View Full Version : Hey P-hole

11-14-2015, 12:00 PM
I'm just curious. What kind of coverage do you get from Al Jazeera in Okietown? At home, we don't really watch much tv and just have basic cable. I get Al Jazeera on the PBS channel, but it's very limited (like a couple 1-hr news shows). Here in LA, Lynn's mom has cable ( not sure of the package) but she has a channel that runs Al Jazeera 24/7 (as far as I can tell). I was watching the coverage of the France bombings until after midnight last night and have been watching all morning today. (Al Jazeera America) I can find it most everyplace in the world, so I was just curious how the coverage runs in different parts of the country here in the US.

11-14-2015, 12:08 PM
I have it in my cable lineup, but I haven't spent any time watching it yet. I'm so disgusted by CNN and Fox's coverage of the Paris attacks, with their 'experts' commentary that I may switch over and watch ot some this weekend just to see what they have. We now have news networks telling us what our foreign policy should be instead of reporting on what those who are responsible for it are saying.

I'm sure the political assholes will soon be telling us who is to blame next. Before the funerals are even over.

Yes, I'm a curmudgeon.

But yes, we get that network here in the hinterlands. You just have to put a special antennae on your tee pee.


11-14-2015, 12:54 PM
Personally, I'm fed up listening to politicians of all stripes telling me how sad, shocked, disgusted, appalled, etc., etc., etc. they are over the latest terrorist attack. I want to hear someone say how ANGRY they are and how they are going to destroy the assholes that are doing this shit.

Enough already with the platitudes. I don't think "condolences" from some smarmy politician will make the families of the victims feel any better. I would want to hear that we (the world) is going to kill every last one of them. It's past time that we work together to end this reign of terror. That's what I want to hear our so called leaders talk about.

11-14-2015, 12:58 PM
I wonder where Russia will land in all this?


11-14-2015, 01:05 PM
I think that Russia stepped on their dink when they got directly involved in the mess in Syria but now that they are getting hurt by ISIS and are pissed off, let's use them to the max. They have little compunction against waging total war on ISIS unlike our own wimpy leaders (including my own).

11-14-2015, 01:47 PM
This is just MHO, but I think Europe has absolutely the most skin in the game as far as ISIS is concerned. Not to say we don't have any, but I'm just saying they have the most at stake. So its time for them to lead. If there's going to be a war in Syria and Iraq and where er else against ISIS let a european led coalition provide the infrastructure and ground troops, let them oversee the elections they'll have to eventually have to elect leaders, let them train the motherfuckers to police themselves, and let them pay for it for the next ten or so years.

We'll provide air cover.

Sorry, but that's how I feel.


11-14-2015, 02:05 PM
Since Europe is currently being overrun by 'refugees' that were created by the mess that past western policies have created in the mid east then I also agree that they currently have the biggest problem to solve but I also believe that all of us have a responsibility to fight ISIS. It may be France right now but I will bet the farm that there will be more attacks on European and North American countries if we (and I'm talking the rest of the world) don't do something right now. And fuck elections and training police and all the rest of that bumpf. That hasn't worked so far so why would it work in the future? Just clean out ISIS and let the locals decide what kind of government they want.

I fervently hope that France will take the initiative to organize a military response that has the clout to destroy ISIS but if they do, we all should be willing to provide whatever assistance we can. We also need to make that clear to out individual governments. There will be no diplomatic solution to this problem.

11-14-2015, 02:37 PM
I hear ya. All I'm sayng is is for a penny, in for a pound. In southern speak, there ain't no way to hug dat dere tar baby widout getting dirty as hell.


11-14-2015, 02:47 PM
Absolutely. It won't be pretty but it needs to be done. When you are fighting a disease (ISIS) then you go at it with all you got until you win or lose. No more screwing around.

I've also decided that ISIS isn't about religion; it's about power. They are using religion to draw in the crazies to fight for them but their true goal is power or domination. Power is money and money is power so I hope that part of the plan to combat ISIS includes making them poor.

11-14-2015, 03:10 PM
Its an evil bunch of mothergrubbers for sure.


11-14-2015, 03:29 PM
Got it P-hole, I was just wondering how the coverage ran elsewhere. I consider myself a Conservative and have always voted Republican, but I will say I'm open-minded enough to know when these FOX yahoos start spouting their "fair and balanced" mantra, they are as full of shit as a Christmas turkey! I like to watch BBC and AJ the most. I do watch FOX and I'll also catch some CNN, but my preference is AJ. Don't expect to watch without the same "expert" opinions though. They had an ex-CIA guy on this morning telling how the situation should be handled.

11-14-2015, 04:21 PM
Totally Agree Johnboy and Barry^...y'all's post/opinion is the way I feel too...