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06-01-2016, 09:24 AM
Trump pretty well bashed the media, like any politician does when they get semi-caught out on something. And the media on both sides, both left and right, took great exception to it. It's their job, they say, to fact check these politicians to make sure they are telling the truth about shit.

And yet, all of these media outlets have their old retired military officers that they trot out to give 'expert' opinions on military matters. Right now, they're all talking about Falluja. Lots of times its security matters and they'll have some old retired fucker who was some drone in the bowels of some administrative building when he was working. The thing is, nobody ever fact checks these guys later on how their predictions came out. Who's vetting the people who are doing all the talking?

And now that iraq is about to take over the second to last ISIS stronghold n Iraq with the last one also about to fall, where are all those fuckers who said they could never do it without 'US boots on the ground"? Why doesn't anyone call out these politicians who called the president a 'feckless coward' for not committing the US military to another ground war in the middle east. Where's Marco Rubio with his "ISIS is the greatest threat to the United States in a century'?

Is it the twenty four hour news cycle that causes us to have such short memories?

These fuckers have zero credibility with me. And by these fuckers, I mean all of these fuckers.

And that is all For my weekly rant. Or monthly or annual, I don't know.

Gotta go build a far, throw a gigantuan brisket that had to come from a brontosaurus on at 225 and get that baby all smoked up for a family reunion this weekend. Yeah, its early and I'm gonna have to figure out how to keep it fresh until Saturday but I'm fishing tomorrow and Friday and I don't have time for smokin meat then!

Grouchy McGroucherson


06-01-2016, 09:46 AM

Chicken Dinner
06-01-2016, 10:46 AM
Let me know how that brisket turns out and what your secret is. I have a love hate relationship with that cut of meat. Sometimes it's the best thing I ever ate and other times it's "meh". It's so expensive in these parts in hate to risk it.

06-01-2016, 11:08 AM
I can't believe how expensive it's gotten here. I paid 3.98 a pound for this 14.27 pound untrimmed beauty. Its 5.27 or so a pound for trimmed briskets. I cook them untrimmed and then trim the fat off. I think the fat side protects the meat and makes it more tender. I smoke it fat side down. This one I got today is so big I had to jerry rig an extra rack on my egg because it hangs too far over the pizza stone I use for a plate setter. So a few bricks and an old weber grill I saved for who knows what reason and its done. I save as many drippings as I can, and after smoking it low and slow for about eight hours I'll let it rest, pour the juices in a pan with it, cover it real tight and then finish it in the oven just like ribs for a few hours. A slow cooker works even better if you have one that'll it fit in. I use two rubs on brisket and smother it thick with both.
Seems to work out fine.
Smoked baloney though is still my favorite smoked meat. Somebody likely snuck into my ancestral woodpile somewhere along the line.

Here's some pics of today's project.




06-01-2016, 11:09 AM



06-01-2016, 11:10 AM
Amen on your old fucker moral rant.

Also, I almost bought a huge brontosaurus brisket yesterday but went with two pig butts instead. Because brisket has defeated me more than once. I've gotten a couple decent ones but nothing has worked consistently.

06-01-2016, 11:13 AM
Dewlap is a challenge for the young and inexperienced.


Chicken Dinner
06-01-2016, 11:21 AM
Dang, I'm hungry now! I think your trick of finishing it tented in the oven with the juices is probably the trick for consistency. I may have to try that next time. I totally agree on the fat side down for the brisket as well. (Up for the butt.) And, I wish I could find those prices around here.

06-01-2016, 04:40 PM
Cool stuff Barry...like the rest of you brisket has not been kind to me/ always tough.

06-05-2016, 05:10 PM
The brisket was a hit. They ate every morsel of it. And then started in on he baloney. They put a hurt on it too.