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11-16-2015, 08:10 AM
We have an idiot in charge for a president. He has weakened our position in the world by being a weak push over ass-clown. You know in school or at work there is always the one guy that you think you better not pick with much cause he will whip your ass, and then there is the other guy that you can pick on and is never taken serious and is sorta the "joke" around the office? Well we got the ladder. With Reagan, (either) Bush and others, folks new if they got pushed an ass-whoopin' was coming. Now its nothing but a hollow meaningless blow hard idiot.
He calls a news conference to say "we" got Isis contained and within a few minutes they attack France. Of course they say well he meant they were contained on the ground where they were? WTF? And now the dumb ass hat is saying we are still going to take in 10,000 refugees? Really??? These people want to KILL US!!! You would think that someone would say "you can't keep 11 million people from coming into this country illegally you really don't need to open the refugee door"...
I am almost to the point to where I'm starting to like Trumps' bomb them all, let God sort them out, and send them all back and let them apply to come into the country by the laws that are already in place.
If we don't make a HARD, HARD turn to the right this country is going to hell in a handbag fast...

11-16-2015, 09:14 AM
Yep Reagan and Bush were paragons of leaders. Bullshit. Reagan sold arms to Iran, our sworn enemy. Yeah, the same Iran everyone is bitching about us signing an agreement with to keep nuclear weapons away from. And when it was found out he didn't have the balls to own up to it. He let his VP pardon them. Why do you need a pardon if you've done nothing wrong? Other than that, he did nothing of note from a foreign policy standpoint. His foreign policy highlight reel is kind of like Notre Dame's. No much about nuttin much.

And Bush? I assume you mean Bush II? Or are they all the same. He got us in an unpaid for war in Iraq that cost us a trillion friggin dollars and we're still counting! That's more than what Obamacare will cost us in ten years. And its accomplished nothing! The righties want to blame Obama for pulling out of there and creating a vacuum that allowed ISIS to come in. Here's a news flash. We were asked (demanded) by the elected government of Iraq to leave. The one that was elected by elections we oversaw. What were we to do? Say fuck you, and stay where we weren't welcome? The vacuum was created when we decided to go there because of a lie. Nobody will openly call it that because there were so many people duped into supporting it based on a pack of friggin lies. That's about the only thing bush accomplished besides decalring war on our economy.
Now you want us to do the same thing in Syria. Same song different verse.
If the GOP wants us to go to war and we have a republican president, then they need to create a war tax and pay for it as we go. We can't afford to go deeper in debt for another frigging war based on their frigging fears without paying as we go. And yeah, the right needs to shut the fuck up with their criticisms of the president and our military plans in the middle east while we have troopsdeployed there. These same loudmouths got all huffy about it when people criticized our deployment to Iraq. Called it unpatriotic to criticize our leader while troops were engaged. Google it if your convenient memory hasn't caused you to forget. How would you feel if you had your nuts in the sand over there and some faggoty asshole from South carolina (Graham) said the whole plan was half assed? You think that's the way to go about thngs?

And the ISIS being contained comment was about ISIS in Iraq being contained and he was applauding the efforts of the Peshmerga. The remark was taken totally out of context. But really was only taken out of context by the same hateful bunch of right wing news rags that always do that shit. Doesn't say much for the people who swallow that shit hook line and sinker.

So yeah, you're entitled to your opinions. But you might try hoping for success of our military instead of just spouting a bunch of the usual hyperbole.


11-16-2015, 09:28 AM
Everything you posted above IS "spouting a bunch of the usual hyperbole" the only difference is its your left leaning shit... Twist and squirm that's all y'all know how to do. Seems like EVERY democrat voted to enter the war "Bush" started. You are the one with the selective memory and spin on shit.
If Dummy meant Isis was contained that way he should have said it. It WAS taken exactly as the way he meant it and it's only your side that wants to alter his meaning after the fact.
I stand strong in my above statement and no amount of twisted, spun, half truth, name calling, forget about under Bush he had a Democrat controlled Congress, misrepresentation of facts, holding hand, find a safe place from words, left leaning Democrat vomit bullshit is gonna alter my view.

