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View Full Version : Ok, I'm a bonehead!

01-29-2016, 05:32 PM
There's an estate sale company in town and I've gotten to know the owners pretty well over the past couple years. Actually, there are two female partners (both named Lynn), and the other is Lynn's husband, Ed. They know the kind of stuff my buddy and I like to buy and there have been a couple times Ed had called me and told me they are starting to stage a house that is PACKED with junk. There are times they'll be working on a house for weeks before the actual sale ... digging through stuff, organizing, researching, pricing ... there's a lot of work involved before the sale. A couple of times, I've been invited over while they're organizing things. I'll go over, look around and buy whatever items I'm interested in. Kind of a pre-sale for preferred customers sort of thing. That rarely happens, but it does happen from time to time.

Well, my buddy and I went to an estate sale this morning in a very large subdivision in town. Once we finished up, I drove through toward the other end of the subdivision to a different entrance as a bit of a short-cut to the next sale. Along the way, I spotted Ed's big ol' dual-axle, enclosed trailer that he has at all his sales (it has the company advertising on the side) parked on the street in front of a house. My buddy and I both said, "Hey! It looks like Ed and Lynn are prepping for a future sale, let's stop by and say hello ... and maybe they'll let us look around."

We pulled up in front of the house and the garage was open. Man-o-man, it was FULL of stuff, stacked from floor to ceiling! This could be a goldmine! Now we know Ed usually handles the "man stuff" ... garage, sheds ... that sort of thing, so we figured he was probably in the garage while the girls worked in the house. Once we went into the garage, we realized it was so full of crap, there wasn't even room enough for anybody to be in there. So, we walked on into the house (through the entrance from the garage) to say hello and chat for a while.

When we first walked in, we spotted the two Lynns in the kitchen, so we headed toward them. I said something like, "Hi Lynn, where's that worthless old man of yours (Ed)?" The girls looked a little bit startled because we kind of caught them by surprise. It was odd because Lynn's (Ed's wife) hair was all wet like she'd just had a shower. Then Ed hollered from a back room someplace and then appeared in the livingroom. I said something along the lines of, "Wow! This place is FULL of crap ... just the way we like it!"

That's when Lynn said, "Ummm, we LIVE here ... this is our house!" :hair

Have you ever pulled a super bonehead move where you just want to slither off and crawl under a rock to hide? I've never been so embarrassed in my life! Well, I have, but that's a totally different story! It all turned out well (I think). We explained what we "thought" ... we all had a good laugh ... then Ed came outside with us and we chatted for a while. They DO have a sale scheduled NEXT week, but it ain't at their personal residence! I'm just glad nobody was nekkid! :slaphead

Big Skyz
01-29-2016, 06:00 PM
That actually made me laugh out loud. I can only imagine what must have been going through your head when she said they lived there.

01-29-2016, 06:12 PM
I guess the worst case scenario would be running into a trigger-happy husband with a loaded shotgun!

01-29-2016, 06:17 PM
I, uh...........



A) I love you more right now than I did earlier.

B) Can I PLEASE retain this for when you make fun of me again?

C) This would have been funnier till you lied like a Persian Rug and said "I'm glad no one was nekkid".......

01-29-2016, 06:20 PM
Naaa, they're in their late 60's - early 70's ... I don't wanna see 'em nekkid!

Believe it or not, the whole time I was writing this up, I kept thinking, "This sounds like sumpin' BUCKY would do!" ;)

01-29-2016, 06:22 PM
There you go. Trying to cover it up. Backpedaling. I got it.

(But yeah it is)

01-29-2016, 10:12 PM
lol... love it.. Thanks for sharing. ;)

01-29-2016, 10:37 PM
OMG!!!!! I did the "when are you having your baby" to an old high school friend, In her office, with her coworkers there.... Lord, still embarrassed until today....

01-29-2016, 10:39 PM
Nandy, I did the exact same thing at a family reunion about thirty years ago. On greeting a first cousin, I just blurted out "Wow, I hadn't heard you were pregnant". I have to hand it to her. She hardly ever brings it up any more.


01-29-2016, 10:51 PM