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View Full Version : What Will You Do?

03-03-2016, 10:37 AM
This questions is for you Republican folks.

If the Republican National Convention pulls some sort of shenanigans to select a nominee that has not won the number of delegates needs to win it via popular elections, what will you do?

Will you write in someone, or line up and vote whoever the party selects for you?

Its looking more and more like they're not only trying to determine the winner, which no cenvention is supposed to do, but may even do the unthinkable and throw the nominTion somehow.

I don't care how much you hate Trump ,that jas to be worrisome.


Big Muddy
03-03-2016, 10:49 AM
Well, before you listen to Romney's speech, today, in which he intends to roast Trump's azz, take a look at this vid clip.

There's some speculation that if Rubio's campaign goes in the tank, that the Repub. establishment is gonna get Romney to jump in the race as an Independent.


03-03-2016, 10:53 AM
Holy cow.

They'll say anything won't they?



Big Muddy
03-03-2016, 11:02 AM
Romney may be testing the waters, with this speech today in Utah....very, very, very unusual for a former pres. candidate to just pop up outta nowhere, right before a major debate(tonite), and give a speech to tear down the front-runner candidate from his own party....I smell some sheeit in the wood pile !!!!! ;)

03-03-2016, 11:07 AM
Makes me wonder too if he's planning to join someone's ticket as veep. if he can move the needle in the polls with this speech he'd be a solid gain for a Rubio ticket. So he might be testing the waters in more ways than one!


Big Muddy
03-03-2016, 11:17 AM
If so, there will be "media orgasms", showing that vid clip from above. ;)

I think the Repub. establishment is playing copy-cat....Trump brought in Christie, so they are getting Romney to jump on Rubio's bandwagon.

03-03-2016, 11:25 AM
Its amazing. All the major media outlets are showing nothing but back to back to back pundits slamming Trump.

If this ain't 'throwing an election' I guess I don't know what is.


03-03-2016, 11:26 AM
I'm not a big Trump supporter.. but if they beat him.. okay.. if they use some under-handed trick to get him out.. I'll be pissed (I know, I know - that's how politics is/are done). If they manage to get another nominee.. I will likely hold my nose and vote for the Republican. A vote for anyone but the R nominee is a vote for Hillary and that ain't gonna happen. I'm having a little problem visualizing Romney in the "tough guy" role..

Big Muddy
03-03-2016, 11:31 AM
Romney choked in the 2012 debates....choked, big-time !!!!!

Here's a little something to brighten Postie's day. ;)

"""A political science professor claims to know who will be our next president, and he even backs his prediction. The next president, according to Helmut Norpoth, has a 97-99% chance of being elected this November.

On the Fox News show Fox and Friends, Norpoth appeared to discuss his research that lead him to pinpoint who he thinks will ascend as the 45th President of the United States in January, when Barack Obama’s reign of terror is over. Norpoth is an experienced political science professor from Stony Brook University, and he said the model he used to predict the future leader has proven accurate in almost every single election going back to 1912.

“I’ve looked at elections in the past. And I’ve seen that the New Hampshire primary in particular is a very good predictor of what happens,” Norpoth explained. By this example, he predicts that Donald Trump has a 97% or greater chance of being our next president. When pressed for information regarding a race between Trump and Clinton, Norpoth said that it’s telling because Trump won both New Hampshire and South Carolina, while Clinton did not, showing a rift on the side of the democrats. Clinton’s loss in New Hampshire gives Trump the edge, and it isn’t slight."""

03-03-2016, 01:40 PM
My kids keep asking me questions about what the hell is going on with the elections now and I'm finding it more difficult to accurately answer their questions every day. The rep establishment sure wants Trump out of the way. It seems they think he's hijacked their party for his ascension to power. I can't say that's inaccurate speculation but the process is the process and it doesn't seem right to railroad Trump just because you don't like how someone works within the system to get what they want. They've used the same system to get their candidates of choice to this point, why can't someone else more clever than them work the same system.

