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View Full Version : I'm beginning to think we're a nation of idiots.

11-27-2015, 09:39 AM
Ok, the Democrats elected THEIR idiot ... TWICE!! And the longer this campaign goes on, it's (so far) looking like the Republicans want to elect THEIR idiot. Not that Trump is an idiot ... to do what he's done in the business world, he's evidently far from it. But as POTUS? Although I'd love to see what he could do, I think he'd be a total embarrassment for this country. Heck, it'll take years to get over the embarrassment caused by the clown we have in office right now, but can we stand another 4-8 years of another embarrassment leading the greatest country in the world? How long will we BE the greatest country in the world if we keep putting clowns in charge of it?

Don't get me wrong, I respect Trump's business acumen, but is he really "world leader" material? He blurts out fuck-up after fuck-up and the press busts their asses every single time to call him on it, but his followers just cheer him on and nothing ever sticks ... true or not, nobody seems to care.

There's a side of me that would really like to see what he would/could do to help this country out of the hole we've dug for ourselves, but I wish there were such a thing as a "trial period" for new Presidents. Heck, as a business man, I'm sure he'd understand that. In all my years of doing business, I never, not ONCE, hired an employee who was not hired on a 90-day trial basis. You work out, you stay ... you don't work out, as long as you're gone within that 90-day period, there are no repercussions possible from EITHER side. Now granted, I don't believe 90 days would be long enough to test a new President, or would it? If he doesn't cut the mustard, bring in the man who was voted #2. Of course that would never work out, what if #2 doesn't cut it? Just keep installing candidates every 4-6 months until we find someone we like? So, basically this post doesn't mean squat ... I'm just voicing my frustration over the mess we seem to have in our government these days ... and really see no viable end in sight from the list of candidates I've seen so far. I really don't want to EVER get to the point I'm embarrassed to be an American, but dammit ... how long can we go on with total bozos running this country before we lose all credibility?

Oh well ... I've said what I want to say ... and it won't change a dang thing. At least I got it off my chest. :(

11-27-2015, 09:43 AM
Out of all that the thing that stands out most to me is you still believe we are the greatest country.
Ding Dong flushed that title down the tubes about 6 years ago...

11-27-2015, 09:56 AM
Well, I believe we ARE still the greatest country in the world ... that just goes to show you how f'ed up the rest of the world is. I guess, these days, it's kind of like coming in first in a fat man's race. :(

11-27-2015, 12:32 PM
Out of all that the thing that stands out most to me is you still believe we are the greatest country.
Ding Dong flushed that title down the tubes about 6 years ago...

This is what astounds me about you so called conservatives. You thnk in order to get one of the 16 assholes you have running, and yes they are all assholes to a man including the layoff queen, you have to run everything down like its all for shit. Well, the country ain't for shit. Sure we've got housekeeping to do, but 99% of what is needed to fix this country's most serious problems needs to happen in our own freaking living rooms, not on Capitol Hill. The turnaround we need is a turnaround in attitude about what we should realistically expect from our government, not how we vote but how OFTEN we vote, and raising our kids to give a shit about something. Anything really.

And we need to regain our respect for our leaders. And the idiot conservatives elected W's dumb ass twice.


11-27-2015, 01:57 PM
What is "expected" out of government is what got Ding Dong elected twice. The whole bunch that sucks at the teat of Government has learned they can "vote" themselves s raise. And as long as Democrats are in office the list grows longer and longer of the folks that need government help AND who will not try to do for themselves.
What we should expect out of the federal government is a well armed military. Other than that zero, zip NOTHING.
Shut every federal money hole down and do what this country was founded on. Let the states handle their matters.
And no amount of name calling is gonna change my stance on the matter.

11-27-2015, 02:00 PM
Oh and I left conservative a long time ago. They became too liberal for me. :D

Big Muddy
11-27-2015, 02:02 PM
With you, Cap....this is where we're headed, if someone with some balls isn't elected.


11-27-2015, 02:07 PM
Just curious what you think "greatest" means when referring to your country.

11-27-2015, 02:39 PM
Its the conservative myth that we are the greatest in everything Johnboy. We do enjoy freedoms that a lot of people don't have, and we have one of the strongest economies in the world at least partly due to some capitalistic principles. But we lag most developed nations in many many categories and have long before Obama.

As for name calling and generalizations, I am a liberal but I have always supported the second amendment although I refuse to believe there aren't things we can't do with existing laws (and closing some loopholes) to make it tougher for criminals and crazy fuckers to get weapons. It'll never be perfect though and the things we need to do to curb gun violence really don't have much to do at all with guns.
I'm not on the government teat and never have been. And neither are the many democrats I know personally. And I don't look for government to solve shit, and neither do the democrats that I know. The people I know best, both Republican and Democrat are for the most part good people and good citizens.
So I'll drop my stereotypes if you drop yours.

And I will ease up on you dumbasses for electing W twice too.

I promise.

And while we're at it we might try respecting our president no matter who he is. That'll be my New Years resolution if you'll make it yours. Then we might make a step towards being great.


11-27-2015, 03:14 PM
No deal, I always lived by the fact that you can be given a title but you have to earn the respect yourself. That's MY quote and what I live by.
If they don't earn it they don't get it. Which by the way would be a good policy to have with other things beside respect too...

11-27-2015, 03:25 PM
BKB ...

And while we're at it we might try respecting our president no matter who he is.

