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View Full Version : Danged voles!!!!

11-17-2015, 07:41 PM
Was wanting to get the sweet potatoes out in time for the wife cooking for thanksgiving but with the rain and other stuff I got delayed. This evening looked good enough and got to the row to pull it all.... I was very dishearten when I started to pull tubers with damage. It is as in something had gone underground and dig a tunnel right thru the middle of the row. The only tubers that survived were the ones that were to the side which are not the largest ones... Never had this problem before, I suspect voles.... I got 8 potatoes out of 9 plants... should had at least 30 potatoes....
This row will have potatoes in it coming feb/mar (I only have 25 square feet to plant so rotating rows would be a joke) So I guess i will have to till deep and get me some chicken wire to keep those basturds out of the tubers...

Not sure if the picture is clear enough....


Any other way to fight these voles that does not includes chemicals? I get enough chemicals from the produce I have to buy so trying not to add more...


11-17-2015, 08:19 PM
Get a weinie dog.



11-17-2015, 08:23 PM
That's a solution that I rather skip... However, the neighbor lady has one of those, maybe I need to fence that back yard and ask her to let her dog out there a few hours a day....

Big Muddy
11-17-2015, 09:38 PM
Nandy, this is how my neighbor grows both his sweet potatoes and new potatoes....pests are eliminated....there are tons of variations of these tater barrels, but I know for a fact that they work.


11-17-2015, 09:58 PM
I read many about the tire method and have thought about some other variations. Never had real problems before with animals and I have to admit I started these tatters late and they were probably ready last month but i was waiting for the vines to turn color which they never did.... The damage does not seems to have happens but maybe a few weeks ago.. Danged, might try that barrel method next time, will give me more space for other stuff plus I can let the vines go crazy if I can fit that in the spot I think...

11-17-2015, 10:07 PM
Cut off the bad parts, cook 'em, squish 'em and make smashed sweet 'taters.

11-17-2015, 10:19 PM
I would but the wife would not let them voles chewed tatters in her kitchen, believe me. I could have come out with more than double the weight if I had done that. She was happy with the last batch of tomatoes and peppers. we are looking at freezing temps here in charlotte for about 3 or 4 days in a row and that will kill the tomatoes, peppers will survive but I doubt for too long... I need to fix the beds and set the garlic and onions. Im late, once again......