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View Full Version : A New Low For Obummer

Big Skyz
05-13-2016, 10:27 AM
Just when I think Obama couldn't be anymore useless he sets a new low bar. The headline news today is how the Obama administration is sending out a letter to all public schools that they have to make their bathrooms and LOCKER ROOMS transgender. So that means any little pervert with hormones on overdrive can hang out in the locker room, as long as, he/she has a letter from a parent/guardian stating that he/she doesn't relate with what's in their underwear that day. If schools do not comply the federal government will pull all federal funding. I've said it before and I will say it again. Public schools are not the problem the federal government forcing unreasonable demands on public schools is to blame. This is so beyond reasonable and ridiculous that I can't even get my mind around it. I guaran-darn-tee you that this new ruling will blow up in the next year or two. It's just one perverted sick minded parent away from doing so. The second my school has to make this concession my kids will be 100% done with sports and PE classes.

05-13-2016, 10:38 AM
Now you know what NC has been dealing with. It's just pure stupidity.

Big Skyz
05-13-2016, 10:46 AM
I'm not sure even the word stupidity can accurately describe this. I don't think a word has been invented yet to describe this level of vile thought.

05-13-2016, 11:16 AM
Dang, when I was in Jr. H/S it took us almost 3-weeks to slowly bore a hole in the wall between the boy's & girl's locker rooms! Between classes we'd post a guard and take turns for a timed 30-second peep! Some nerdy brainiac turned our perv asses in and we caught hell for it! Washington takes all the challenge out of being a kid these days! :(

Chicken Dinner
05-13-2016, 11:25 AM
Sure thing Porky. Did Buelah Ballbuster catch you in the act?

Dang, when I was in Jr. H/S it took us almost 3-weeks to slowly bore a hole in the wall between the boy's & girl's locker rooms! Between classes we'd post a guard and take turns for a timed 30-second peep! Some nerdy brainiac turned our perv asses in and we caught hell for it! Washington takes all the challenge out of being a kid these days! :(

Big Skyz
05-13-2016, 11:28 AM
Thumper your last sentence is more profound than you realize...everyone wins, nobody loses, everyone has equal opportunities, teach to the dumbest kid in class, lower standards so everyone can achieve them...and now if you are a perv the door has swung wide open. I was talking to my administrator about this new ruling and he was like I don't see a parent ever supporting their kid on this. I think he forgets that prostitutes, porn stars, and junkies, and liberal democrats (oops that last one is kind of redundant to the previous three) all have kids...

05-13-2016, 11:54 AM
Sure thing Porky. Did Buelah Ballbuster catch you in the act?

Porky came along waaaay after that. I'm talkin' the mid-60's. The movie copied us! ;)

05-13-2016, 12:27 PM
This brings two things to mind. First, it is the exact reason I said early on in the primaries I would support any candidate that pushed more power to the states. We live in a diverse nation, if one state, as a majority, is okay with this then they can implement; however, the federal government unilaterally shoving it down every states throat is sickening. If states implemented their own moral and ethical standards and one didn't agree they could move.

The second thing is liberal logic seems to treat tolerance as a one way street. You're only tolerant if you believe the way they do, if the majority doesn't they use the federal government to make sure everyone does. I've seen a lot of people outraged that individuals are boycotting Target, and the same people were applauding the boycott of North Carolina by large corporations. This is what I don't get. We live in a capitalist society where people / companies vote with their dollars. Its a good system, one that generally sorts itself out. I applaud both if you don't believe in the current laws, rulings or leanings by all means don't spend money somewhere. If it doesn't go your way, though, it doesn't mean you get to call big brother in to make it go your way.

05-13-2016, 12:33 PM
And for the record BigSky I have no idea how you do it. Between the governments every kids a winner, the inability to discipline students, and parents who seem to have switched from my kid needs to learn respect for adults from me, to my kid is never wrong there must be days when you want to just walk out.

05-13-2016, 12:53 PM

Chicken Dinner
05-13-2016, 12:55 PM
The history of this country is littered with examples of the Federal government forcing the states to do the right thing so be careful what you ask for. Should we go back to segregated schools? Poll taxes? No mixed marriages? There's plenty more. From my experience with kids today, they could care less. It's us grown ups who have the hang ups on these LBGT issues.

05-13-2016, 01:05 PM
I have trouble seeing this in the same category as the above. Maybe I'm wrong, wouldn't be the first time. So since Caitlyn Jenner identifies as a woman today she can go in the woman's bathroom; however, I read yesterday she was thinking of going back to Bruce so then she's a man again. So question if people can just go back and forth why have signs at all, why not just have a bathroom?

Big Skyz
05-13-2016, 01:18 PM
Chicken Dinner you couldn't be more wrong. Kids do care and some little a-hole just for the sake of being an a-hole will push this ruling to the limit. I guarantee it. I teach in a small school and I can think of at least a half a dozen kids that would pretend to identify will being female if it gave them a free pass to the girls locker room. The only thing this ruling requires is a request from the parents. Of those half dozen I mentioned, about half of their parents...or more realistically "parent" (as in singular) would agree to request it. I can't even imagine what a nightmare this will be in large schools with thousands of students. We only have 10 days of school left and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if one of our senior students decided to push the envelope on this ruling before school let out. They would do it just to twist a final knife before leaving. If you don't think teenagers can be that vindictive then you are completely out of touch with reality.

05-13-2016, 02:28 PM
I think the point CD was trying to make is not whether dumbass kids will use the rule for nefarious reasons, but that most kids around our parts don't really care if someone wants to go in their bathroom if that's where they feel more comfortable. I know my kids don't give a flip. It's the parents who are all butthurt about it.

