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Chicken Dinner
04-19-2016, 01:18 PM
...and you F'ers aren't being nearly entertaining enough.

04-19-2016, 01:24 PM
Big Sky eats those things.

Chicken Dinner
04-19-2016, 01:39 PM
Man, my under the table typing skills really need some help! In a related note, I caught a bunch of ling cod on a head boat one day and those slimey bastards turned into some if the best smoked fish I ever ate. The worst part was I only brought one cooler on the trip and my beers were floating around in the cooler with the fish. I don't think I've drank a Busch Light since that day...

04-19-2016, 01:43 PM
I've never laid eyes on one.

I had some grilled lake trout last summer that turned out pretty good. The guy that smoked it though could make just about anything taste good.

Except for maybe Busch Lite.

Bassdog liked regular Busch. Called 'em Bluefish.



Big Skyz
04-19-2016, 02:44 PM
Well I'm stuck in the land of boredom today as well, however; tomorrow I have scheduled a day off and I'm going fishing. I won't think about work, I won't feel guilty for missing work, and I won't be anxious to end my day...even if I don't catch anything.

04-19-2016, 02:58 PM
We've had three inches rain since Sunday and looks like more to come until about Thursday. Not complaining as we've only had three inches (that's what she said, Thumper) but spring can sure be a frustrating time to fish here in Oklahoma. It'll calm down in about two more weeks, about Blackberry Winter. Then we'll see some pretty enough weather to fish.


04-19-2016, 03:02 PM
I talked to my sis and BIL in Houston this morning. They said they've "only" had 8" at the house, but the NW part of town has had 20" so far. That's a LOT of frigging water!

Chicken Dinner
04-19-2016, 03:03 PM
The shad are running thick here right now and I was going to go chase them this past weekend. Unfortunately, taxes and family stuff got in the way. The striper run should be in soon and I'm going to give it another go this weekend.

04-19-2016, 03:06 PM
Jim, I used to go to the Woodlands on business a lot just north of Houston (near Spring, TX) and that damn place flooded about once a year. They just fix and rebuild. Crazy Texans.