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09-28-2015, 10:08 AM

Even Kribbs is quiet.

Not even the obligatory moon picture?


09-28-2015, 10:53 AM
We got clouded over for the lunar event. I was all ready and everything!

09-28-2015, 11:04 AM
Didn't read any of the articles about when things were going to happen last night so this is the best I was able to come up with.


09-28-2015, 11:16 AM
I've been tied up as my Bro and SIL were in town from California ... plus I've been crazy busy with eBay (sales exploded over the weekend).

We were at a friend's house for dinner last night and left just after 9:00 pm. It rained last night and was cloudy, but we caught bits and pieces of it in their driveway and during the drive home whenever a clearing in the cloud cover gave us a glimpse. My last peek was around 10'ish when we got home and I took the trash container to the curb. Not a good view here.

09-28-2015, 06:24 PM

09-28-2015, 09:56 PM
11 hrs a day - 6 days a week in the combine.. I was retired once.. there was fishing..

No-till Boss
09-28-2015, 10:05 PM
How is the harvest going Hide hunter ? Yields good ?

Big Muddy
09-28-2015, 10:11 PM
11 hrs a day - 6 days a week in the combine.. I was retired once.. there was fishing..

I think I gotcha beat, Hide. ;)

24 hrs. a day - 7 days a week NOT in or on any kinda farm equipment - I beez retired - going fishing tomorrow if I want to!!;)

09-28-2015, 10:14 PM
Been busy workin on this fat Cubano

09-28-2015, 10:16 PM
Congrats Eddie. I didn't know it was official.


09-28-2015, 10:44 PM
Congrats Eddie. I didn't know it was official. BKB

It's not what you think P-hole ... he simply misspelled "retarded". :D

Big Muddy
09-28-2015, 11:35 PM
Congrats Eddie. I didn't know it was official.


Yep, it's been official for several weeks, Phole....got me a great renter, too....I told a bit of a fib about not getting on any farm equipment....been planting foodplots for the last few days....should finish up, tomorrow, then I'll pray for rain, which we have had hardly any of in nearly frigging 3 months!!!....less than 7/10" total, since July 5th.

Btw, bite my drawers, Thump!!! ;)

09-28-2015, 11:47 PM
Im Mr Fat Cubano to you Sire!!!! lol~

09-29-2015, 09:11 AM
How is the harvest going Hide hunter ? Yields good ?

Pretty well NTB.. Still on beans - overall - very good.. We're probably sitting at about 1500 acres.. Wet this morning.. waiting..

I think I gotcha beat, Hide. ;)

24 hrs. a day - 7 days a week NOT in or on any kinda farm equipment - I beez retired - going fishing tomorrow if I want to!!;)

uh huh.. I retired in 1994.. hunted and fished over 200 days that year.. Then - my sister and bil lost a combine driver at the last minute so I agreed to help them out for the season.. That was a 15 years ago... I went fishing on Sunday... Was it "Rub who said "I was about to fish in my pants".?. ;)

09-29-2015, 06:49 PM
Bad bee stings.
Family problems.
Not arguing with Libtards this week.
Busy next week too.

No-till Boss
09-29-2015, 07:38 PM
If it was those damn ground bees, they HURT ! I hate those things .....

No-till Boss
09-29-2015, 07:39 PM
Good deal Hide, I hope y'all have smooth sailing . We're finished with rice and waiting on soybeans, probably two weeks out.

09-29-2015, 08:51 PM
If it was those damn ground bees, they HURT ! I hate those things .....

It was. Real bad. Still there...

Big Muddy
09-29-2015, 09:07 PM
Haha, I once saw a guy on a D8 dozer hit a ground bee nest with his blade....he jumped off, and ran across a pasture, with about a hunnert ground bees, chasing him....the dozer veered off toward the woods, hit a big oak tree, and stalled....but, not before taking out about 1/4 mile of new barbed wire fence. ;)

Saw another guy, working on a catfish pond with a small dozer, hit a nest, which was built inside an old 30 gal. drum....he managed to kill the engine, but jumped off, and dived into the fish pond....every time he came up for air, those day'um bees would tear his azz up. ;)

09-29-2015, 09:07 PM
A buddy once compared getting stung by a bumble bee with getting shot with a 22.

