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10-26-2015, 07:52 PM
This POTUS election will be the FIRST time ever in my adult lifetime I will not feel good about voting for ANYONE on either side. If I had to "pick" one right now it would be Carson.
God will probably strike me down but as my witness I could have felt better about voting for Biden than anyone currently in the mix.
Lord forgive me!
I will probably not vote in the primary and punch the republican ticket no matter who it is. (I know Posty's head probably Just blew up)
I can bend so far but I could never bend far enough to vote for Hillary. EVER.

10-26-2015, 08:27 PM
Honestly, you expressed where I am exactly. I would have seriously considered Biden.

10-26-2015, 08:40 PM
It ain't pretty.

I keep hoping something will change between now and then.

And here's somethng I'll say to 'splode your head right back.

Consider this: when you look at qualifications for the job, demonstrated knowledge of the main issues at hand, ability to articulate a plan for dealing with the issues (whether you agree with the plan or not), Hillary Clinton stands head and shoulders above the rest of the field.

And all remarks about being first in a fat man's race aside, that scares the sheeeeeeit outta me.

But its true.


10-26-2015, 08:44 PM
This POTUS election will be the FIRST time ever in my adult lifetime I will not feel good voting about ANYONE on either side. If I had to "pick" one right now it would be Carson. God will probably strike me down but as my witness I could have felt better about voting for Biden than anyone currently in the mix. Lord forgive me! I will probably not vote in the primary and punch the republican ticket no matter who it is. (I know Posty's head probably Just blew up) I can bend so far but I could never bend far enough to vote for Hillary. EVER.
Carson seems to have the personality of my worn out flip flop.
But other than that... I agree

10-26-2015, 08:48 PM
Carson seems to have the personality of my worn out flip flop. But other than that... I agree

Oh I agree. It's a flip-flop or a flip-lip??? No right way to turn.

10-26-2015, 09:04 PM
I have never voted for a Democrat.

There is nothing they believe in that I agree with.

But we have no statesmen running anymore. I hear it doesn't matter though............

I will be voting for Carson. I can see him as President. I can't do that for anyone else.

10-26-2015, 09:14 PM
I like Bernie Sanders attitude. Just hate his politics. If we could infuse his personality with.... ahhh, fuggit.

Chicken Dinner
10-26-2015, 09:54 PM
Sweet Fancy Moses! I can't believe I'm saying this, but I caught a little of the Biden interview the other day and thought the same thing. What a bunch of ass clowns it takes to make Biden look like Presidential material. I think the Republicans in VA are having a caucus in which case I'll probably vote in the Democratic primary so I can vote against Hilary one more time. You can think of me what you want, but I wouldn't vote for Hilary in the general election if Hitler was running Republican.

I'll be really interested to see what happens on the Republican side when some of the deadwood drops out. Caron's lead in Iowa is expanding. I saw a poll the other day that only 12% of likely female voters say they would vote for Trump in a general election and Trump is the only candidate whose numbers drop the more people learn about him. Hard to win with numbers like that.

10-26-2015, 10:16 PM
We are in deep shit and I could not move back to PR because there shit is way past the fan... Im too old to learn Dutch but I think they do have an English speaking province....

10-27-2015, 08:04 AM
Consider this: when you look at qualifications for the job, demonstrated knowledge of the main issues at hand, ability to articulate a plan for dealing with the issues (whether you agree with the plan or not), Hillary Clinton stands head and shoulders above the rest of the field.BKB
I'm with Chicken Dinner on this. I'd vote for the devil in Hell before I'd vote for her. No way the devil could be worse.
As far as what you said above Posty I cannot get behind that or the claim. I cannot hear anything she says. Mainly because EVERYTHING that she has said is a lie. From being dead broke when leaving the White House, to what difference does it matter, to Republicans being an enemy In the same sentence with ISIS and other terrorists. To her secret server to EVERYTHING around her. She is nothing but trouble for this country. The truth is not in her.

