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02-28-2016, 02:11 PM
Should be a fun 500 miles!

02-28-2016, 02:15 PM
Left Florida/Alabama this morning about 3 their time so I could get home in time to watch it. Just hit Charlotte. Now if I can just keep my eyes open. ;)

02-28-2016, 04:15 PM
Well, you'd better hurry. They're at about 210 laps now .... Caution free!

Ooops! First caution just came out. I jinxed 'em! Caution at 220.

02-28-2016, 04:50 PM
Turn in your noticer badge. I posted that at 1:15 they started at 1:00. I was home before they had the first pit stop.

02-28-2016, 04:57 PM
Ha! Race is going by so fast, I lost track of the time. :)

02-28-2016, 05:01 PM
That happens when you get old.

02-28-2016, 05:12 PM
Answer me this.
They called a penalty on my the 20 car because the gas man put a wrench on the rear deck of the car. This put him back 2 laps down.
The announcers mentioned twice that a gas man cannot do any other function other than put the gas in. That was the cause of the penalty. Since then I have watched every pit and many times the gas guys are putting in gas AND grabbing the left rear tire that comes off and helps put it over the wall.
So why is that not a penalty if ALL they can do is put in gas?

02-28-2016, 06:02 PM
I must have been taking a pee break and missed that. I do know that the rule change for the gas man to be in complete control of the can, explicitly put an end to the gas man placing the wrench in the left side wedge adjustment hole. A part of that rule is, only the tire man can handle that wrench. Maybe they were trying to "stretch" that rule a bit and got caught. (?) Anyway, that finish looked like a typical Daytona "big one" finish. I love the way Jr. slipped in there!

02-28-2016, 06:58 PM
You didn't see Kennseth get black flagged and them play the film clip over and over of the gas man putting a wrench on the back deck of the car? You must have to Pee a LOT...

02-28-2016, 07:31 PM
I did take a pee break and made a quick sammich. I missed the whole thing I guess. BUT ... part of that new rule (I think they came out with it last season) is that only the tire man can control that wrench. They may have tried to slip into a "gray area", but that would be an expensive test. Maybe habit kicked in ... I dunno. I totally missed it though. Sammich time was about the only time that could'a happened ... Lynn was doing some grocery shopping, so I was on my own. :(

I think the other part of that rule is that the gas man cannot do ANYTHING else if the gas can is "engaged". If he helps with the tire, the spout cannot be inserted into the filler. I may not remember all the exact details, but I think I'm pretty close.

02-28-2016, 07:50 PM
Here ya' go. I dug around and found a discussion on that rule. I'm not sure when it went into effect, but I think it came out at least a couple years ago.

9-15 Pit Procedures During Race

The fuel handler must be in control of the fuel can at all times when fuel is being added to the car. The fuel handler will not be permitted to perform any adjustments or other pit stop procedures while the fuel can coupler is engaged with the car-mounted adapter.

Matt Clark explains it like this. “This is a rule to help with safety in my opinion. I think Nascar is wanting Gas Men to concentrate on gassing the car and nothing else. They don’t want a gas guy trying to do too much. Gassing is a dangerous position and making it as safe for all the crew guys is a priority in my opinion.”

So how will this effect teams doing their pit stops?

“Some teams would have their gas guy stick the wrench in the left side wedge hole while gassing. Now they can’t do that.”

So can gas guys help out during the stop now or are they limited to just gassing?

“My interpretation of the rule above is that they can. As long as they’re not plugged into the car they can do whatever they want to help stops. I think the rule just wants to make sure when they are gassing that they aren’t performing any other jobs.”
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I'm assuming if he helped the tire changer, he must have already had the filler disengaged.