My bro in law got stung real bad when he got into a nest of them when he was a kid. He still hates to use an electric razor because the buzz make him almost sick to his stomach.

I've picked up hay bales and got into them and have burnt dozens of their nests but I've yet to get stung by one.


No-till Boss
09-29-2015, 09:18 PM
It was. Real bad. Still there...

It will hurt for about 3 days. A hornet is bad, but goes away pretty quick, nothing hurts me like the ground bees.

09-29-2015, 09:25 PM
Back a hunerd years ago when I was a card-carrying carpenter - I had a buddy who was an operator.. He had lots of bee stories but my favorite was when they were working in a river bottom and had a 7 inch rain over nite. Two days later they took a boat in to get the equipment out - water was up over the tracks. Had to go back with a 100 pound LP tank and an improvised flame-thrower to get the snakes off.. I guess it was incredible. It was iowa - very unlikely anything poisonous - but there wasn't an operator on the job who would drive it out. ;)

09-29-2015, 09:30 PM
Back in 1993 when the big flood hit the midwest I was working one day a week in St Louis. We let a company that had their offices out by the airport in chesterfield temporarily move into out basement floor because theirs was flooded. The stories they told of snakes in file cabinets and such when they went back would give you the willies.


No-till Boss
09-29-2015, 09:37 PM
Back a hunerd years ago when I was a card-carrying carpenter - I had a buddy who was an operator.. He had lots of bee stories but my favorite was when they were working in a river bottom and had a 7 inch rain over nite. Two days later they took a boat in to get the equipment out - water was up over the tracks. Had to go back with a 100 pound LP tank and an improvised flame-thrower to get the snakes off.. I guess it was incredible. It was iowa - very unlikely anything poisonous - but there wasn't an operator on the job who would drive it out. ;)

My grandpa was a timber clearer, he had a quart jar plum full of rattlesnake rattlers. Man I loved those old stories .

09-30-2015, 07:52 AM
Haha, I once saw a guy on a D8 dozer hit a ground bee nest with his blade....he jumped off, and ran across a pasture, with about a hunnert ground bees, chasing him....the dozer veered off toward the woods, hit a big oak tree, and stalled....but, not before taking out about 1/4 mile of new barbed wire fence. ;)

Saw another guy, working on a catfish pond with a small dozer, hit a nest, which was built inside an old 30 gal. drum....he mana
ged to kill the engine, but jumped off, and dived into the fish pond....every time he came up for air, those day'um bees would tear his azz up. ;)

This happened at camp last year. Joe was on tractor and they got him bad. We had to take him to the hospital.

My pain about gone. But they are swarming by millions beside house....can't even get to outside faucet. Broke $800 pair of glasses swatting my neck. Luck not going well lately. And no idea how to get rid of them. Wait till January I guess.

09-30-2015, 08:25 AM
If they're ground bees get a gallon jug with a small mouth on it, fill it about a fourth of the way with used motor oil or maybe even some old fish grease if you want and set it as close to their hle as you can get. They know how to find their hole from the sound their buzzing makes above the hole. They'll drop down in that jar and get stuck in the oil.

If you can't get close enough to pour gas down the hole this may get rid of a lot of them so you can. takes a day or two though.

I ran across one at my old house while i was trimming with a weedeater. The only way I saw them in time was I felt the vibration through the bottoms of my feet from their buzzing. Used this method and it worked.

And are these real ground bees or bumble bees? Real ground bees usually won't swarm you like that while bumble bees will flat get after you.


09-30-2015, 09:16 AM
I'm no bee expert I guess. I thought bumble bees were those gigantor black & yellow dudes. I've never had much of a problem with them. I'm not sure what you guys are calling "ground bees" either. I've had a couple run-ins with yellow-jackets that nested in the ground. Things did NOT go well with those mean-assed bastards! Is that what you're referring to as "ground bees"?

Chicken Dinner
09-30-2015, 10:02 AM
I'm with Thump. Are you talking about yellow jackets? I hate those mean little bastages. If so, just pour about a cup of gas down the whole. While lighting it us fun, no need. The fumes will do the job.