11-16-2015, 09:38 AM
Man, you woke me up before I even had my coffee.

Keep talking your bullshit. But it won't change the truth and you know it. Yeah, I agree Bush and his cronies sucked in a lot of Democrats and Republicans alike with his WMD story and worse yet played on the fears of the American people after 9/11 to go and finish the war his Daddy started (and actually was the only one who did it right) And worse yet, played on the feelings of grief and fear at the expense of the people who lost famly in 9/11. And now here's your boy Lindsey Graham invoking 9/11 fears yet again. Do they have no conscience at all?

11-16-2015, 09:39 AM
And one more thing your statement about Bush getting us In a war.... REALLY!
You forgot about planes flying into buildings and attacking US and killing 3,000 Americans. REALLY!, he started it. Did not EVERY Democrat vote to go into that war?

Big Muddy
11-16-2015, 09:41 AM

11-16-2015, 09:42 AM
Bingo. That's the way me and the rest of the world (except Posthole) sees him...

11-16-2015, 09:47 AM
Nice to know we can have intelligent discussions about stuff!


11-16-2015, 09:50 AM
This should help... 6069 6070

11-16-2015, 10:05 AM
Here's the entire quote. Now you're just pulling stuff out of the air. Are you Allen B West?

Obama responded to a question asking if ISIS was gaining strength. "Well, no, I don't think they're gaining strength. What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain, and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq. And in Syria they'll come in, they'll leave. But you don't see this systematic march by ISIL across the terrain. What we have not yet been able to do is to completely decapitate their command and control structures. We've made some progress in trying to reduce the flow of foreign fighters."

This is the same back and forth bullshit I hate. I'm out.

If you represent the Right and you want us to go to war in Syria, then nominate one of the candidates you have and get him elected. Otherwise, it looks like what we're going to do is let Europe take the lead and we'll be a part of it instead of deploying the hindred thousand troops to go do it. They're the ones that took the hit this time. They need to be the ones to respond and they are.

The saddest part of it all is that many people are dead and there are many more deaths to come. Many of them are women and children and our contribution to trying to solve it is to paint clown faces on our president. Hope that makes you feel patriotic.

I'm out of this one. Caffiene is a better waker upper!

Enjoy your day, buttheads.


11-16-2015, 10:30 AM
Wheres Thump when we need him most?

11-16-2015, 10:41 AM
If I may :)

Cap'n made the point the word sees us as weak ass pansies who will do nothing and he hangs that on the current administration. All facts, hyperbole, party-line bullshit, "my guy did this your guy did that" BS, pointing out other mistakes, blah blah blah are completely beside the point he's making.

We are perceived as weak by all our enemies. It's true.

11-16-2015, 11:35 AM
Wheres Thump when we need him most?

Ha! I'm on the Left Coast and just crawled out of bed after a late night out. I could get frustrated by attempting to type a diatribe on this little phone (phone keyboards and fat fingers are a bad mix) or just sit back and enjoy the fireworks from afar! ;)

Gonna be running around like a crazy man most of the day 'cause we're leaving first thing in the morning to head back home. I will say, if P-hole doesn't quit acting like a worn out old retired fart and throwing in the towel after only four posts, I think maybe his Jr. S/D'er status should fall under review. :)

11-16-2015, 11:41 AM
I am Chief Noticer. Poop is somebody else's department. And they do quite well at it, I might say.


11-16-2015, 11:45 AM
Yea, you ain't living up to true SDing status.
Posty is out, like all good democrats he believes everyone has freedom of speech as long as they are talking the way he wants them too... ;) when the facts and conversation don't go his way he's out... :D
I just heard Obummer say he was proud of W after 911...
I must be dreaming,
And I'm playing catch up at the farm today but I'll check in and stir all I can.
Take Care, Captain
PS: LJ is smart.