10-27-2015, 08:20 AM
Once the general election rolls around, I may be forced to do the same thing I've done in every election since Reagan ... vote AGAINST somebody. Sad but true. :(

CD ... nice plan ... in case you didn't know, there's a word for that practice, it's called "raiding".


10-27-2015, 08:37 AM
I'm with Chicken Dinner on this. I'd vote for the devil in Hell before I'd vote for her. No way the devil could be worse.
As far as what you said above Posty I cannot get behind that or the claim. I cannot hear anything she says. Mainly because EVERYTHING that she has said is a lie. From being dead broke when leaving the White House, to what difference does it matter, to Republicans being an enemy In the same sentence with ISIS and other terrorists. To her secret server to EVERYTHING around her. She is nothing but trouble for this country. The truth is not in her.

I know I won't change your mind nor would I want to. You're far too ugly to be a democrat.

BUT! I think this whole honesty thing is a sham. You hold her to a much different standard than you do just about anyone else in politics with your examples.



Chicken Dinner
10-27-2015, 08:38 AM
I did it 8 years ago and I'll do it again in a New York minute. BERNIE! BERNIE! BERNIE

Once the general election rolls around, I may be forced to do the same thing I've done in every election since Reagan ... vote AGAINST somebody. Sad but true. :(

CD ... nice plan ... in case you didn't know, there's a word for that practice, it's called "raiding".


10-27-2015, 08:41 AM
I did it 8 years ago and I'll do it again in a New York minute. BERNIE! BERNIE! BERNIE

.....just because that's how you Republicans roll...


Chicken Dinner
10-27-2015, 08:42 AM
For what it's worth I wouldn't vote for W again either. (Well, maybe I would if he was running against Hilary.) Admittedly, this is a rationalization, but all politicians lie. I draw a distinction between those that lie about policy vs. those who lie to cover up their personal transgressions and destroy peoples lives in the process. Regular folks who dared speak truth to power.

Once the general election rolls around, I may be forced to do the same thing I've done in every election since Reagan ... vote AGAINST somebody. Sad but true. :(

CD ... nice plan ... in case you didn't know, there's a word for that practice, it's called "raiding".


Chicken Dinner
10-27-2015, 08:44 AM
A. I'm not a Republican though I do tend to vote that way more often.
B. We don't register by party in Virginia and I'm free to vote in whichever primary I choose.

.....just because that's how you Republicans roll...


10-27-2015, 08:47 AM
I know I won't change your mind nor would I want to. You're far too ugly to be a democrat. BUT! I think this whole honesty thing is a sham. You hold her to a much different standard than you do just about anyone else in politics with your examples. BKB <img src="http://www.goodhunting.info/attachment.php?attachmentid=5950"/>

Posthole, what did you do photoshop the halo off his head? :D

10-27-2015, 08:51 AM
Hahahahaha.....It was the forked tail and pitchfork that was photoshopped out!


10-27-2015, 09:01 AM

10-27-2015, 09:29 AM
For what it's worth I wouldn't vote for W again either. (Well, maybe I would if he was running against Hilary.) Admittedly, this is a rationalization, but all politicians lie. I draw a distinction between those that lie about policy vs. those who lie to cover up their personal transgressions and destroy peoples lives in the process. Regular folks who dared speak truth to power.

I guess no lives were ruined in Iraq, and Iran contra was a 'personal transgression'. Its easy for all of us to overlook shit when we like somebody or their policies are something we agree with. its human nature.


10-27-2015, 09:31 AM
I'm a Republicrat as far as my personal politics go. I will say, the older I get, the more I've started leaning to the left ... but still quite a ways right of center. ;)

Actually I'm a registered Republican and normally vote that way. Well, not "normally" ... I guess I should say ALWAYS. (so far anyway)

Chicken Dinner
10-27-2015, 09:35 AM

One last time. I admitted it's a rationalization and I wouldn't vote for Bush again either. The difference is that Bush isn't running and Hilary is. The Clinton's don't get a second chance to do the same. We've seen the movie and got the t-shirt. No Part Deux for me.

Peace out. Yo.