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View Full Version : Has politics really sunk to this level?

12-23-2015, 09:59 AM
I like the fact Trump is in the mix and stirring up the mud. After all, how could I NOT like a shit-disturber? BUT ... as POTUS? Please! Give me a break! What we have in office now has been a total embarrassment for the past 7 years, but TRUMP? Don't get me wrong, I enjoy seeing the "real" politicians squirm ... it's about time. But when (or is) this thing ever going to get serious? Every time he sticks his foot in his mouth or makes a fool of himself, I figure, ok, here it comes, his poll ratings will start to bomb. But they only go UP ... every frigging time!

I understand the general population is sick of the "status quo" and are tired of always being told we MUST be politically correct. I'm sorry folks, like it or not, some "political correctness" is part of being a civilized society IMHO. If my boss' wife has a face that would stop a clock, it may be true, but I'm NOT going to walk up to him and say, "Boss, I really enjoy working for you, but your wife is so damned ugly, if she sat on the beach, cats would try to bury her! You don't walk through your local mall and and stop every fat lady to tell her she's ... well, FAT! You don't see a couple pushing a stroller down the sidewalk, then stop to tell them what a fugly baby they have. It "may" be the truth, but like it or not, political correctness (which is really nothing more than good manners and common decency/civility) needs to come into play somewhere along the line. Saying what you really think in an acceptable setting is alright, and possibly even a virtue, but being rude and crude is not.

Trump acts like he has the maturity of a spoiled, 12-year old school kid. There's one part of me that likes seeing him say whatever he wants ... whatever he thinks .... but I feel like it's really no different than staring at a bad car wreck. Even though I realize someone may have died, I can't help looking. MAYBE if he were to actually be voted into office, he'd surround himself with genius advisers and actually listen to what they say, then follow their suggestions. Maybe it could work that way. But, for some reason, I don't see that happening. One thing I do agree with is that we DO have to "Make America great again," but I feel deep down inside, Trump, as POTUS, would embarrass me half to death.

12-23-2015, 11:12 AM
Merry Christmas.

I am sure every living human, if President, would embarrass you and half the internet.......half to death. No one is close to some people's expectations.

I've started the "BPITST" club. "Be Politically Incorrect To Someone Today" club. Today is your day. You're fat, and your mama dressed you funny.

12-23-2015, 11:17 AM

12-23-2015, 11:20 AM
And I'll bet you something nice that you won't have to worry about him, or any Republican, becoming the next President.

12-23-2015, 11:34 AM
I sincerely believe that either Rubio or Cruz is going to put a beat down on Hillary. And I don't think Trump could do a fraction of the damage Obama has done if he were elected.

12-23-2015, 11:40 AM
I agree with much of your post, Thump.. and the fact that he says whatever he wants *because* he's paying his own way - something you won't hear from the rest. I've probably said it on here before but - "It scares me than Donald Trump scares me less than Hillary Clinton scares me."

And I'll bet you something nice that you won't have to worry about him, or any Republican, becoming the next President.

and I agree with 'Rub, too.

12-23-2015, 11:45 AM
I was in Paris for a few days and then Russia for a few weeks when the big Clinton/Lewinsky fiasco was in full swing. I swear, non-stop coverage of the scandal was plastered on every television screen in the world. Every time I was near a television set, I'd just hang my head and try to hide my face. It was actually embarrassing as hell to be an American overseas at that time. Obama has been an even bigger embarrassment. I'd LOVE to return to the days when I could travel the world, hang my head high and actually feel PROUD to be an American. Despite the bullshit going on in Washington, I still feel we are the greatest country in the world (sorry Johnboy), but I just ain't near as proud as I used to be.

12-23-2015, 11:58 AM
I was in Paris for a few days and Russia for a few weeks when the big Clinton/Lewinsky fiasco was in full swing. I swear, non-stop coverage of the scandal was plastered on every television screen in the world. Every time I was near a television set, I'd just hang my head and try to hide my face. It was actually embarrassing as hell to be an American overseas at that time. Obama has been an even bigger embarrassment. I'd LOVE to return to the days when I could travel the world, hang my head high and actually feel PROUD to be an American. Despite the bullshit going on in the Washington, I still feel we are the greatest country in the world (sorry Johnboy), but I just ain't near as proud as I used to be.

Well, Hillary and Obama agree we're the best, they've said it often. But those that have traveled overseas in my lifetime, including me, have NEVER experienced anything like awe at my, or their, being an American. I was still proud, and always will be. If you want to be proud, be so. But stop dissing America just because some bozo is not politically correct. Hillary IS a liar, although the Democratic AG won't ever charge her, and so no Grand Jury will get to indict her. So saying that she is a liar is not slander, it's just not PC.

The system we have now is 100% broken, and neither 'side' will ever again compromise on anything other than who to send to a foreign funeral. Those days are over. So, admit it and move along briskly. You can get on the winning side or the losing side and gripe. Every losing side gripes. I never heard such griping for 8 years of W being President! Now, it's turned into a joke where anyone can win simply by running on the "I'm NOT the last guy" platform. Chaos just might get us out of this rut, because nothing else is going to. Tweaking, fixing, redoing...........those things have been tried and failed. The Haves and the Have-Nots are going to 'fight' and one of them is going to win.

I think Trump is an idiot that I don't want to be kin to. I'm kin to some bigger idiots, though......... BUT, the Southern Rednecks that I talk to are fed up with RINO's and jackasses that betray their roots.......and I see us headed for a 3 party system. Trouble is, it'll be years before the new one is in the majority, and meanwhile, the Left Party is going to rule.

So let's have some eggnog and worry over which coach needs fired.