Maybe I'm an unwitting Bernie supporter. Anything that gets the old guard rich white guy power mongers panties in a wad is ok in my book.

Either way, I'm making some popcorn for the debate tonight! Should be a barn burner! Does Mitt go on before the debate? When is his trashing, thrashing and bashing begin?

quercus alba
03-03-2016, 01:54 PM
Maybe i'll do like Raven Symone


03-03-2016, 02:00 PM
I started this election year with the exuberance of BBP with a new fishing gadget. I watched most of the debates, but now I am completely in awe and dismay. I'm completely ready to just ride out whoever it is and wait for the next choice. I'm not just fed up with the candidates but people in general. I don't think I can take one more "If (Trump, Hillary, Bernie) get elected I'm moving to Canada". No you won't so STFU.

I have a feeling I'll end this campaign more like BBP in the sack.....I know what to do, I'm slightly excited for what the future might hold, but I just don't have the energy to perform my duties.
(Ps..all knowledge of BBP in the sack is assumed and not first hand)

03-03-2016, 02:58 PM
Hey youngster. It just takes me all night to do what I used to do all night.

03-03-2016, 03:54 PM
The 'establishment' doesn't like Trump because they can't control him. He doesn't need or accept their money so they have no hold over him and he can do as he pleases. It's always about power and money equals power.

Big Muddy
03-03-2016, 03:54 PM
Here's a partial list of azzholes, who say they're moving from the U.S., if certain politicians are elected.....I notice ole hair-lipped Jesse Jackson isn't on it....h3ll, he isn't leaving because he couldn't find any other place that folks would send him money for doing absolutely nothing. ;)

Let's start a GoFundMe project to make sure everyone gets a one-way plane ticket. ;)

Al Sharpton
Whoopi Goldberg
Rosie O’Donnell
Raven Simone
Jon Stewart
Alec Baldwin
Stephen Baldwin
Samuel L. Jackson
Martin Bashir
Barry Diller
Katie Hopkins
Omari Hardwick

03-03-2016, 03:59 PM
OK, right off the bat - we do not want them up here! Maybe they'll move to Cuba.

Big Muddy
03-03-2016, 04:01 PM
J-Boy, isn't there an island up your way that is advertising lots for sale to those azzholes???

Found it....you live near that place???


03-03-2016, 04:17 PM
So, is that where all the illegals will go?

03-03-2016, 04:35 PM
The 'establishment' doesn't like Trump because they can't control him. He doesn't need or accept their money so they have no hold over him and he can do as he pleases. It's always about power and money equals power.

The way this is shaping up I am afraid you are spot on. The people who are blasting Trump are the ones owned by Koch, etc.
They ain't gonna spend billions on an election and lose. Not without a fight.


03-03-2016, 04:44 PM
BigMuddy - You ever notice that list has the same names on it every election year? I remember several of the names when Bush was elected, yet they're still here.

Big Muddy
03-03-2016, 04:48 PM
Yep, you are correct, Hombre....in addition to being azzholes, they're liars, too. ;)

03-03-2016, 05:00 PM
Cape Breton Island. One of the few places in Canada that I never managed to visit but a beautiful place I hear. In the summer anyway. It's pretty depressed economically so this was kind of a tongue in cheek thing that got some interweb legs. Not near me - opposite coast but I'd love to visit.

quercus alba
03-03-2016, 05:45 PM
They had better be careful what they say, if Trump wins he might revoke their citizenship and deport the whole bunch

03-03-2016, 05:57 PM
I have a feeling Mr Trump keeps a list. And its long already.


03-03-2016, 05:59 PM
I yearn for the old days of Pappy O'Daniels and "Is you is or is you ain't my constituency?"


03-03-2016, 06:50 PM
Love that movie BBP. Maybe next time I'm in town we should sit down and watch it with some Pappy Van Winkels!

03-03-2016, 09:33 PM

03-03-2016, 09:53 PM
Love that movie BBP. Maybe next time I'm in town we should sit down and watch it with some Pappy Van Winkels!

I'm in!