View Full Version : Web Worms

10-17-2015, 11:38 AM
They came through here in September and in the week I was gone they ate every leaf on my hackberries. They moved over to my pecans but the migratory robins and doves have been feasting on them and slowed them down. Holy shit, I haven't seen an infestation of them like this year in a long time. You take a drive through the country and it looks like something from Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

Should I spray for them now or just wait amd do it before they emerge next Summer? They don't seem to do permanent damage but they sure do make them ugly for a while!


10-19-2015, 10:19 AM
Not sure how they affect the trees down your way but they sure 'nuff kill the branches of the trees they set up shop on up here.

A can of ether and match makes for an entertaining time with the webworms but be careful if it's dry out. ;-)