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View Full Version : It's been a sucky few days here.

01-16-2016, 01:37 AM
I haven't been around much the past few days. Between being busy as all get-out and whats been going on, I've just had a couple chances to drop in, make a post or two, then get back to "life".

Anyway, I have a friend who died in a car accident just before Thanksgiving. He left his wife and two daughters, one 13 and one 10. I haven't really kept in close contact with her since the accident, but saw her occasionally and she really wasn't handling life very well. Anyway, she died a few days ago. I'm not sure of the "full" story, but the term used was, she was "self-medicating". She was having trouble sleeping and just coping in general. This was a nice family ... no drug problems as far as I know ... but I don't know what she was "self-medicating" with exactly. I understand whatever it was (I didn't ask) was over the counter stuff. Tuesday, she was feeling really crappy and went to the hospital. They told her she was exhausted and needed to get plenty of rest, then they sent her home. She got the girls off to school the next morning, then took a sleeping pill to get some sleep and it had a reaction with whatever it was she was already taking. Her 13 year old daughter found her dead when she came home after school!

Those little girls just lost their dad at Thanksgiving, grieved through Christmas and two months after losing their dad, their mom is gone. They're now with their grandparents. What a tragedy. :(

01-16-2016, 02:24 AM
Dam thump....Hang in there Buddy!....Sad :(

01-16-2016, 08:58 AM
Well, I "knew" them. We weren't real close, more a "friends of a friend" type thing really and I've only known them a couple of years. Actually, I was supposed to see her (the wife, along with my friend) yesterday, but got a call a few days ago telling me what happened. I did see my friend yesterday and she brought me up to speed. THEY have been best friends since childhood, so she's really bummed out about this. (sorry for all the "friend" references, not sure how else to explain it)

01-16-2016, 10:31 AM
Man that's tough duty right there! Sorry for the children.

01-16-2016, 10:46 AM
Man. Tough stuff.

Lots of dying lately. Sorry for this statement, forgive me.........but sure are a lot of folks going out that don't need to, while some that need to somehow get to stay..........

Big Muddy
01-16-2016, 11:07 AM
I can certainly relate to all that, Thump....prayers going out for those two kids.

01-16-2016, 11:17 AM
Sorry to hear that Thump. Sounds like she died of a broken heart as much as anythng, and that is just a very sad story.
You hang in there, my friend.


01-16-2016, 11:37 AM
Damn, that's tough right there. 2016 is not starting off very well for far too many people.

Enjoy your families, hug those sumbitches every chance you get! It could be the last hug you get and that really matters!