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05-27-2016, 06:04 PM
Thanks to all who have served but especially to those who gave their all, I am forever grateful.

05-28-2016, 01:50 AM
Ths is my Uncle Bobby. 20 years in the Navy, served in the Korean War and Viet Nam War. He was a young buck in this picture. Every uncle of mine, five on my Mom's side and three of my Dad's brothers as well as my Dad served in the military.

I didn't stand a chance, lol. I'm proud of them all.

Funny story about Uncle Bob. My Mom's family name is Simkins. When Uncle Bob went into the Navy they misspelled his name and ever since, his name and his wife and kids and grands and great grands are Simpkins. Who knows why he never bothered to tell the military they mispelled it.



05-28-2016, 07:35 AM
Ha! Similar story P-hole. My ex-wife's Thai name is Salee (soft "a" on the Sa part, accent on the "lee"). Well, when got married, we went to get all her paperwork translated to prepare for her emigration/immigration, the "English speaking" Thai translator dude told her that in the US, her "American name" would be "Sally" (he pronounced it correctly). The problem is, he could say it, he just couldn't SPELL it! All of her paperwork has her name listed as "Saly" and to this day, her legal name is Saly K. ;)

Chicken Dinner
05-30-2016, 09:27 AM
On this Memorial Day, my thanks to all who served especially those who didn't come home.