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Chicken Dinner
06-10-2016, 09:17 AM
"Donald Trump is a loud, nasty, thin-skinned fraud who has never risked anything for anyone and serves nobody but himself." According to MA Senator, Elizabeth Warren.

In response Trump Tweeted, "Pocahontas is at it again! Goofy Elizabeth Warren, one of the least productive U.S. Senators, has a nasty mouth. Hope she is V.P. choice."

I'm not trying to start a Clinton/Trump debate as I find them both repugnant. I just think it's pretty clear that the Dems have figured out that the mistake the Reps made in the primary was not calling a spade a spade early enough. I've got a feeling that the ugliness from both sides is going to reach new highs/lows. It should be fun to watch in a slowdown to look at a car wreck sort of way.

06-10-2016, 09:33 AM
Started? This shit has been going on in American politics at this level since Karl Rove became a Repubican strategist. Donald is just following the Rove strategy of creating as much paranoia and fear and slandering opponents with lies and they've figured out nobody fact checks anything. Facebook and other social media just repeats the lies. Including here. Its easy to get duped into repeating that stuff because as my old boss used to say "Its hard to sift the pepper from the fly shit".

Now everyone on both sides us Rove tactics in politics, which is a big part of the reason the nastiness levels have reached so high. Read up on Rove's tactics in the Texas governors race some time. And read up on what he did in South Carolina to
John McCain in the presidential primaries against Bush II. It will sound awfully familiar to The Donald's game plan.


Chicken Dinner
06-10-2016, 09:45 AM
You don't really think Karl Rove invented these tactics or that it's a Republican phenomenon do you? He was just egotistical enough to either admit it and/or try to take credit for it.

06-10-2016, 10:11 AM
Look at the 1828 Presidential election. That is the one that started it all. It's been around a long time. It's just that there is more media or so called media to repeat it now.

06-10-2016, 10:35 AM
Sorry, that Pocahontas line is hilarious :)

I could totally rock the job of insult writer for these assclown politicians.

06-10-2016, 10:46 AM
You don't really think Karl Rove invented these tactics or that it's a Republican phenomenon do you? He was just egotistical enough to either admit it and/or try to take credit for it.

Rove didn't invent them but he took them to new levels.


Chicken Dinner
06-10-2016, 11:14 AM
Sorry, that Pocahontas line is hilarious :) I could totally rock the job of insult writer for these assclown politicians.

I'm already seeing "Fauxcahantas" and "Lieawatha" substituted for Pocahontas. The internet really does tread a line between brilliantly funny and the lowest common denominator.

06-10-2016, 12:51 PM
already reused this one "Its hard to sift the pepper from the fly shit" I like it