Personally, I don't think federal or state goverment should be lifting a finger to do anything in any way about any of this.

05-13-2016, 02:32 PM
Bullshit is defined as something that is designed to make an impression, but actually was constructed with absolutely no concern for the truth.

This whole topic is 99.9% bullshit.


05-13-2016, 03:01 PM
What gets my panties in a wad is people getting their panties in a wad about it. That's a lot of wadded panties. Stop trying to make laws, stop being upset about it. Stop paying attention to it. It will go away as it should. .03% of the population doesn't get to wag the dog.

Or at least it shouldn't.

05-13-2016, 04:52 PM
This is totally unfair! Does this mean I get my 3 day detention back from when I was caught in the wimmin's locker room back in my High school days?
I should sue cause I was discriminated against in the early 70's

Chicken Dinner
05-13-2016, 05:09 PM
Sure, but first you've got to agree to have your pecker cut off.

05-13-2016, 05:32 PM
This is totally unfair! Does this mean I get my 3 day detention back from when I was caught in the wimmin's locker room back in my High school days?
I should sue cause I was discriminated against in the early 70's

Just tell them you were self-identifying as a female garden gnome. Pretty sure it will work.

Big Skyz
05-13-2016, 06:19 PM
Len you are right that most kids don't care about the bathroom, but the locker room is a whole nuther story.

05-13-2016, 06:34 PM
What if I self-identify as POTUS does that give me the right to go walk through the Whitehouse or use the bathrooms there? Wonder if all federal buildings in DC are taking down their men and women bathroom signs in the tourists areas?

05-13-2016, 07:01 PM
I just ordered a wig and a new dress...Get outta my way, I gotta take a shit in the walmart woman"s room!

05-13-2016, 08:56 PM
The history of this country is littered with examples of the Federal government forcing the states to do the right thing so be careful what you ask for. Should we go back to segregated schools? Poll taxes? No mixed marriages? There's plenty more. From my experience with kids today, they could care less. It's us grown ups who have the hang ups on these LBGT issues.

It pains me to say that your Bernie lovin' ass is right....
But ... I think you are mostly right

05-13-2016, 10:07 PM
It's completely different if they have gone through the surgery.

So if I dress like a woman and say I identify as one I can be in the bathroom, locker room, or dressing room with all of your wives and daughters.

05-13-2016, 10:50 PM
You might ask somebody in the 19 states where there its state law already.


Big Skyz
05-13-2016, 11:31 PM
I wonder what this little 8 year old girl would think of some of y'all's opinions. This happened just today as reported on the news.
Police in Chicago say a man choked an eight-year-old girl until she passed out in the bathroom of a restaurant.

According to WLS-TV, the girl was with her mother at a Jason's Deli restaurant in Chicago's South Loop when she went by herself to use the restroom on May 7.

Her mom reportedly heard a scream from the bathroom and ran in to find a man carrying her unconscious daughter into a stall.

Reese Hartstirn, 33, was subdued by others inside the eatery until police arrived.

The girl was hospitalized, but there's been no word on her condition.

Hartstirn, who's being held without bond, was charged with aggravated kidnapping of a child, aggravated battery of a child and battery causing bodily harm.

Police say he later tried to punch an officer during his booking.

05-14-2016, 05:46 AM
I wonder what this little 8 year old girl would think of some of y'all's opinions. This happened just today as reported on the news. Police in Chicago say a man choked an eight-year-old girl until she passed out in the bathroom of a restaurant. According to WLS-TV, the girl was with her mother at a Jason's Deli restaurant in Chicago's South Loop when she went by herself to use the restroom on May 7. Her mom reportedly heard a scream from the bathroom and ran in to find a man carrying her unconscious daughter into a stall. Reese Hartstirn, 33, was subdued by others inside the eatery until police arrived. The girl was hospitalized, but there's been no word on her condition. Hartstirn, who's being held without bond, was charged with aggravated kidnapping of a child, aggravated battery of a child and battery causing bodily harm. Police say he later tried to punch an officer during his booking.

Dude I know where you are coming from, and believe me that violence and acts against children, to me, should be worthy of the death penalty.
However, do you think a law about bathrooms would change what this sick fuck did?
That said, I hope he hangs hisself with his own shoe string in his jail cell.

05-14-2016, 07:31 AM
Yep, I'm with Arty on this one ... word for word. ANY jerk-off can walk into any restroom he wants to and commit a crime. The article above mentions NOTHING about the perp being trans-gendered or identifying in any way with what we're discussing here. I think it's much ado about nothing and I think everyone needs to take a step back and take a deep breath. I remember when they made concealed carry legal in Florida ... everyone swore up and down the streets were going to be like the Wild West and shoot-outs were going to be a daily occurrence. Will there be an asshole or three trying to push the limits? Maybe. Childish high school pranks? Maybe. Heck, I remember I received my first camera for Christmas when I was in the 4th grade and I sneaked into the girls bathroom with it on a field trip to Rock Springs. Mrs. Orr (my 4th grade teacher) confiscated my camera and told my mom what I'd done. It turned out my perverted plan wasn't such a hot idea. BUT ... look at me now ... I turned out just fine! :D

All joking aside (and the occurrence B/S mentioned, although unrelated IMHO, is no joking matter), I think too many people are getting their panties in a wad for no reason. As usual, we're automatically labeling trans-gendered (and TG "identified") people as sick perverts, rapists and/or child molesters.

Chicken Dinner
05-14-2016, 08:08 AM
BS, I'd be first in line to man the firing squad. Hell, I'd even supply my own cartridges. But, being a transvestite doesn't make you a pedophile even more than being gay or straight does. Being a sick in the head criminal makes you one.