015, 05:16 PM
Damn brother! I would have not thought anything of it either. Glad you posted this maybe it will make us all a little more careful....

Big Muddy
09-02-2015, 07:01 PM
Ha ha ha! I think you missed my point. I HOPE you were wearing pants of some sort! (shorts maybe?) :D

Hahaha!!!...Day'um it, Thump, that one went, "ZING", right over my noggin....yep, I was wearing shorts....otherwise, the catfish mighta took a nibble of my big ole nightcrawler. ;)

Big Muddy
09-02-2015, 07:02 PM
^^^^^^^ Ha, ha!
Classic thumper!!!

glad you are better, those bugs are nasty, you are getting off easy.

I hope so, too, Nandy....I'll know more in the morning....thanks.

Big Muddy
09-02-2015, 07:08 PM
Damn brother! I would have not thought anything of it either. Glad you posted this maybe it will make us all a little more careful....

I hope so, Cap....today, while elevating my leg all day, I've been reading up on some of these infectious bugs that we are exposed to, in our everyday climates....it'll scare the sheeit out of you....definitely not like in the old days, when you could cure just about anything with tobacco spit, coal oil, iodine, merthiolate, alcohol, or turpentine. ;)

I'm usually very particular about germs, and go thru prolly a gallon of Germ-x every three months....I don't even shake hands, during the flu season....I just do the fist-bump, and all my friends know why.

I really stepped on my pecker, this time....I KNEW I should have, immediately, taken a hot soapy shower, after work that afternoon, but decided to sit on the porch and cool off for a couple of hours, with an adult beverage....BAD mistake!!!....the invasion had begun.

Chicken Dinner
09-02-2015, 07:27 PM
I went through that MRSA stuff with my older boy Matt when he was 8 or 9. He spent a week getting IV antibiotics in the hospital. It's bad juju when they start saying stuff like if this antibiotic doesn't work there's only one left we can try. Then, just when you think it's going to be okay okay they start talking about needing to check his femur and they'll need to scrape it out if that infection spread into the bone. I don't want to ever have another week like that. Ever.

Chicken Dinner
09-02-2015, 07:28 PM
Oh yeah, all from a bug bite that got infected by rolling around in the grass...

Big Muddy
09-02-2015, 07:34 PM
You are oh so correct, CD!!!....bad sheeit all around us, now....the bad bugs are getting tolerant to even our most powerful antibiotics....sort of similiar to Roundup herbicide....there are lots of grass and weeds, which it won't even affect, any longer.

09-02-2015, 07:38 PM
definitely not like in the old days, when you could cure just about anything with tobacco spit, coal oil, iodine, merthiolate, alcohol, or turpentine. ;)

Coffee grinds!!!

No-till Boss
09-02-2015, 08:02 PM
Lesson learned, don't go to the Redneck Riviera sober ...... there are many reason to drink ?

Hey Muddy, I know this is a long shot, but you know a Shelby Williams, he used to hang around that lake, and he just married a girl from around there, that I think family is in the timber business ?

09-02-2015, 08:14 PM
its from all those GMOs!


09-02-2015, 08:20 PM
its from all those GMOs!bKB

:stirthepot :stirthepot :stirthepot :poke :poke :poke

09-02-2015, 08:31 PM
I'm glad you're ok and DAMN I'd never think that could happen with the scratch on your ankle that's in that pic!

Big Muddy
09-02-2015, 08:52 PM
Arty, that's exactly what I told Doc....he said even a small scratch that just breaks the skin, and left untreated can bring on the bad bugs....my scratches did bleed a little, but I just shrugged it off, as minor stuff....cut myself shaving lots worse....also, that pic is almost 48 hours after the incident, so it's dried up a bit....read some of the other above posts about their minor scraps.

09-02-2015, 08:53 PM
Makes you wonder how human beans ever made it to now don't it?


09-02-2015, 08:55 PM
Makes you wonder how human beans ever made it to now don't it? bkb

09-02-2015, 08:57 PM
I like beans! ;)

09-02-2015, 09:08 PM
In the 'more information than you'd ever want to know' category: I've been reading a bunch lately about my region's history in the ealry 1800s. Been looking mainly at journals and such. One thing that'll strike you immediately is that what historians write about an era is largely bullshit. And secondly how many fucking people died in those times every single year. The number of times I've read about a flood wiping out every home in a river bottom or cholera or typhus killing every child in a family is just heartbreaking. Those really were some strong souls to hang in there like they did.


09-02-2015, 09:14 PM
But did THOSE lives matter? :D

No-till Boss
09-02-2015, 09:15 PM
Makes you wonder how human beans ever made it to now don't it?


No-till Boss
09-02-2015, 09:16 PM
In the 'more information than you'd ever want to know' category: I've been reading a bunch lately about my region's history in the ealry 1800s. Been looking mainly at journals and such. One thing that'll strike you immediately is that what historians write about an era is largely bullshit. And secondly how many fucking people died in those times every single year. The number of times I've read about a flood wiping out every home in a river bottom or cholera or typhus killing every child in a family is just heartbreaking. Those really were some strong souls to hang in there like they did.


