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View Full Version : Still in shock

01-18-2016, 10:40 PM
We have this local supermarket that offers a discount card that acculates discounts on gas at a chain of local convenience stores. Since the holidays we'd accumulated 77 cents off. So I filled up my truck today for 58 cents a gallon.

That just doesn't seem possible.


01-18-2016, 11:29 PM
we are in the "under a dollar" club most months. However, the wife SUV is the main recipient of the discount...

01-18-2016, 11:29 PM
Gas is only $1.35 there? Wow! It's $1.72 here.

01-18-2016, 11:31 PM
Yep, 1.35. I hope its this cheap when it time to go to Canada.


01-18-2016, 11:53 PM
So - what's going on? I've read a few theories (China - Third world governments needing money - New technologies in American drilling).. I paid 91 cents for LP today.. I'm getting nervous. ;)

01-18-2016, 11:55 PM
I guess there's a bnch on the market. And Iran is going to dump more, and now that we can export, we're gonna add to it. And unless the Opeckers can put a cork in it, there's really no end in sight.


01-19-2016, 09:18 AM
Man I haven't seen a price per gallon that low since I was in high school!!

$1.67 here with points off I hit $1.47 last week.

Iran has to get her ships back on the seas most have been setting as storage tanks. From what I've read they have been shipping to Africa, Japan, China and a few EU countries. Greece is looking to resume shipments since after the embargo which left a 500m$ hole in Iran's budget.

I've read two kinds of articles , one stating the sky is falling and how the Iranian oil will force the market even lower. Which IMO is BS since OPEC has already been lowering the price to force drilling here to stop. The U.S. drills at $30.00 per bbl and OPEC can do it for $10.00 a bbl.
So even if Iran does get up to 2mbbl per day that extra 500k a day isn't going to cause the sky to fall.

Liquid Natural gas is another biggie they have to move. I'm sure we'll see shipping deals being made the next month to help Iran out.

Second articles come out as Iran isn't going to be able to ramp up production to pre embargo levels due to aging equipment. OK and does anyone think that will last long? LOL

Yet in a few investment articles Shell and others have already been discussing deals.

So much for all that oil independence talk we all have heard since the Alaskan pipe line went in.

01-19-2016, 09:59 AM
This started when Saudia Arabia decided to flood the market, drive down prices, simply to try and put American and Canadian oil drillers out of business as much as possible. Or actually, to ensure S.A. retained major market share. They can afford the decrease, American and Canadian drillers cannot. We have the oil, but we can't afford to go get it at cheap prices. They have continued to coerce OPEC into keeping production up, and are not convinced their market share is yet where it needs to be at a sustained level.

So, in the paradox of all paradoxes, they are bending the West over the table and telling them "You won't be energy independent, we'll ensure our stuff is too cheap for you to continue", which should make us mad enough to go to war. We don't, because we love cheap gas.

In a good analogy, this is what China has done to our manufacturing. And Japan, in a way. They ensured that they'd provide us with the products that we used to manufacture, at a price point so low that we can't afford to restart manufacturing it again. Oil and Saudia Arabia are really the same deal.

How long they continue? Who knows? If Trump bombs Mecca, or the Shiites bomb Riyadh, or some other crazy thing happens, all bets are off. Till then, fill up. My question is..........how long does gasoline last in a big tank, and what do big tanks cost?


01-19-2016, 10:05 AM
Nice! I have 30 days to use my grocery points. so I usually wind up with 20-40 cents off per gallon. I'm figuring I pay that money somewhere in the grocery store but it's still fun at the pump!

Hehehe, I said fun at the pump.

Is THIS what it's like to be as old as you fuckers?

01-19-2016, 10:06 AM
Speaking of old ... happy birthday BTW. ;)

01-19-2016, 10:08 AM
Wife buys a Kroger "card" and puts like $300 on it. The card is used to provide money for the grandkids band fees. They have to pay to be in band, and these cards (and other retailers too) have a program to send money to that band in the kids' account, if you set up the card in advance. THEN, the card accumulates fuel points too. I had $.50 off per gallon last time. Usually it's $0.20-.30. But even if I don't shop there in a given month, just sticking the Kroger card in there first gives me .03 per gallon discount.

One thing that WILL happen shortly.........in many states........I predict........is a drastic rise in fuel taxes.

01-19-2016, 10:09 AM
Nice! I have 30 days to use my grocery points. so I usually wind up with 20-40 cents off per gallon. I'm figuring I pay that money somewhere in the grocery store but it's still fun at the pump!

Hehehe, I said fun at the pump.

Is THIS what it's like to be as old as you fuckers?

