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03-30-2016, 08:13 PM
Lynn brought a couple small bags of (Nabisco) crackers home from work. You know, the little bags like you'd get out of a vending machine. As she was fixing dinner, I was sitting at the kitchen table b/s'ing with her and at the same time, examining the little bags of crackers. One bags contains "Honey Maid Teddy Grahams" ... little graham crackers in the shape of teddy bears. The package has a big logo thingy that says "HONEY" on the front of the package, and below that, it says "naturally flavored". I'd assume that means honey ... and I will say, it does have honey listed in the ingredients, although it's waaaay down the list after all the long chemical looking names I can't pronounce ... sugar comes before it and salt appears after it. Ok, sugar, honey and salt ... I guess those are "natural flavors". It also has "graham flour" as the first ingredient ... I suppose that's where the GRAHAM cracker "natural flavor" comes from. I've never seen a field of "graham" before, but I'll roll with it. Ok, we now have our flavors down ... no wait, the last ingredient listed is "natural flavor". My question is, what's left in the flavor department? They're "Honey Grahams" and we've already had "Graham Flour and Honey".

That one is pretty simple I suppose, but the next package I looked at is a package of "Ritz Bits" ... little cracker sammiches with cheese in the center. What really caught my eye on this one was a large banner across the bottom of the package that says: "Natural Flavor with other Natural Flavor"! WTF? It also has the usual ingredients listed ... sugar, salt and "chedder cheese powder". Wouldn't "naturally flavored" pretty much cover it no matter how many flavors ya' need to make a cracker? "Natural Flavor with other Natural Flavor" just sounds stupid to me, but they seem to be proud of the fact as it's spread all across the front of the package!

I know, I know ... I need to get a life. :(

03-30-2016, 08:23 PM
You're on crack

03-30-2016, 08:35 PM
How 'bout that? Here's the package I have in my hand right now ...


03-30-2016, 08:37 PM
Ok, ok ... I left myself wide open with that one, which should be avoided with all o'youse pervs. NO smart-ass "package in my hand" comments needed here! ;)

03-30-2016, 08:38 PM
Gus, what the fuck is goonie goo-goo?

03-30-2016, 08:41 PM
Gus, what the fuck is goonie goo-goo?

WTF??? Who you be talkin' to Ticboy?