09-30-2015, 10:06 AM
The trick is getting to the hole to do the pouring! :hair

Chicken Dinner
09-30-2015, 10:19 AM
True dat. Works best right at dusk.

09-30-2015, 11:28 AM
When I was a kid, I was visiting my grandparents who lived in the mountains of Western N. Carolina (I spent every summer with them). I was exploring the mountain behind their house one day and stepped into a yellow jacket nest. All I was wearing was a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Those bastards chased me down that mountain and I ran into the house. Prob is, I ran in the back door so fast, it took a while for the spring on the screened door to do it's job and about a bazillion of those little suckers followed me right into the frigging house. My grandmother was swatting yellow jackets with a newspaper the rest of the day! I don't know how many bites I ended up with, but that was my first encounter with those sumbitches!

The next time was on a job site pressure washing a house. Same deal, I stepped into a nest. What sucked was, I was looking up as I was cleaning the eaves of the house and didn't realize what I'd done until they were all over me. I dropped my wand and made a mad dash for my truck, but it was me and about 100 yellow jackets in the cab of a Toyota! To make matters worse, they were swarming all around the truck when I realized I had to get back out to shut my pump down (in the bed of the truck) before it overheated and started melting seals. NOT one of my best days. :(

09-30-2015, 12:24 PM
You look like you blew a seal!

People have different names for shit. Around here, a yellow jacket is a little yellow and black or brownish striped wasp that builds a regular sized paper wasp nest usually up under an eave. They'll also nest inside of stuff (like the body cancer on an old GMC truck as happened to me once). Other folks call hornets, or what we call hornets anyway) yellow jackets that nest in those big old paper ball nests you see hanging from trees. Those ain't yellow jackets. They're hell on steroids is what they are.
Trav had one hanging in a tree about 20 feet from his deer stand. I think it was abandoned though. We should have knocked it down and took it home with us. They make a good decoration in a den or something.


09-30-2015, 12:25 PM
I can't get to the hole. It's mostly under the old trailer. They are,swarming all above it. Yellow jacket small bee thingies. Painful.

Not my biggest worry at the moment.

Chicken Dinner
09-30-2015, 12:50 PM
These are the little fuckers I'm talking about. It sounds like there's several varieties and some nest in he ground and others in cavities and what not.


No-till Boss
09-30-2015, 01:18 PM
All the yellow jackets here are in the ground, they ain't that bad, but you usually get several bites when you find them. The second worse sting for me is that big red fuzzy tailed wasp, that bastard will leave a mark !

Big Muddy
09-30-2015, 01:20 PM
We got both of 'em down here, and yellow jackets are no worse than a wasp sting compared to our black ground bees....those bastages will chase you for a mile, then clamp onto you skin, and just keep on hunching and stinging, the entire time.

09-30-2015, 02:24 PM
These are the little fuckers I'm talking about. It sounds like there's several varieties and some nest in he ground and others in cavities and what not.


Dang CD, after reading that, I can see where there would be a lot of confusion depending on where one lives.

Here's the one from your reference that I call a "yellow jacket".

The eastern yellow jacket builds its nests underground, also with the peak worker population between 1000 and 3000 individuals ...

The ones that build those little hangy-down thingies with all the little compartments is what I call "paper wasps" and the one's that build those big, gray paper nests in trees and such is what I simply call "hornets". Of course, honey bees are what I see nesting inside walls or crevices of some sort with a "honey comb". I guess if you want to get picky with names, the list is endless.

10-01-2015, 04:09 PM
Same thing here. Yellowjackets aren't real big but they have a bad attitude and like to craw up your shirt and pants and sting you repeatedly. When out foraging they also are attracted to sweets and raw meat. They will gladly craw into an unattended Coke can. Paper wasp can be yellow and striped as well but build a nest more like a red wasp. Hornets build the big ass nest in tree limbs. Bumblebees, like yellowjackets, can also nest underground. I can't say as I've ever been stung by one of them. I did run over a nest bush hogging last summer. I noticed a few flying around and looked behind the tractor to see them boiling out of a hole. I put it in reverse and let them dual it out with the bush hog blades for a few minutes. Then I took off and came back at dusk with some gas and filled their hole. I had to light it too for effect. Damn near burned the pasture up :-)