Aren't you, like, cognitively aware of that, by now????????????? :)

01-19-2016, 10:09 AM
The cheapest gas I can remember (since I hit driving age) was in 1971. I was working on a pipeline construction crew building the Dallas/Ft. Worth Airport. Premium was 19.9-cents and regular was 17.9-cents. That was when self-serve stations were first coming out and they were KILLING the full-service stations!

01-19-2016, 10:11 AM
Gas war in Little Rock, four stations on four corners, one time sold it for 14.9.........but gas was 24.9 every day, everywhere, for many years.

Gas taxes are a lot of it now.

01-19-2016, 10:12 AM
And I'm dang sure tired of the "point nine". I see no point. And technically, it's illegal.

01-19-2016, 10:15 AM
We have a Wally-World about a mile down the road from us. They always have the cheapest gas in town, plus we have a Wally-World credit card (which we ONLY use for gas) and it automatically takes an extra 5-cents off/gal. They sometimes run specials (last year they ran it all summer ... 3-4 months) where it takes off 10-cents/gal. When we travel, we use an app. on our iPhone (Gas Buddy) and whenever we start getting low, we check the app and plan our next fuel stop with it ... again, it's usually another Wally-World that's the cheapest ... especially with the discount.

01-19-2016, 10:17 AM
Gas war in Little Rock, four stations on four corners, one time sold it for 14.9.........but gas was 24.9 every day, everywhere, for many years.

Gas taxes are a lot of it now.

Yep, I remember the gas wars, but I don't remember the lowest price I ever saw during one. I'm talking full-time, everyday gas prices with no specials/discounts.

01-19-2016, 10:22 AM
We are at $1.67 here. That's the cheapest it's been since I don't know when. The cheapest I can remember for gas was around $.50 a gallon when I was a kid.

I can remember the outrage when it hit $1.00 a gallon. Another thing I remember is my mom quitting smoking because the cost of cigs got up to $1.00 a pack.

01-19-2016, 10:24 AM
How long does gasoline last in a big tank? Don't know. I know I've used year old gas that had additive in it. I've used 2 yr old diesel.
Propane I think last forever. I've used some really old tanks in the past.

If I was some third world turd of a country my objective would be to build a sea port and a giant oil storage facility & fill em up like the U.S. did back in the 80's and cry poverty.

When I was in Philly from 80-82 there were so many tankers in the Delaware river that the harbor master ordered them all out to anchor off shore. He was a afraid of a accident happening in the port area. AND look at today~well last November

IMO the U.S. has a LOT of oil, LNG, Propane and what they call condensate sitting waiting to be exported to Europe. Problem with Europe now is it's been socially & economically lowered even further by the invasion of the "sand people". Who my Grand Mother told me never to trust!

Like some of you already mentioned, where is our consumer relief on shipping goods going to go down. NEVER~ as long as the government and shipping business can collect fuel transportation fees, taxes and God only knows what other handouts.

01-19-2016, 11:14 AM
3,000,000 years if Eddie sends you a 55 gallon drum of seafoam.

01-19-2016, 11:37 AM
Well, I'm lactose intolerant. If I eat/drink dairy, the gas in my "tank" will usually last 2 days ... maybe 3 if I get heavy into the ice cream! ;)

01-19-2016, 01:59 PM
The cheapest gas I can remember (since I hit driving age) was in 1971. I was working on a pipeline construction crew building the Dallas/Ft. Worth Airport. Premium was 19.9-cents and regular was 17.9-cents. That was when self-serve stations were first coming out and they were KILLING the full-service stations!

I remember working for my uncle he had 2 Boron stations in WV and I pumped gas for .12c gal. In Pittsburgh Bruce Rebiel who owned a Gulf station told my Dad and I next year gas is going up to .50c. At the time it was a .20 to .25c increase. Think this was 69 or 70.
I also worked at a Mobil and remember the big shortage that never existed. I'd get calls to increase the gas 2 or 3 times a day.
So If I could make $5.00 cutting lawns in a day in 1973 I could get a pack of Marlboro, 2 quarts of Stroh's , a burger and 2.00 in gas to get around that night.

01-19-2016, 02:05 PM
So If I could make $5.00 cutting lawns in a day in 1973 I could get a pack of Marlboro, 2 quarts of Stroh's , a burger and 2.00 in gas to get around that night.

The good ole Days^ ;)

01-19-2016, 02:25 PM
So If I could make $5.00 cutting lawns in a day in 1973 I could get a pack of Marlboro, 2 quarts of Stroh's , a burger and 2.00 in gas to get around that night.

Stroh's? Seriously?

01-19-2016, 02:59 PM
I pumped gas at a DX station in '74 in Stillwater, OK for a buck sixty five an hour. The owner was a butthole. But it was a good steady job at a time when I worked two jobs. The owner was into dirt bikes and he'd drop by on Sundays with his buddies and they'd drop their muddy bikes at the station and he'd have me wash them. That's okay, my car never lacked for clean oil and was spic and span the almost year that I worked there. And the bonus was washing the windows of thousands of young 'coeds' as they were called then. I got a lot of phone numbers working there!


