View Full Version : Goal Achieved!

Big Skyz
03-27-2016, 05:00 PM
I set a goal a number of years ago that I had to meet or break a minimal length limit on a rainbow or brown trout before I would ever consider getting one mounted. I had no idea it would take so long to reach that goal. Yesterday I not only reached it, but broke my personal record for longest rainbow trout three times in one day! Needless to say I'm still riding the natural high that came from that. Anyway, this trout I've deemed worthy for the wall and now I just hope the taxidermist will work his magic and make it beautiful.

03-27-2016, 05:53 PM
I surprised you even have any wall space left! (NICE fishy!)

Chicken Dinner
03-27-2016, 09:25 PM
Good googly-moogly!

03-28-2016, 08:31 AM
what a fish... congrats!!

03-28-2016, 09:17 AM
Dude... that's a beautiful thing right there.

ignant question about fish mounts. Do they mount the actual fish or make a replica?

03-28-2016, 09:24 AM
From my experience, I'm pretty sure they mount the actual fish, but I haven't had one mounted in years.

The replicas became popular with "catch and release". Ya' take a picture, weigh it and measure it, then give the info to the taxidermist. (I think most of 'em will just go with the length and work with that.)

03-28-2016, 06:48 PM
They can do either but the replicas will actually last longer. I have a Waleye replica and it's pretty nice and as a bonus you get to let a trophy go. I know big trout like that have a harder time recovering after a strenuous fight so they don't make it some times.

03-28-2016, 07:13 PM
I've had skin mounts and anything that goes up from here on out will be replicas.


03-28-2016, 07:22 PM
The cost was pretty much the same so I am with you Postie.

03-28-2016, 09:01 PM
Yeah but it ain't the real fish? I think I'd rather just frame picture if I didn't get the skin mount but hey, I'm a dufus

03-28-2016, 09:03 PM
Just a personal taste thing. A ten pound walleye does more for me alive and swimming than it does on my wall. So I get two satisfactions for the price of one!


Big Skyz
03-29-2016, 07:44 AM
I never weighed the fish but he is 26.5" long. I have very few fish mounted but when I do get them mounted it's always a skin mount. I personally do not like replica mounts and can usually tell if they are a replica from across the room. Hanging a plastic fish on the wall does absolutely nothing for me. I feel the same about replica antlers.

03-29-2016, 07:52 AM
I'm with you BS, I want the real thing. Oh by the way-
Nice fish!

03-29-2016, 08:21 AM
Very nice fish Sky! Congrats!
I'm with you on the real fish mount. I caught my personal biggest Tarpon last year 170 lbs class. And of course you cannot kill or keep one. So no mount for me on the fish of a lifetime. In fact you can no longer bring them in the boat for a picture. You bring them along beside the boat and measure the length and girth and make pictures but they have to remain in the water.... If you are lucky enough to land them in shallow water you can get in the water with them for a photo but you cannot lift them out of the water. Sorta a bummer.

03-29-2016, 08:25 AM
I never weighed the fish but he is 26.5" long. I have very few fish mounted but when I do get them mounted it's always a skin mount. I personally do not like replica mounts and can usually tell if they are a replica from across the room. Hanging a plastic fish on the wall does absolutely nothing for me. I feel the same about replica antlers.

This is starting to sound like a Bucky thread about boobs. ;)