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View Full Version : This is kinda cool

05-03-2016, 09:46 AM
If you like history, it is anyway.

Cook was one of those guys who went places where he had no idea what he'd find, whether it was sea monsters or three eyed purple people eaters or hufalumps. But he sailed right into the void and ended up discovering some really neat shit. And when i say discovered, I mean by white Europeans.

Read up on the guy some time. An intrepid soul. And kidnapper and murderer, but that's beside the point (but likely why he was killed by Hawaiians)

Wreckage of Captain Cook's HMS Endeavour discovered

Chicken Dinner
05-03-2016, 10:04 AM
That is kind of cool. Those that went to sea back in the day were some brave souls. I know it's a lot earlier, but if you've ever been to Jamestown or Plymouth and seen the reproductions of the ships those folks crossed the Atlantic in, you'll begin to understand just how God-awful conditions must have been where they were leaving.

05-03-2016, 10:14 AM
I've been to Jamestown, back when I was in the AF so in the 70's, and I can only imagine how much more they've discovered. But one thing I remember thinking, and I still wonder, is whether the motivation to go through what they did was opportunity or oppression. Either would have to be very strong to get people to go through what they did.