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View Full Version : We Done Sprung Forward. Up In Here

03-13-2016, 08:55 AM
I saw this on Facebook and it made sense.

Instead of 2 AM on Sunday morning, why don't we move our clocks forward at 4:00 on Friday afternoon?

Of course, I don't work so it don't affect me.

But it sure made perfect sense to me!


03-13-2016, 09:32 AM
... and work an extra hour on a Friday afternoon in the Fall? ;)

Chicken Dinner
03-13-2016, 09:50 AM
Generally, I'm not a big fan of the longer DST. I'm a pretty early riser and just when it was getting light when I get up in the morning they change it up on me. With our early spring this year, I've got to admit it'll feel pretty good to do some celebratory grilling this evening.

03-13-2016, 09:50 AM
Who said anything about Fall? Lets just keep springing forward every year. Pretty soon we'll catch back up with ourselves won't we?

Personally I wish we'd eliminate DST. I'm pretty sure when Hidehunter was a kid and corn was harvested by hand we needed all those extra daylight hours.


03-13-2016, 09:54 AM
... and work an extra hour on a Friday afternoon in the Fall? ;) hell no! Come in an hour LATE in the fall!

03-13-2016, 10:08 AM
I first learned to really hate DST back in my younger, horn-dog days. I was boinking a HOT little Mexican gal who worked in the accounting office where I worked. She was married at the time, but her marriage was on the rocks (according to her). The signal that we were gonna get down and dirty after work, was that she'd wear a VERY short skirt to work. (slacks or a pantsuit meant it was a no-go that evening) This was in Hollywood and we'd meet down the street where she'd dump her car, then we'd drive up into the hills of Griffith Park (Los Feliz) to a little hidey-hole I knew about and boink our brains out in my demo! Then I'd take her back to her car, she'd head home still early enough not to raise suspicion from hubby, and I'd wait for the next "short skirt day" (usually 2-3 times/week). I HATED it when DST would come around as it would be broad daylight when we'd head up into those Santa Monica Mountains after work. It just felt a little weirder than our normal dark evening encounters ... seemed more like a nooner.

Man, the memories! Her last name was Rodriguez ... I called her "Hot-Rod-Riguez". :D

03-13-2016, 11:06 AM
lol.. Yeah, "when I was a kid".. ;) If you've see the figures on - not what it saves - but what it *costs* to change time.. you have to scratch your head.. Wow, politicians doing something that doesn't make sense..

03-13-2016, 11:58 AM
I loved it when Indiana still bucked thesystem and didn't change.

Even living on the borders Michigan and Ohio it wasn't an issue. You just had Indiana time and Michigan/Ohio time.

03-13-2016, 12:40 PM
I remember I was about 10 years old when NC started using it in the mid 60's. I remember my Grandfather complaining about it a lot. He was a farmer said that extra hour of daylight would burn all him crops up.... :D