I agree with Cappy here ... no deal. I once repeated a story here that happened to me in the military when I refused to salute an officer whom I literally hated. I was taught a salute was a sign of respect, but since I didn't respect him, I refused to salute him. I ended up in the PMO's office and my CO bailed me out. In my CO's office, I was taught the difference. He informed me my salute was a sign of respect for the RANK of an officer, regardless of whether or not I respected the man wearing that rank. I'd never thought of it that way and I honestly learned something from it that I've carried with me all my adult life.

That said, I respect the OFFICE of the President of the United States ... that does NOT mean I respect that worthless, POS individual who holds that office at the present time.

Johnboy, I tried to answer your question ... but after I'd typed about 16,000 words, I deleted it. I'll think it over and see if I can find a way to condense it.

Big Muddy
11-27-2015, 03:28 PM
^^^^^what cap and thump said^^^^^

11-27-2015, 09:49 PM
Just curious what you think "greatest" means when referring to your country.

My answer is.....The only one I know that everyone wants into permanently, even illegally.....and citizens don't try to leave.

The one Europe owes their lives to.

The one with the best civil and legal systems.

Among other things.

11-28-2015, 09:04 AM
Its the conservative myth that we are the greatest
See JohnBoy that's the liberal view and spin on things, to make a statement negatively against Republicans or conservatives in general. It doesn't have to be factual, it doesn't have to be true, it just has to be said!
I'll give you this for example:
Note Posthole says being the "greatest" is a conservative (Republican) myth....
Got to YouTube and search "Obama greatest country in the world". There are SO many clips of him saying the US is the greatest nation, country etc in the world there is no way to watch them all. Do the same search with Clinton. Same results. Both he, Obama, and thousand of other democrats have touted the view that the US is the greatest.
But HERE in this context its posted as a negative thing associated to a conservative. Like I said it don't have to be right or factual, it just has to be said.
Like when Hilary said she did not have a separate server, of Bill saying he did not have sex with that woman. Those cannot be false statements cause they were said by Democraps.....

11-28-2015, 11:06 AM
Well, if want to get technical, this is from the very conservative leaning Wall Street Journal.

"Is America the Greatest Nation on Earth? Fewer Americans Say Yes
Americans think their nation is still great—but fewer say it’s the greatest.

That’s according to a new Pew Research Center report, fittingly released one day before Independence Day.

It found that the share of Americans who believe “America stands above all other countries in the world” has declined since 2010. The data are drawn from one of Pew’s most ambitious public opinion surveys, which interviewed over 10,000 respondents.

The survey finds that the share of Americans who think America is exceptional, standing above all other nations, has fallen 10 percentage points since 2011, to 28% of Americans.

A larger share of the public—58%—says that America is “one of the greatest countries in the world, along with some others.” In 2011, some 53% held that view.

And, lest the statistics spoil your July 4th weekend, only about 1 in 10 Americans, or 12%, say there are other countries better than ours. That’s a slight uptick from 2011, when 8% of Americans held the same view.

Republicans are still likelier than either Democrats or independents to proclaim their nation exceptional, but the decline in this view over the past three years is also the most pronounced amongst the G.O.P.

In 2011, 53% of Republicans held the United States above all other nations. Today, only 37% of Republicans still say America is unparalleled.

The nation’s millennials come off as more pessimistic – or more realistic, depending on your view – than the public at large. Only 15% of Americans under age 30 say their country is the greatest in the world, down from 27% in 2011."

And are you feeling persecuted or something today? Poor conservative always get picked on.

And there's not one thing wrong with saying "I love this country more than any other in the world." I do. (love it)


11-28-2015, 01:22 PM
You just made my point. Thanks
Now go watch some football....
Who you want in the UNC vs Wolfpack game.
I'm taking UNC, I know who Hank is taking.

11-28-2015, 01:54 PM
I'm predicting UNC in that one. They're the biggest surprise in college football this year.

I think the Cocks are about to slip some to Clempson.


11-28-2015, 02:02 PM
It looked like it but Clemson turned it on....

Chicken Dinner
11-28-2015, 04:13 PM
Godless Tarheel...

11-28-2015, 04:23 PM
How the hell S Carolina score 25?... 34 - 25
Live - 1:27 4Q

11-28-2015, 04:28 PM
How the hell S Carolina score 25?... 34 - 25 Live - 1:27 4Q
They did a 2 point conversion.
And they also scored again with 1 second left on the clock.

11-28-2015, 05:36 PM
Yea Cappy^...Them Boys down the street @Clemson got some good looking Stuff!....I say we join the Clemson Bandwagon (is that cheating?)..... and Bet those arkansas/oklahoma folk its still over here!!!

11-28-2015, 05:43 PM
Sounds like a plan unless Clemson plays UNC. Then I'm gonna have to change sides. :D

11-28-2015, 06:00 PM
Fair enought^.....Big South Carolina fan here....I miss Spurrier all ready!!!...Damn Good Man/Damn Good Coach!!!

11-28-2015, 06:02 PM
That he was...
The "Dean Smith" of South Carolina football

11-28-2015, 07:54 PM
WTF????? I take the day off and come back tonight to comment on this thread, just to find out it's turned into a FOOTBALL thread???!!!

Sheeesh, nevermind.

11-29-2015, 01:33 PM
This movie clip is pretty dang good, for hollywood :)
