View Full Version : Those brilliant Democrats....

Big Muddy
11-14-2015, 10:13 PM
Scheduled a Dem. debate on a Sat. night, going head-to-head against 11 televised football games....hmmmm, do ya reckon they don't want anyone watching??? ;)

11-14-2015, 10:19 PM
I sure as hell ain't


Big Muddy
11-14-2015, 10:21 PM
I reckon you ain't, or you woulda just missed that brilliant TD catch!!! ;)

11-14-2015, 11:33 PM
Believe it or not, I'd rather watch a Democratic debate than ANY ball game! In fact, I'm watching now. I've never once voted for a Dem, but how do you vote if you don't take both sides into account?

Big Muddy
11-15-2015, 12:27 AM
Haha, I figured it'd be win-win for you, Thump....either you watch and lust after Hillary, or watch a bunch of guys in tight pants, run around on a football field. ;)

11-15-2015, 01:25 AM
Well, I will say, with only three candidates on the stage, it sure was a more professional and Presidential appearing program. One thing that all of them agreed on, they all thought possession of small amounts of pot should not be against the law! Maybe those Dems. ain't ALL bad. :)

11-15-2015, 01:42 AM
Sounds scintillating. Sorry I missed it.



11-15-2015, 02:08 AM
Actually, it was a bit refreshing after the Republican fiascos they called "debates" ... but I have to admit, I spent most of the two hours shaking my head murmuring, "you f'ing, ass-kissing, Liberal ass-holes!" Still, I'd rather observe both sides than not. I can't really say that's a bad thing.

Big Muddy
11-15-2015, 10:29 AM
After the ballgames, we watched about 10 minutes of it....my wife, who is normally quiet and composed, stood up to leave the room....as she did, she made the most profound statement, which pretty much summed up my sentiments, as well...."""She's a big, fat-azzed liar.""" ;)

11-15-2015, 10:36 AM
The last 10 mins. would have been the closing statements. They had some good things to say. Actually they had a LOT of good things to say. Problem was, it sounded like pure politics as far as I know. Say lots of good stuff to get elected, then do whatever the "f" you want once you're in. I heard the same b/s on the Repub. side.

Big Muddy
11-15-2015, 10:38 AM
I didn't say we watched the "last" 10 minutes.

11-15-2015, 10:43 AM
Say lots of good stuff to get elected, then do whatever the "f" you want once you're in. I heard the same b/s on the Repub. side.


I think this is why Trump is doing so good in the polls...america's are tired of career politicians!

Big Muddy
11-15-2015, 10:46 AM
Until someone comes along to change my mind, I will NEVER vote for another politician.

11-15-2015, 11:29 AM
Well, don't plan on ever voting again. If they are running for POTUS, they are politicians. ;)


" .... a person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of or a candidate for an elected office."

11-15-2015, 12:33 PM
Its hard to separate the slicky boys from the real people. I know what he means. We appear to have a bunch of slicky boys (and girls) in the race this time.

I keep refining my process for who I will vote for. Living in a state that is redder than red, Democrats in Oklahoma have the chance to throw away theor presidential votes in new and creative ways.

So first, as previously stated my first criteria is I'm going to try to vote for who I think is the best, most value driven person regardless of their party. Liars are the same as thieves. And those people don't get to steal my vote.
My newest criteria is I will not vote for anyone who has used fear as part of their campaign. These terrorist attacks ought to be a reminder that the decisions we make as a country cannot be based in fear or they have acheived theor purpose. Our leader should be one that selects our course from the position of strength that we truly enjoy in US. If they've tried to influence votes by invoking fear of those assholes or what they might do, then they don't get my vote. Fear and loathing seem to be the central plank of many campaigns, such as fear of terrorism, fear of economic competition, and fear of jobs lost to immigrantion, both legal and illegal. We are strong, we are America, and we have no business running our business from a position of fear. Man, I oughta be a campaign slogan writer!

So, I'm getting closer! Good thing I have a whole year!


11-15-2015, 12:40 PM
I usually have a pretty good idea of which way I'll be voting by this time. With THIS selection of yahoos, I'm clueless. As usual, I DO already know who I'll be voting AGAINST! I sure wish Reagan could be resurrected. That was the last election I actually voted for someone I wanted in office, instead of simply voting against someone else. :(

11-15-2015, 12:47 PM
One of the interesting facts that came out of last night's debate is that the number of illegal Mexican immigrants in the US has actully declined and has been declining since 2006. And has continued to decline under Obama. Recall the predictions that there'd be hundreds of thousands of immigrant children entering as a result of Obama's executive actions? Hasn't happened. See above about fear and loathing.


and here's a prime example of what I'm talking about.

Lindsey Graham: 'There's a 9/11 coming'

11-15-2015, 02:22 PM
One of the interesting facts that came out of last night's debate is that the number of illegal Mexican immigrants in the US has actully declined and has been declining since 2006. And has continued to decline under Obama.

What did they do? go back home?

11-15-2015, 02:30 PM
Pretty much. There's more leaving than are coming in. You don't hear much about that from the people playing to fears about illegal immigration.


Big Muddy
11-15-2015, 02:54 PM
Well, don't plan on ever voting again. If they are running for POTUS, they are politicians. ;)


" .... a person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of or a candidate for an elected office."

Then, you might need to look a bit closer at the Repub. candidates....they aren't all politicians.

11-15-2015, 03:28 PM
Then, you might need to look a bit closer at the Repub. candidates....they aren't all politicians.

Well, maybe you should re-read the last seven words of the definition. ;)

11-15-2015, 03:34 PM
I think a promotion to Junior Shit Disturber is in order for Thumper. Of course we'll have to wait for the Grand Poobah of Shit Disturbers to sober up from his duck hunt before it can be approved.


Big Muddy
11-15-2015, 03:36 PM
Get a grip, Thump, you know day'um well what I'm talking about.

11-15-2015, 03:43 PM
I think a promotion to Junior Shit Disturber is in order for Thumper. Of course we'll have to wait for the Grand Poobah of Shit Disturbers to sober up from his duck hunt before it can be approved. BKB
Maybe you have caught me in a sleep deprived/hangover moment as I got up yesterday at 3:30 AM after a night of steamed oysters and brown likker, hunted ducks on the coast, drove home 6 hours and then stayed up till 1 this morning watching Rhonda get her ass kicked, but I think a probationary Junior Shit Disturber status could be in order. We can always bust him back to novist SD if he don't cut the mustard! :D

11-15-2015, 03:49 PM
:) ;) :)

11-15-2015, 03:56 PM
In a Japanese restaurant right now. Just finished a nice plate of high quality sushi (we're in J-town in downtown LA). I would post a pic, but I forgot to take one. Plus, I haven't figured out how to post pics from my iPhone anydamnway. We just left the Budhest temple after witnessing my neice's 100-day blessing. (Japanese tradition)

11-15-2015, 04:04 PM
Does it expire after 100 days or somethng?


11-15-2015, 04:06 PM
I was wondering how long it would be before you posted a picture of some warmed up, nasty, raw, snot like crap you were probably eatin' out there.

11-15-2015, 04:09 PM
Prolly some cole slaw that's been buried in a crock and makes your breath knock flies dead out of the air.


11-15-2015, 04:17 PM
Yea, and then they probably make dessert out of the dead flies...

11-15-2015, 05:11 PM
Sometimes I wonder why I even attempt talking to the unwashed masses here. :)