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View Full Version : So .... what's up with Verizon?

03-23-2016, 06:34 PM
A few weeks ago I got the news my Verizon email was changing to AOL email (which has already happened).

Today, I got a notice in the mail that my Verizon home phone (and DSL Internet) will become Frontier on April 1st.

Whaz up wid all dat? I don't really follow this corporate stuff so I've kind'a been under a rock lately.

03-23-2016, 06:50 PM
My home phone was switched from Verizon to Frontier a few years ago. I believe that they bought out portions of the Verizon network. B

03-23-2016, 07:00 PM
Yep, Verizon is selling off its old wireline business in as many places as it can. Wireline meaning in Thumper's case his landline service and in all the old former GTE territories got sold to Frontier. In the deals they made with Frontier when I was there, the people went along with the plant, so probably not much will change. Except you'll be making some other New Yorker's boat payment.
As for email, Verizon bought AOL and are moving a lot of their internet and email customers over to the AOL platform. Same exec/same boat payment in this case.

So they both got a piece of ya now. One cod for each company.

So there ya have it.


03-23-2016, 07:17 PM
So they both got a piece of ya now. One cod for each company.

So there ya have it. BKb

And even 'splained in layman's terms. :D

03-23-2016, 09:26 PM
cable internet + a magicJack....nuff said.