01-19-2016, 03:31 PM
Ha ha! Oh yeah! I worked at an Enco station in Texas just before I started the construction job at DFW. That was in late '70 or early '71. Of course mini-skirts were common then. When those gals came in for gas, I would scrub those windshields until there wasn't even a hint of a bug or so much as a speck of dust once I finished with them! ;)

I remember sitting there looking through some of the company mail one evening and saw a memo sent out to all the dealers from Enco. They said they were doing some market testing on a new name ... Exxon ... and if it was well accepted, they'd be changing all the stores over to the Exxon name. (I think they were all Enco and Esso back then) I thought, what a stupid name ... EXXON ... it'll never fly! Oh well, I was only 18 years old, what did I know? :(

01-19-2016, 03:37 PM
Put a tiger in your tank!

Those tiger tails were a popular item on radio aerials around my home town.


01-19-2016, 03:41 PM
Yep, many people would have 'em hanging out of their gas door!

01-19-2016, 03:52 PM
Man, I have no clue what I was paid back then, but I had moved out there to work at the GM plant. The railroad went on strike the day after I moved there and they put a freeze on hiring. I HAD to find a job ... and fast! There was an opening at this gas station and I went down there to apply late one afternoon. The owner asked when I'd be able to start work and I said immediately. He walked me around, showed me where everything was located and then he left! WTF? I was an 18-year old kid who had just walked in for the first time about an hour earlier, and now I'm there by myself! I remember the hours, he worked from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, I worked from 6:00 pm to 6:00 am ... except Saturday/Sunday. The store closed for church on Sunday, so I'd work from 6:00 pm Saturday until 8:00 am on Sunday and lock the store up. I had to come back at 6:00 pm and open back up, then work until 6:00 am on Monday! So HE got Sat. night through Monday morning off ... I never had a day off and only 10 hours off on Sunday! I think maybe I was getting screwed. :(

Big Muddy
01-19-2016, 04:23 PM
$1.43 in a few places, down here.....and, Gas Buddy says the price trend will continually be downward.

01-19-2016, 04:32 PM
What's wrong with you? Can't you stay off topic just once?

No wait! ............ ;)

01-19-2016, 05:04 PM
I think Strohs was prolly the beer equivalent of seafoam back in the day.

01-19-2016, 05:18 PM
I drank a few thousand Stroh's at one point in my life. My good buddy and handy man working partner in the Air Force was from York, Pennsylvania and he thought Stroh's was the best beer in the land. Meh. I think their schtick was it was fire brewed or some shit. Prolly fire brewed using oak wood that had been used to make wagon seats sat on only by virgins or some shit.


01-19-2016, 05:22 PM
Strohs pioneered the cardboard 12 pack, then 15 pack, in these parts. Many field parties were hosted by strohs. It's the same crap as all the other mass produced cheap beer. Bud, Miller, strohs, schlitz, all the exact same.

01-19-2016, 07:07 PM
It's the same crap as all the other mass produced cheap beer. Bud, Miller, strohs, schlitz, all the exact same.

Translation: "Non-Yuppie beer".

You're welcome. :D

01-19-2016, 07:55 PM
Anybody who thinks there's no difference in Bud and Schlitz is a Hoosier.

Sorry, Deppity.


01-19-2016, 08:43 PM
In college, Bud was 35-cents/bottle at the local watering hole. I'd be drinking Bud every night until late in the week when my funds would start getting low, then I'd switch over to PBR because it was only 30-cents/bottle! ;)

BTW, Schlitz is horse piss! :disgust:

01-19-2016, 09:07 PM
I drank Schltz in Texas that was brewed in Houston (before Hieleman, Miller and Inbev bought the beer world) in the early 70s that tasted like horse piss. Then I joined the Air Force and drank Schlitz that was brewed in Tampa and it was actually pretty good beer. Neither place is known for their quality water.

I do like the microbrewery brews available nowadays. Drinking a few Boulevard SON's tonight that are your basic Belgian Witbiers that are very nice.

New Belgian brewery products are my current favorite although we can't get them in Oklahoma due to our ultraconservative alcohol laws.


01-19-2016, 10:22 PM
I was just giving him a hard time. I drank a shit load of Strohs in college. It was cheap and came in a 30 pack. It was "fire brewed in Detroit". Probably full of that lead contaminated water they have in Flint right now.

01-19-2016, 10:41 PM
...your basic Belgian Witbiers ...


For you unwashed mass produced shit beer drinkers 'witbiers' translates directly to pussy water.

01-19-2016, 10:44 PM
Hey, I love Coors Banquet Beer.

Fire me.