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View Full Version : Kids will be kids!

01-17-2016, 09:27 AM
I thought this was some really cool game cam coverage of an elk calf playing in a mud puddle. At any rate, it's a nice way to start the day here. :D

<iframe width="854" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/gWh2o_cKxBs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

01-17-2016, 11:26 AM

I guess this is a "Thump Story". Sorry but that one brings back memories.

I was in a deer 'club' in Little Rock area for one year. I could see cars going down the freeway. I did kill a nice 8 point, and the 'club' was amazed since they never killed anything but beer, but that's another story. My ex son in law got me in it, it was his work buddies. Anyway, I built a stand out of some old pallets I had, and was looking down a long two-track road both ways.

Right at dark, at the end of the road........which was just one long puddle, or solid water in the ruts.........two deer stepped out. It was a Mama and a little one. The little one, a button.....was obviously trying to get Mama to come on and play, and she just stood there. She literally shook her head "no" (did you know that every civilized society ever discovered shakes their head left/right for 'no' and up/down for 'yes'??), but he was persistent.

Finally he sort of 'sighed' and took off on his own. He would run down the side of the road, the dry side, and stop, then take off running towards Mama, standing on the side at the end......and jump as high as a deer could jump, like a broad jump........and lock all four legs and land in that water, and spray water all over Mama and five feet in the air. Then he'd laugh (I swear this was all obvious), and do it all again. He did it over and over till dark, and then Mama snorted "come on boy" and he gave up and they left.

It is tied for first in the coolest thing I ever saw in the woods. The other one was the piebald fawn that couldn't jump the fence the one time I hunted with Cappy, and kept backing off and trying over and over.

01-18-2016, 05:36 PM
That was very nice to see, hopefully in about 4 years he can but a bullet/arrow in it...