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02-07-2016, 10:54 AM
Today for first time..........if I try to "reply with quote", as soon as I hit enter on my Reply, I get kicked out with "The Connection Was Reset".

However, if I make a new reply, without quotes, it works.


02-07-2016, 10:57 AM
Today for first time..........if I try to "reply with quote", as soon as I hit enter on my Reply, I get kicked out with "The Connection Was Reset". However, if I make a new reply, without quotes, it works. FYI.
Works for me
Dump your cookies

02-07-2016, 11:01 AM
Works for me
Dump your cookies


02-07-2016, 11:02 AM
may be my ISP connection going in and out. Worked that time, so it isn't this site I don't think.

02-07-2016, 11:03 AM

02-07-2016, 12:01 PM
My first thought was "Sunny's revenge"

02-07-2016, 12:42 PM
Dump your cookies

Reminds me of when I was on a date in h/s and drinking vodka mixed with 7-11 Slurpies ... I tossed my cookies that night! ;)

02-07-2016, 12:48 PM
that aint all you had to toss /your date left your ass alone ;)

02-07-2016, 12:52 PM
Ha! Nope, actually, we ended up living together ... 'til I went into the Army and discovered Asian chicks! :D

02-07-2016, 01:51 PM
Ha! Nope, actually, we ended up living together ... 'til I went into the Army and discovered Asian chicks! :D

If SHE was telling the story she might say "until numbnutz went into the service and I found a real man!" :D

02-07-2016, 02:46 PM
If SHE was telling the story she might say "until numbnutz went into the service and I found a real man!" :D


02-07-2016, 03:29 PM
If SHE was telling the story she might say "until numbnutz went into the service and I found a real man!" :D

I swear this is true. When I went into the service, she was 21, I was 19 and we'd been together for two years. (yeah, I was into "older" women) She actually died an "old maid". She told my mom once that I was the only one for her and that would never change. Made me feel a bit crappy, but what the heck? We stayed in touch through the years and after Lynn and I moved to Florida, she came down with breast cancer. She'd done the chemo thing and was going in for surgery between Christmas and New Years because she'd reached the maximum on her co-pay, but it would reset at the first of the year. Lynn was a trooper and told me to get my ass up to Memphis to see her. I went up and spent a week with her, had Christmas at her mom's house (whom I hadn't seen in 25 years) and had a great "reunion". (well, the best possible under the circumstances) I thought it odd that one of the major things that attracted me to her was her long, beautiful hair ... and now she was as bald as a cue ball ... and skinny as a rail.

Man, that chemo is some nasty shit! She always felt like she was on fire (on the inside). I remember, even though it was cold and snowing outside, she kept the windows open and slept with a big box fan blowing on her while in bed (I like it cold, but I 'bout froze!). We talked for hours and hours and she'd fall asleep in my arms (no hanky-panky). I came home the day before her surgery around the 28th or so. That's the last I ever saw her and she died shortly after.

Man-o-man, she was a real babe back in the day, was going to college as a med student and made the Dean's List the whole time there. She went directly to work at St. Jude Children's Hospital after she graduated and did cancer research there. I always thought how ironic it was that she spent her whole adult working life doing cancer research and it was cancer that killed her. She was 47 years old. :(