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10-28-2015, 03:23 PM
I just sold an item to a guy in Beverly Hills, CA. His addy is 9150 Wilshire Blvd. I used to work at 9230 Wilshire Blvd.

Small world! Ok, I thought it was kinda cool anyway ... maybe not. ;)

10-28-2015, 03:39 PM
Looks like Jim owns it now...:wavey


10-28-2015, 03:48 PM
Cool, I have my own Lexus dealership (leasing department)! It was Hillcrest Cadillac back in my day. The owner shut it down because the real estate finally became worth more than the business.

Beverly Hills Cadillac Dealer Closes Doors

April 16, 1986|BARBARA BAIRD | Times Staff Writer

What is the world coming to? You can't even buy a new Cadillac in Beverly Hills anymore.

That's the sad situation since Hillcrest Motor Co., the only Cadillac dealer in the affluent city, recently closed its sales and service operations, apparently as a result of high real estate values and growing sales of expensive imports. Hillcrest will retain only a car-leasing showroom at 9230 Wilshire Blvd.

Since 1927, Hillcrest had sold Cadillacs to the well-heeled of Beverly Hills. Its countless celebrity clients ranged from silent screen star Clara Bow to rock 'n' roll king Elvis Presley, according to James B. Duffy III, a 16-year employee who is now curator of the company's collection of rare and antique cars.

"Elvis always bought his cars here, and sometimes he bought eight or 10 at a time," Duffy said. "They were not all new cars. Some were used. But a sale is a sale."