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View Full Version : Yeah, yeah, yeah..........an Agenda Video

01-29-2016, 02:26 PM
But it made me laugh.............ok? And I needed a laugh. And no, I never heard of this guy before. He's apparently done some pretty zany stuff.


Chicken Dinner
01-29-2016, 02:50 PM
I watched that on FB this morning. Good stuff.

01-29-2016, 04:53 PM
In all fairness (I'm talking about FLORIDA), I've bought tons of guns (long guns and hand guns) at gun shows with no background check. I noticed in the video, he ONLY went to dealers at the gun shows as well as pawn shops. THOSE are licensed gun dealers and are required by law to run background checks. At our gun shows here, half the booths are dealers and half are private parties. I can buy all the guns I want from private party sellers with no background check. (Of course I'm not talking about fully automatic weapons here) So Florida DOES have a gun show "loop-hole".

Chicken Dinner
01-29-2016, 05:04 PM
Virginia does as well, but a very small minority of booths are private sellers.

01-29-2016, 05:12 PM
Yeah we do too. I just thought this was funny.

01-29-2016, 05:55 PM
Oh, it IS funny ... it's just ... well, I guess it could be called biased. Not sure that's the proper term ... but like many statistics, you can make the outcome match whatever result is required to support your agenda.

01-29-2016, 06:18 PM
Duh. I SAID in the title it was an Agenda Video.

And yes it was clearly staged.

You didn't overdo the UltraHyperCodone today didja?

01-29-2016, 06:33 PM
Hey, I guess that just means I'm simply agreeing with you! I'm beginning to think you have some sort of complex going on. Relax. ;)

01-29-2016, 06:42 PM

OK then. I am very complex. Wife says so.

01-29-2016, 06:49 PM
can y'all legally buy a pistol from a private party without a cc permit or a sheriff permit?

01-29-2016, 06:54 PM
Yes, I can.

01-29-2016, 07:04 PM

01-29-2016, 08:58 PM

01-29-2016, 09:44 PM
Hmm, not us... we need the conceal permit or a sheriff permit.... even if from private sales.