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View Full Version : Any gardeners out there?

quercus alba
06-21-2016, 03:47 PM

My gardener hard at work. And no, the airplane wreck
In the background is not mine.


My front yard, the yard man is a sorry ba stage, I'd get rid of him but nobody else will work for free

06-21-2016, 03:51 PM

My front yard, the yard man is a sorry ba stage, I'd get rid of him but nobody else will work for free

Your garden looks good bro!.......them tomatters look good/

Chicken Dinner
06-21-2016, 03:53 PM
Looking good and a lot further along than mine.

06-21-2016, 03:55 PM
Here's my veggie garden! :D


quercus alba
06-21-2016, 04:03 PM
My wife is the gardener. I do the heavy lifting but she loves working in her garden. So far we've eaten onions, beets, green beans, lettuce, snow peas, and squash. The tomatoes never make it to the red stage, we have fried green tomatoes two or three times a week. Getting a ton of cucumbers too. Okra and butternut squash are coming along soon.

Yardlong green beans in the background

06-21-2016, 04:04 PM
lmfao Thump^.......yep/ my maters aint ready yet....almost though..

Big Muddy
06-21-2016, 06:26 PM
The only garden I have every year is this sweet corn patch....20 rows and each row is 50 ft. long....we eat and save about 10% for ourselves....then, give away the remainder to the widows and other needy folks in our little rural community.


06-21-2016, 06:59 PM
I can eat about five roastnears at a sitting.

I've not seen that variety of green beans. That's a long bean! They'd wear you out just snapping them!

06-21-2016, 08:08 PM
I'm with you Posthole. I can messup some roastnears!!!!
But I'm more along the line with Thumper, only instead of a grocery store, SC is FULL of roadside produce stands. Great fresh veggies from berries to watermelons, And of course the mana from Heaven boiled peanuts.

06-21-2016, 08:43 PM
We have 4 tomato plants.. 2 cherries, a grape and one "early Girl" someone gave me.. I live on 120 acres of blow sand and it just ain't worth it. ;)

06-21-2016, 09:02 PM
"Blow sand" I'm not familiar with that.
In SC we have a section of the state we call "sugar sand". It's real white and won't grow crap... Wonder if it's similar to that. We have never purchased any land in sugar sand areas. My Dad always says you would have to fertilize it to make a brick...

06-21-2016, 09:02 PM
Not often I get hungry from looking at a garden but that definitely did it! Nice job wifey!

06-21-2016, 09:09 PM
Fine lookin garden spot you got there!

And fried green tomatoes! Lawd' I love'em.

Tip: throw a couple of fried green tomatoes on some toast with bacon and some pimento cheese and some lettuce.

Basically a fried green BLT with pimento cheese.

Heaven in yo mouf!

06-21-2016, 09:11 PM
Now that sounds like something I need to try. I ought to have a mess of green tomatoes perfect for frying when
i get home.

Give me a cold beer, a tub of pimento cheese and a tube of Ritz crackers and you won't hear me say a word for about ten minutes.


06-21-2016, 09:21 PM
And fried green tomatoes! Lawd' I love'em.

Tip: throw a couple of fried green tomatoes on some toast with bacon and some pimento cheese and some lettuce.

Basically a fried green BLT with pimento cheese.

Heaven in yo mouf!

Keyword=Bacon!!!...........That^ sounds good though Arty........

06-21-2016, 09:59 PM
Fried green tomatoes are great and so are green tomato pickles. But I cannot stand a red ripe tomato!

06-22-2016, 03:27 PM
The area I live in was river bottom back in the glacier days when the rivers ran bluff to bluff. Today it is mostly wetlands and sandbars. I have about five acres of frog-shit (ever heard of that one. ;) ) in the back that will raise 200+ bushel corn anytime, if you can get it mudded in. Most of the rest of it is "sandy loam" (more emphasis on sand).. It will grow stuff to beat hell if you can keep water to it. "Blow sand" comes from back in the pre-"minimum till" days when all the neighbors swapped farms every time the wind blew over 25. We have sugar sand "under" this place.

06-22-2016, 08:26 PM
I guess all the "blow sand" done blew away in SC and left the sugar sand exposed.