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View Full Version : Hey, Hide, do ya think this one would tan out real good???....

Big Muddy
10-30-2015, 10:07 AM

10-30-2015, 10:17 AM
lol.. you know, if I'm calling - and a raccoon come in riding a bicycle.. I'll give it a pass. Now, let me qualify that.. This year, looks like they may be worth about 3 bucks top.. if they go back up to $16.. all bets are off. ;)

Had a bobcat and four otters on a trail cam this week.. With fur prices in the tank _ I might have some more stuff tanned for the grandkids to put on their walls...

10-30-2015, 10:31 AM
I had a pet raccoon when I was a kid. I found him (a baby) in the woods during a Boy Scout camping trip and brought him home with me. He was a cool little pet and they're smart as a whip. I had to give him to a friend when we moved away (I was 15 at the time).

10-30-2015, 10:41 AM
We did that too back in the day. she was a cool pet to have around. Then one day she decided she was a wild ass animal again and we let her go in the woods.

10-30-2015, 10:43 AM
I caught a little bitty feller (boar) and gave him to a friend that wanted one.. He had an absolute ball with it until it got to be about three.. Then about rutting time, he started getting a little testy.. By the time he was five he really couldn't be trusted around other folks.. I know people who have had them for years and they were great. Biggest coon I ever saw was a pet - weighed 63#. It was so fat, it's ass had grown over half its tail..

10-30-2015, 11:01 AM
I only had mine for about a year ... maybe a year and a half and he was pretty cool the whole time. The person I gave him to was a kid I knew at school, but we weren't really close. I didn't have any contact with him after we moved away, so I have no idea how things turned out with the little guy. He sure was fun when I had him, but I understand how wild animals can change with age.

10-30-2015, 11:21 AM
Had some neighbors as a kid that had a pet coon. They kept it in a large pen outside. It was mostly friendly. The neighbor kids were a few years older then my friends and I so they would constantly mess with us. One time we left our bikes somewhere and were off doing something and when we came back the bikes were gone. Turns out the older kids had thrown our bikes into the lake.

We got them back by giving their pet coon a big old piece of bubble gum. I can still picture that coon chewing and chewing and chewing on that stuff.

10-30-2015, 01:05 PM
Not sure the retribution matched the initial offense. Unless gum makes the coon go rabid and splatter feces all over their parents house :)

10-30-2015, 01:29 PM
Dude, we were maybe 8. It did to us. Ever see a coon chew bubble gum? Funniest thing ever to an 8 year old.

Big Muddy
10-30-2015, 01:37 PM
I had to give him to a friend when we moved away (I was 15 at the time).

Sooooo, that would make you, what, about 78 years old, now??? ;););)

I know, I know, I'm looking for my day'um stool. ;)