11-16-2015, 11:47 AM
BTW, I agree 100% with Ticboy's last sentence above. I never thought I'd see the day when it's almost embarrassing to be an American when traveling abroad. Until this administration, the last time I felt that way was when I was traveling around Europe and Russia while every tv in the world seemed to be tuned in to the Clinton/Lewinsky fiasco. I felt like people were looking at me thinking what an ass-clown our President was. Not much difference today. Just different and much more potentially dangerous reasons. I realize Trump is an ass-clown and we could never (no matter how much I'd personally love to see it happen) do what he says he'd do, but I like his attitude.

11-16-2015, 11:47 AM
I never said you had to stop blabbering. Go right ahead. Free speech is for everybody. even us left wing foodie elitist asshats.

And Thumper, what fucking enemy thinks we're weak? Whch fucking one? There's no basis for that. The only thing that's weak is your frigging logic.


11-16-2015, 11:48 AM
I never said you had to stop blabbering. Go right ahead. Free speech is for everybody. even us left wing foodie elitist asshats. BKB

I just laughed out loud!

quercus alba
11-16-2015, 11:48 AM
intelligent conversation and politics is an oxymoron. You have intelligent conversations and then you have politics. The odds of them happening in conjunction is theoretically possible I suppose but at best infinitesimal.

11-16-2015, 11:51 AM
intelligent conversation and politics is an oxymoron. You have intelligent conversations and then you have politics. The odds of them happening in conjunction is theoretically possible I suppose but at best infinitesimal.

Other than ME that's pretty true.

Big Muddy
11-16-2015, 11:57 AM
In case ya'll missed the POS president's 45 min. diatribe(press conference), a few minutes ago, he just sold out the USA to Isis....medias are turning flips!!!

quercus alba
11-16-2015, 11:58 AM
you're the exception to every rule, Cap'n. you work too hard, catch too many fish, kill too many varmints and waaaaaaay out kicked your coverage.

In case ya'll missed the POS president's 45 min. diatribe(press conference), a few minutes ago, he just sold out the USA to Isis....medias are turning flips!!!


11-16-2015, 12:05 PM
Come on Postie. Open your eyes. What enemy thinks we're weak? Is that a serious question? When "we" draw a line in the sand and say "I dare you to cross that line", then "they" step over it with a smirk on their face, we simply back up a few steps and say, "ha ha, just kidding, but I dare you to cross THIS one!" They laugh, take another step forward, then we say we're tired of playing the game and bring our troops back home. To make the game even more stupid, we TELL them the date we're going to pull out! They sit in their frigging caves playing gin rummy and figure why waste their time fighting when all they have to do is boink their goats for a few months of R&R until they can come out and freely retake any ground they may have lost. We have tanks, missles and invisible bombers. They have Toyotas, IED's and frigging shoulder mounted grenade launchers ... and we can't wipe them off the face of the earth?

Big Muddy
11-16-2015, 12:09 PM
you're the exception to every rule, Cap'n. you work too hard, catch too many fish, kill too many varmints and waaaaaaay out kicked your coverage.


QA, you need to just hear it for yourself....just tune in to any news channel.

quercus alba
11-16-2015, 12:19 PM
I don't watch the news Ed, oblivion is a wonderful place to be sometimes. As a matter of fact, I'm thinking about a late morning deer hunt in a little bit

Big Muddy
11-16-2015, 12:41 PM
Well, you prolly didn't miss anything:

>We can't kill isis....hard to kill people that want to die, anyway.

>We gotta be kind-hearted, and allow the immigration of 11 million illegals

>Muslims are really gentle people.

11-16-2015, 12:46 PM
I am Chief Noticer. Poop is somebody else's department. And they do quite well at it, I might say.


lmao^^^I like getting my daily news here @GH.............Fox and cnn ain't got shit on you guys :thumbsup

11-16-2015, 12:48 PM
We do like to keep up with current events.


11-16-2015, 12:54 PM
Of course I'm the only one that is Fair and Balanced. :D

11-16-2015, 12:59 PM
Other than ME that's pretty true.

Oh boy! Ha! :)