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03-07-2016, 06:05 PM
We're gong to see Graham Nash May 5th.

Sounds like there's trouble in River City though with the old bandmates. Was Crosby always an asshole?



03-07-2016, 06:23 PM
Pretty much so, and Nash has always been there for him. I heard a lot of the "inside" story from my buddy (Graham's tour manager) and it ain't pretty. It's no secret Crosby has had problems .. he spent millions (literally) on coke and heroin and stayed stoned on pot and anything else he could get his hands on back in the early days. He even did prison time ... but Graham has always been there to help him through whatever crisis he was facing. They had a major blow up when Crosby left his wife to shack up with Daryl Hannah (sp?) as Graham couldn't stand her (long story). Heck, Crosby's drug use finally caught up to him (besides prison time) when he came down with Hep C ... but a liver transplant saved him.

What it boils down to is he constantly fucks up and Nash finally got tired of holding his hand while Crosby talked shit about him ... not to mention always being in self-destruct mode. I don't know what this latest blow-up is about exactly (I could probably give my buddy a call and find out), but I guess it finally reached the breaking point.

03-07-2016, 06:29 PM
Pretty much so, and Nash has always been there for him. I heard a lot of the "inside" story from my buddy (Graham's tour manager) and it ain't pretty. It's no secret Crosby has had problems .. he spent millions (literally) on coke and heroin and stayed stoned on pot and anything else he could get his hands on back in the early days. He even did prison time ... but Graham has always been there to help him through whatever crisis he was facing. They had a major blow up when Crosby left his wife to shack up with Daryl Hannah (sp?) as Graham couldn't stand her (long story). Heck, Crosby's drug use finally caught up to him (besides prison time) when he came down with Hep C ... but a liver transplant saved him. What it boils down to is he constantly fucks up and Nash finally got tired of holding his hand while Crosby talked shit about him ... not to mention always being in self-destruct mode. I don't know what this latest blow-up is about (I could probably give my buddy a call and find out), but I guess it finally reached the breaking point.

Crosby did not leave his wife for Hannah! Young left his wife Pegi that he had been married to since 1978 for Hannah, and Cosby committed on it. Sounds like somebody got some who's with who and who hates who mixed up...

"Crosby denounced Young for leaving his wife to be with actress Daryl Hannah."

03-07-2016, 06:38 PM
Yeah, prolly so, I heard all the trash, but get my players screwed up sometimes. I know it was a major stink but guess I got the players confused on the Hannah mess. Sorry. I think Crosby's biggest problem has always been drug use.