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View Full Version : Iowa, I have a suggestion

02-04-2016, 11:05 PM

I realize you won't hear my suggestion. I realize you won't change even if you did.

But you really need to. You need to stop undermining the "one man, one vote" principle of how we get elect people. Having to face someone who is more skilled at shouting you down than you are, is not a way to choose who I have to live with as President.

Besides, it can't do anything but lead to this kind of craziness.

There's simply no point to it. So stop already. And go tell Nevada, Minnesota, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Idaho, Kansas, Wyoming, Alaska, Washington, Florida and North Dakota.

02-05-2016, 10:08 AM
Wish I could argue.. I believe before all this I described the process as "archaic".. There has been some sort of caucus here since before Iowa was a state. This process worked fine when 20 or 30 people might travel to a precinct.. It wasn't designed to be a "shouting match" - it was to inform voters about candidates. Bear in mind, this was before social media, or television, or radio.

Now - participation has overwhelmed the process.. That said - if you allow yourself to be "shouted down" in your recommendations of a candidate.. there still is a "vote". So your "say" is equal to anyone's. As far as the "one man one vote" principle.. I agree with you, again.. so let's get rid of the Electoral College and elect our president by popular vote.

Chicken Dinner
02-05-2016, 10:26 AM
I hear ya, Bucky. I actually think you might enjoy the process if you were an Iowan. Getting up in front of your friends and neighbors and trying to get them t see things your way seems like something right up your alley. As for one man, one vote and as stupid as the process as this may seem, these are private organizations deciding who they want to nominate to run in an election. They're pretty much free to do it any way they like. We'll get to tell them what we think of their choices come November.

02-05-2016, 10:37 AM
I subscribe to George Washington's advice in his Farewell Address.