12-23-2015, 12:54 PM
Y'all say what you want but it is incredible at the amount of people that come to the gun counter and talk pro-Trump. I mean just about everyone. I'm sure it is their wheelhouse but I've never seen anything like it.
And we had our annual Christmas luncheon with some of the areas who's-who yesterday and some of the biggest and wealthiest folks are really on Trumps band wagon. People that I would think would be against him. Well educated folks that have made many fortunes over their lifetime.
Did y'all know on Black Friday, just one day in the US there were more guns purchased than active military personal. Guns are selling like nothing I've ever seen and ammo and reloading supplies are all but gone. I would not be surprised if Trump don't get a real head of steam.

12-23-2015, 01:44 PM
I think there is a VASTLY underestimated number of people that will vote for Trump. It really is a silent majority. They won't speak up in public about iy since they'll be labelled a racist, bigot or some other name. But they'll sure as hell make sure the Trump chad isn't hanging when it comes time to count the votes.

But. Electoral college.

12-23-2015, 01:54 PM
Thump, there is a vast difference between being rude and being politically incorrect. Telling someone they are fat and ugly is rude. Telling someone they are fat, ugly and a democrat is not pc.

12-23-2015, 03:56 PM
Y'all think I'm being insulting, but I'm not trying to be when I say that 99% of what comes out of Trump's mouth comes out of just about all of my conservative friends mouths too. Especially if there's been alcohol involved. He is a direct reflection of most of the Republican party. But instead of embracing him, the party is revolted by him. At least the muckety mucks are.

A Trump presidency would be interesting to say the least. It might be better than people think too.

I think he'll make it to the convention and really stir things up the way they need to be. If you all nominate Rubio, you're just asking for a Bush clone.


12-23-2015, 06:08 PM
My first choice is Bush III, if for no other reason than to melt Postholes mind. ;)

12-23-2015, 06:14 PM
My mind is way beyond melted already.


12-23-2015, 06:35 PM
My mind is way beyond melted already. BKB

Then quit Bogart'in that thing and pass it around! ;)

12-25-2015, 02:38 PM
I had a conversation yesterday about the Trump phenomena. The left hate him, but in my opinion have opened the door for his views. President Obama has unilaterally used executive action to push "change" through, and on numerous occasions flat out said "I will not negotiate. These actions have pushed a lot people to the edge. Seeing decision made without negotiation or the general oversight of congress is scary. Whether you agree with gun control, the Iran deal or not one should believe in our political system and negotiation / discussion on important topics. Veto and executive action powers as a standard tool have engaged a voting public that otherwise wouldn't be engaged.

He then sent me this article:


It brings up a really valid point. We seem to be willing to negotiate with people who openly declare they are our enemies, but balk at doing so within our own system. This system is seriously messed up if we are unwilling to discuss and negotiate at home, but are abroad.

12-25-2015, 02:50 PM
I have heard that from a lot of people I meet at work. Many have said they have not voted in several elections but will be there to vote for Trump.
O'Ding-dong is fixing to give his speech in a few days and IS going to announce he is going to take executive action on guns in America. He is DRIVING people to Trump.
Americans are tired of him and what him gone.

12-25-2015, 03:02 PM
I repeat. And repeat. And repeat.

Compromise died. Pick a side.

I know this.....the losers in the next election won't go quietly into that good night.

Big Muddy
12-25-2015, 03:03 PM
Countdown until Obama is OUT OF OFFICE:

318 days or 7,650 hours or 459,119 minutes or 27,547,190 seconds until Tuesday, November 8, 2016.

It is 318 days, 19 hours, 59 minutes, 50 seconds.

12-25-2015, 03:05 PM
And in the best of scenarios, Obama may turn out to be the "mule" that ends up being the direct cause for massive change....but for the good, not his asinine agenda.

One can hope....

12-25-2015, 03:31 PM
I have heard that from a lot of people I meet at work. Many have said they have not voted in several elections but will be there to vote for Trump.
O'Ding-dong is fixing to give his speech in a few days and IS going to announce he is going to take executive action on guns in America. He is DRIVING people to Trump.
Americans are tired of him and what him gone.

I think our turnouts in national and state elections here in Oklahoma have averaged about 30%. I blame this for the poor level of competency in our state government. Its not that I think a higher turnout would result in a different platform, but I think a higher turnout would result in better officeholders and more accountability, which is the only way to improve performance of any process, imo.
in other words, the polarization of our politicians is a direct result of apathy and complacency of voters as much as anything. I notice you all here seem to hold Obama accountable for stuff yet you seem to think Congress is just fine and dandy. They are as fucked up as he is! Yet they keep getting returned to Washington to fuck it all up more.


12-25-2015, 03:37 PM
Posthole the buck stops (and starts) with O'Bummer. It's his watch and he has polarized himself FROM congress. It is up to him to join congress together and start talks and figure out a way to improve working relations to get things done.
In my eye congress is not without fault, but the lion share of the blame belongs to Obummer who is SUPPOSE to be the leader. He going around congress and doing executive orders, and flat out lying has set the tone. If I saw HIM willing to compromise and making an effort to work with them, I would assign most the blame on congress. But that is not our case.

Big Muddy
12-25-2015, 04:49 PM
^^^^^thumbs up^^^^^

12-25-2015, 05:36 PM
Fitting Muddy.
And by the way Posthole you NEVER blamed anything on the democrat lead congress while W was in office you are the worst here at blaming W for all that happened under his watch. To the point of calling it "Bush's" war even though it was passed with the support of the democrat controlled congress.

12-25-2015, 09:47 PM
I think Congress is just as bad, if not worse than Obama. Democrat controlled, republican controlled, equally incompetent and dangerous to the people. Fucking imbeciles!