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View Full Version : The Real Deal BBQ Sauce

05-03-2016, 01:49 PM
Lynn has me pretty darned spoiled when it comes to salad dressing. She always makes her own and it's gotten to the point, I can barely choke down ANYBODY'S bottled dressing anymore. I could actually drink her salad dressing I like it so much.

Well, it's almost the same with BBQ sauce. She usually makes her own, but we will buy bottled sauce from time to time. I like it with french fries instead of ketchup and I can go through some BBQ sauce! Anyway, we were at a church thrift store the other day and they had a bunch of BBQ sauce on the shelf that I'd never seen before. I picked up a bottle and brought it home. Well, Lynn fried up some taters (French Fries) the other night and I cracked open the bottle. Not bad! Not the best I ever had, but not bad for a bottled sauce. The plus side is, Lynn liked it also. I went back to the thrift store and bought the remaining bottles from the case. (some warehouse forklift driver had smashed open a couple cases and the undamaged bottles were donated to the thrift store) I came home with about 10 bottles of the stuff.

I looked on-line as I had no clue where the stuff was sold (never seen it before) and the first place that popped up was Target. I'm sure it's around, I just don't normally look for stuff like that (Lynn does the shopping). I just thought I'd throw it out here in case any o'youse dufes run across it ... ya' may want to try it. Once I looked on-line, I realized they have a "mild" and a "hot" version. We have the HOT version, but for the life of me, I don't pick up any heat at all. I'd have sworn we had the mild version if it hadn't said "HOT" on the label. But then, I like spicy food, so maybe I'm immune to what some would call hot .. who knows? Anyway, it's Evander Holyfield's Real Deal BBQ Sauce if ya' want to try sumpin' new. Mind you, it's nothing earth-shattering, but not bad for a bottled sauce IMHO.


Big Muddy
05-03-2016, 01:55 PM
Prolly got some chunks of his ear mixed in for extra taste. ;)

05-03-2016, 04:15 PM
Prolly got some chunks of his ear mixed in for extra taste. ;)

No, I think that's just in his pork and beans.