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View Full Version : I'm smokin' hot .... pissed off that is!

11-23-2015, 10:21 PM
Disclaimer: Sorry, this will be a "Thump post" ... but it's therapy and I'm just letting off steam. Reading this diatribe is not necessary.

As you know, I have very few complaints about the VA. With all the hoopla in the news, I suppose there are differences between locations, but personally, I've only dealt with them in California and Florida. As far as I'm concerned, they are as good or better than any civilian medical provider I've dealt with. We can argue it 'til the cows come home I suppose, but personally ... I feel blessed to have the care I get from them. Some of it may be due to the fact I've been so "involved" ... I know the system like the back of my hand and know where to go, whom to see/talk to, etc. etc. if I have any issues. It's always been smooth sailing cutting through any red tape that "might" be involved.

I normally have my colonoscopies done at the VA Hospital in Tampa and have had no problems whatsoever. Last year, the VA notified me I was due for my next procedure, but informed me they were booked up for a few months (snowbirds are here this time of year and totally clog up the system), so if I don't want to wait, they will schedule me with a local, private clinic and the VA will handle all charges, etc. I chose that option and they scheduled me in for a consultation (with a VA doc), and gave me an appointment at a clinic not 5 mins. from my house. The VA sent the prep solution to my house and the clinic sent me a medical history form to fill out, as well as my appointment time. I filled out the paperwork, prepped for the procedure at the appropriate time, went in, handed them my paperwork, had the colonoscopy performed and was back home within 3 hours. Easy-peasy ... everything went as smooth as silk. There were polyps found/removed, so now it's an annual thing.

Now, as you know, there has been all sorts of stink this past year about the VA backlog and taking too much time to get an appointment. The government stepped in, spanked the VA and demanded there be some option given. Heck, as far as I know, that's what I'd already done anydamnway, so WTF? Ok, to make the complainers happy, the VA contracted with Health Net (a civilian care provider) to handle any appointments the VA could not accommodate in a timely manner. This year, VA contacted me (around September) and said they were slammed and couldn't get me in until January. They then offered the Health Net option if I did not want to wait. Heck, even though it was handled by the VA (prior to the Health Net contract thing), taking the "civilian" route last year was a walk in the park ... so I chose that option again this year.

VA gave me all the contact info and I made the call. I talked to some totally dufus girl who had no clue what she was doing, had no clue who I was or why I was calling, then finally (what seemed to be in desperation), gave me a name and number to call. Ok, I call that number and some dude answered. Turns out he was the head of the operation and was a bit pissed that whomever I called didn't handle the situation at the office. When I started asking questions, he told me the number I called is his cell phone and he's not only out of town, but he was driving at the time! He promised to get back to me once he got back to his office. He didn't personally, but some gal called a few days later. She said she couldn't find any info on me and told me to give them 10 days, then call back. I waited the 10 days, called and they were clueless. I then called the VA, told them what had transpired and they gave me the dates and times the info was transmitted to them. I called Health Net back, gave them that info and they said they'd get back to me. After a few days, I got pissed and called the "boss" again. He did some digging and exclaimed he'd "found me"! He then explained they'd had the paperwork from VA all along, but someone failed to enter it into their computer system. He asked me to give them a few more days and someone would contact me. During all this time, I'd already had my consultation at the VA and they'd again sent the prep. meds to my house.

Finally, some gal from Health Net called and said she was going to schedule an appointment for me. I told her I'd really appreciate going to the clinic the VA sent me to last year (I gave her the info) as everything moved along like a well oiled machine, plus it's 5 mins. from my house and very convenient for me. She said she was having a problem with the appointment system and she'd work on it, then call me back with an appointment. I never got that call, but the day before we left for California, I received a letter in the mail with the usual health questionnaire (to be mailed back to them) and stated that my appointment is for (today) 11/23 at 10:15 am ... in another frigging town 35 miles from here! "F"-it ... it is what it is. We left for Calif, I filled out the questionnaire and mailed it from LA.

Ok, my scheduled appointment was this morning, so yesterday I start the fasting process, drank the 55 gallon drum of prep solution and spent my whole day on the shitter gently blotting a raw asshole. Lynn had to take an UNPAID day off work (she's out of vaca time) and drive me since I would be sedated for the procedure. We checked in this morning at about 9:15 and were called in by the nurse around 10:30. She weighed me, took my blood pressure and stuck us in an examining room. About 15 mins. later, the doctor walks in, asks me about 10% of the same exact questions that were on the questionnaire I'd already mailed to them (took about 3 mins), shook my hand and told me the girl at the check-out desk would set up an appointment for me. WTF, I asked!!! He's not going to do the procedure TODAY? Oh no, this is just the CONSULTATION ... they'll set up an appointment and let me know later when the procedure is scheduled! I told him I'd already had my consultation (Of course, I'm sure he'll charge the VA a hefty sum for HIS 3-min. "consultation") and had prepped for the procedure as I was under the impression I was there for the colonoscopy! Isn't there some way he can squeeze me in? He then informed me that the procedure would be performed at the hospital, not at the clinic! He then told me I can just purchase additional prep materials over the counter at the drug store and prep again before the procedure! FUCK!!! (any of you who have been through this, already know how much that sucks!)

Ok, I get to the desk, the doc hands the gal my paperwork and tells her to let people know what they are coming in for when the appointments are mailed out. He blames it on her. She blames it on Health Net. I then informed her it was HER office that sent me the appt. info, not Health Net. She copped a nasty attitude and gave me an appointment to have my ass probed on CHRISTMAS fucking EVE! When I questioned the timing, she simply said, that's your appointment date, go home, think about it and if I want to cancel, I'm free to do so!

Ok, those who say the GOVERNMENT can't do anything right ... I'll take them ANY day over this f'd up civilian program set up to "correct" the VA's so-called problems! :banghead:angry1:pissed:angryfire

11-23-2015, 11:27 PM
10-to-one, they'll be closed on Christmas Eve...

11-23-2015, 11:29 PM
The hospital? ;)

Technically, I guess I should have said the morning of the day before Christmas.

Big Muddy
11-24-2015, 08:52 AM
Yep, Thump, that sux, and I'd say you are smokin hot.....and, rightly so !!!

11-24-2015, 08:58 AM
Thump Gonna Bust A Cap in Someones A##!!!

11-24-2015, 09:42 AM
Thump Gonna Bust A Cap in Someones A##!!!

Not a good time to talk about bustin' sumpin' in someone's ass! :hair

11-24-2015, 09:47 AM
I'd say you are smokin hot.....and, rightly so !!!

Lonely down there in Mississippi is it?


11-24-2015, 09:50 AM
Lonely down there in Mississippi is it? BKB

YOU look at my avatar and tell me I'm not a smokin' hot chick magnet! ;)

11-24-2015, 10:07 AM
Almost the exact thing happened to my dad. Somewhat different but the end results were the same. His General doctor gave him a prep kit and made his appointment with the butt doctor for him. He prepped on Sunday when in the next morning for his procedure only to find out it was a pre-procedure appointment. We still give him a hard time about that one.

11-24-2015, 10:11 AM
I can sympathize with him ... the prep is bad enough without having to go through it twice! :(

Big Muddy
11-24-2015, 10:31 AM
I guess we operate differently down here....the docs office calls and says it time for my colonoscopy....the appt. is set then a nurse calls me for a phone interview....then, about a week later I receive the script for the Go-Light juice....then, they call 24 hrs. before the appt. time to remind me of the appt.....I've never had to go in for a pre-op. exam.

Maybe I got a nice azzhole!!! ;)

Actually, the most inconvenient thing about the whole process is the 3 hr. round trip drive.