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01-29-2016, 10:16 AM
Anybody ever watch this and if so, what do you think?

As usual I am a day late and a dollar short, but while my son was home on Christmas break he got my wife and I watching the HBO series "Game of Thrones." Have to admit I really like it. As a matter of fact I have gone from being a person who typically only watches an hour or so of television a week, to someone who wants to watch at least an episode a night. We are just now on the last episode of season 3 so we've still got a ways to go before we get caught up.

I know this isn't high-brow, educational-type TV but it's WAY better than watching ballgames.

01-29-2016, 10:23 AM
There is nothing better than watching ballgames. The original, unscripted, Reality Show! And if the Cardinals are playing, even finer. I have a TV simply because I can watch the Cardinals and Razorbacks. Everything else that comes on is just something to bide my time till they come on.

That said, I haven't seen that one. I dropped HBO and Movie Channels from DirecTV for cost reasons. Turns out, they have a 'free weekend' every so often, and I Tivo a bunch of movies and watch those in the dreaded months of February and March when no baseball or football is on.

BUT IN THE MEANTIME, I am so hooked on Vikings!! It's on History Channel, and I think this is the 4th (?) year. Best produced show I ever saw, interesting, addictive really. And yeah, I'd probably like Game of Thrones if I got HBO and watched it............

01-29-2016, 10:54 AM
Game of Thrones is fantastic! So is Vikings. So is Black Sails which I discovered during the blizzard. So is Shameless but Bwana may be a bot more straight arrow type who would not be amused by the Gallagher family :) So is Penny Dreadful.

Like Bucky, I'm REALLY looking forward to the upcoming season of Vikings. Very good show in every way.

01-29-2016, 11:04 AM
Side note:

How we watch TV is changing. My daughter dumped cable/satellite and is solely on Hulu. I don't know diddley squat about such stuff, and I don't think I'd like it (she hates all sports), but........I'm paying a TON for DirecTV and it goes up non stop. I like it, but it's costly. And it's rife with crap I will never, ever, watch. My 'favorite channel' list is maybe 1/3 of the total available channels, and I don't watch 1/8 of the 1/3 (I made those numbers odd to make Thumper go crazy trying to figure the net percentage in his head).

So, I suppose that one day I need to learn more about all that if I want to watch much TV........... I have debated on getting the MLB package on my phone (TOO expensive) just to ensure I can get Cardinal games when A)it's stormy here but not where they're playing, B) Games they are on ESPN and DirecTV screws me by not showing them here due to some crazy 'blackout' rule, and C) when I'm camping and can't get a signal on the portable dish.

Chicken Dinner
01-29-2016, 11:20 AM
I haven't watched more than a few minutes of GOT. I did read all the books a couple of years back when I was doing a bunch of travel for work and had long flights. Vikings on the History Channel was good stuff.

01-29-2016, 11:20 AM
All we have is Netflix and the major networks that I pick up on my antenna.

01-29-2016, 11:23 AM
Bwana, here's some advice, if you're gonna watch the series don't read the books. I'm not watching the series any more because as of this season coming up the series will be ahead of the books in the story. The author is slow as Christmas in churning out new books. So I don't want any book spoilers. That and the screen writers have deviated so far from the plot line the series just lost all its shine for me. And that is soley because I read the books.
So don't read the farging books!

And the series has some hot nekkid wimmns! So no cheetos either!


01-29-2016, 12:45 PM
Love GOT. I actually bought all the books after I started watching the show and enjoyed following along. Too bad Martin is dragging out releasing the next (final?) installment till the cows come home. The tv series has gone on it's own path now that may never come back but I don't care anymore. George needs to get his shit together and finish the damm story. Till then, I'll watch the show.

Reminds me of King and the Gunfighter novels. Waited forever for the final chapter.

01-29-2016, 12:56 PM
^^^^and it sucked! Worse ending ever, unless you count Under the Dome then its still the second worse ending ever.


01-29-2016, 01:51 PM
Yeah, I saw it coming a long way off. Too bad.

02-05-2016, 10:33 AM
Haven't read the books and don't know when I would have time to do so but am enjoying the show.

Len, I've not heard of Black Sails or Shameless so I guess I will have to do some research.