Bad water killed and maimed more than almost anything else.

09-02-2015, 09:36 PM
I was just reading last night about this naturalist that came down the Mississippi on a flatboat in about 1817 in the area where I think it is you live, NoTill. Because of the earthquake, in many places the elevation changed ten or eleven feet and many homes, okay that a relative term but many for the time, were flooded in the following years. People got their shit wiped out often it seems like from reading these journals.
This naturalist's name was Nutall. a good read if you're into that stuff.


Here's the poop on his book.

A Journal of Travels Into the Arkansas Territory: During the Year 1819. By Thomas Nuttall

Big Muddy
09-02-2015, 09:51 PM
[QUOTE=No-till Boss.Bad water killed and maimed more than almost anything else.[/QUOTE]

Yep, that and insect pests, which carried so many dreaded diseases....mosquitos were the main hosts and vectors for most contagious diseases.
Btw, the dreaded "flesh-eating" bacteria is the first cousin of cholera.

09-02-2015, 10:02 PM
My ex-wife had an aunt that was in her 90's when I knew her and had moved to Oklahoma prior to statehood. She lost a daughter to cholera in Oklahoma in the 20's and spoke of it as common in her time. She thought it was from contaminated water. She blamed it on outhouse and wells built too close together.

09-03-2015, 12:36 AM
I had cholera in Thailand in the 70's. It is some VERY, VERY nasty shit (no pun intended). I think I lost about 10 lbs/day! I was going and blowing from both ends, non-stop about every 1/2 hour. Just the smell of food or the taste of water even would make me barf. My Thai girlfriend at the time was pulling nasty sheets out from under me, sliding clean ones under me and repeating constantly. I couldn't even get out of bed to go to the crapper and I'd just shit the bed.

My well was within 10 feet of the ... heck, I don't know if the village had septic tanks or not ... anyway, the drain for the crapper went into the ground ... no clue what it ran into ... besides my well! I'd strain the skeeter's out of the well water through a t-shirt, then boil the water ... but I guess I got careless once and let some bugs get through. Then again, it could have been any of the street food. What'cha think they washed the veggies, etc. in?

In the very early stages, the frigging Army doctor gave me some antibiotics to treat me for gastritis. I went back and told him I thought I was dying and he told me not to come back in until I'd taken all the pills. The whole time the villiagers were telling me I had "ahua' (no clue how to spell it - Thai for cholera). The Thais kept trying to get me to a Thai doctor, but we'd be given an Article 15 if we went to a non-military doctor. I was on my death bed when one of the villagers carried me down a flight of stairs (my bungalo was on stilts for the rainy season), loaded me into a taxi and took me to the Air Force Base. He turned me over to the AP's at the main gate and they rushed me to the hospital. The AF docs said I was totally dehydrated and most likely wouldn't have lived another day. That was the sickest I've ever been in my life. Everytime I'd start to pass out, I wasn't worried I'd die ... I was worried I WOULDN'T die! Seriously.

No-till Boss
09-03-2015, 06:26 AM
I was just reading last night about this naturalist that came down the Mississippi on a flatboat in about 1817 in the area where I think it is you live, NoTill. Because of the earthquake, in many places the elevation changed ten or eleven feet and many homes, okay that a relative term but many for the time, were flooded in the following years. People got their shit wiped out often it seems like from reading these journals.
This naturalist's name was Nutall. a good read if you're into that stuff.


Here's the poop on his book.

A Journal of Travels Into the Arkansas Territory: During the Year 1819. By Thomas Nuttall

Thanks, I do read about it, it was a incredible interesting period of time. I can't imagine the Mississippi river running backwards for days. I live about 10 miles West of Crowley's Ridge, which is a very strangle hill/ridge line in the middle of ground so flat you can watch your dog run off for days.

09-03-2015, 07:26 AM
I can't imagine the Mississippi river running backwards for days.

Isn't that how reelfoot lake in Tennessee was formed?

09-03-2015, 07:55 AM
Yeah Arty. I used to swim, camp and fish on Reelfoot. If I remember correctly, it's actually a fault line and the river flowed backwards and filled in the lake after a big earthquake. I may have that a little mixed up ... it's been a long time.

09-03-2015, 08:17 AM
Yeah Arty. I used to swim, camp and fish on Reelfoot. If I remember correctly, it's actually a fault line and the river flowed backwards and filled in the lake after a big earthquake. I may have that a little mixed up ... it's been a long time.

That sounds correct. I used to camp there with my family when I was a teenager.

Most of that lake was actually an Indian reservation. Can you imagine the artifacts at the bottom of that lake!?

09-03-2015, 09:05 AM
Dang straight! Not lost or discarded items, but EVERYTHING in use at that particular time. I'd sure have to think divers have already been exploring that area. But then again, being a fault line, I have no clue how deep that lake is.