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05-31-2016, 04:25 PM
In keeping with the subject of the day: (not really) ;) thought I was going to be involved in an "incident" today.. Friend of mine passed away (she was 85 and had a good life). I've known her for 50+ years - She actually worked for me for about 10 and I know all her kids. I was asked to be a pall bearer. Told them I would be honored and glad to do it. Got to the funeral and as they started staging the casket bearers, I started sweating a little. I'm 65 and in reasonably good shape .. (for a short, fat man). But, as they came - they got older, and more beat up. Next four through the door looked a little worse for wear. Finally, last one through the door was a grandson-in-law who's probably 45 and at least looks like he could pick up a bale of hay.

Got the casket loaded without incident, but it's a little country cemetery and most burials result in at least a hundred yard carry. I know the funeral director pretty well and I mentioned I hoped we had enough horsepower. I wasn't the only one concerned. He said, "Gene, that's an oak casket - weighs 400+ empty. I'm not sure you do." Oh, dandy.. Luckily, when we got ready to unload there was no one but the director, his helper and us. I said, "Boys - we got a load here. Anyone want one side or the other?" One guy with a bad shoulder, another with a bad hand. I put the grandson-i-l on the right front - I took the left rear.. The farther we walked the heavier my end got.. and pretty soon, I mean, it's getting heavy. :hopelessness: I'm betting Alan's end was heavy too. I'm also betting, had we been carrying pretty much anything else in the world - someone would have said.. "let's set it down".. That would have been embarrassing. ;) But - we made it and Pat got the last laugh.. She'd have thought working our butts like that was hilarious. ;) and.. bad enough to lose a friend, but she was one of my "pie connections".. Still made her own crusts.. with lard. ;) Godspeed Pat. :thumbsup

Big Muddy
05-31-2016, 05:30 PM
Good story, Hide, and fortunately, a good outcome. ;)

05-31-2016, 05:31 PM
haha great story HH...I've been a pallbearer quite a few times but that^ one beats anything...

Rip Pat...

05-31-2016, 05:35 PM
Sorry for your loss but glad to see your thinker still works and Pat made it to her final rest without being dropped.

05-31-2016, 05:41 PM
When a guy hits a certain age, pall bearer duty seems to come often. Too dang often.

Glad you got Pat to her final resting place without her or you getting hurt!

And sorry you lost your friend.


05-31-2016, 05:47 PM
Ha! Great story Hidey-Ho. I'm gonna be cremated so I won't make anyone suffer. If MY casket weighed 400 lbs, once you threw my lard ass in there, there wouldn't be enough handles on the thing for even the young bucks to lift it!

RIP Pat ... and congrats, you had the last laugh! ;)

05-31-2016, 07:36 PM
I've been the token young guy a couple of times. I know just what you mean. 0

quercus alba
05-31-2016, 08:46 PM
when you don't have any friends you never get asked to be a pall bearer or anything else.

works for me

05-31-2016, 08:59 PM
Been there many times myself.
Buried one of my buddies today. We went all through school together back when this area was still country and dirt roads. He will be missed
Glad y'all got Pat to her resting place without dropping her. I'm sure you will miss her pies!
Seems the older we get the more those things matter.

05-31-2016, 10:06 PM
when you don't have any friends you never get asked to be a pall bearer or anything else. works for me

Well, ya' need at least 6 friends ... to be pall bearers for YOU! ;)

quercus alba
06-01-2016, 08:56 AM
I want to be cremated but my boys they won't do it. I'll be dead so I won't have any say in the matter. They can hire somebody. I don't have six people close enough to ask for something like that